I voted for Trump and so did most of my family


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I voted for Trump and so has most of my family. My liberal sister told me she is writing in the name of Bernie Sanders, because Hillary is "crazy." We're here in Nevada, so these votes are important since Nevada is a swing state.

If you vote for Hillary, you're voting for four more years of the same: a stagnant economy, the failed Obamacare program, and a foreign policy that makes no damn sense and is killing our soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines for no damn reason, and all the rest.
Somebody I know answered a question "Why are you voting for Trump":

Donald Trump was not my first choice for president, in fact he was not my second, third or fourth. He is a dumpster fire that’s some fear will set everything else a blaze. This country is ass-backwards and I believe it’s going to take something or someone extraordinary to right it. I would rather share a cell with Charley Manson than vote for Hillary Clinton. The only thing that will change if she wins is an increase in her speaking fees. Here are a few things that Hillary will not fix and only make worse.

1. Political Correctness. You can’t say Merry Christmas, white lives matter, Obama’s wrong or express a political opinion that is not supported by the left. Freedom of speech is an endangered concept in this country. It will only get worse under Hillary.
2. Everything white (white privilege) is bad in some circles because some minorities have not been able to compete. They don’t mention that many whites cannot compete either. This is not a matter of color it is a matter of ambition and a wiliness to take responsibility for oneself. This will not change under Hillary because she loves VICTIMS, they vote for her.
3. Government knows best. Us common folk need government to tell us how to live ours lives and how the government should spread the wealth around (our money). Who knows better than Hillary, just ask the guys in Benghazi, silly rabbits wanted more security.
4. It takes a village to raise a child. Sure if you want a really screwed up kid that doesn’t know which bathroom to use.
5. A Supreme Court appointed by Clinton will rubber stamp her every move. From everything to bring in thousands of Syrian refugees (check out Germany right now) to blaming the police for every social ill created by her leftist’s government. Police Officers will have hell to pay under a Clinton Kingdom.

I could go on but most of you are tired of me already. I’m voting for Trump because Hillary is not an option and it will take someone bold (and maybe a little crazy) to get things back on track. And if you believe that two people (Clintons) working in government their whole lives can earn 150 million dollars without being crooks then you’re too stupid to vote.
A vote for Hillary is a vote for war without end.
I voted for Trump and so has most of my family. My liberal sister told me she is writing in the name of Bernie Sanders, because Hillary is "crazy." We're here in Nevada, so these votes are important since Nevada is a swing state.

If you vote for Hillary, you're voting for four more years of the same: a stagnant economy, the failed Obamacare program, and a foreign policy that makes no damn sense and is killing our soldiers/sailors/airmen/marines for no damn reason, and all the rest.

You chose a true Christian. Congratulations.
I voted for Trump and so did most of my family

Congratulations on continuing to be part of the problem.
Who you voting for?

I already voted for Johnson
Is electing a borderline retard any worse? I mean, really...
I mean, it would show a big "fuck you" to the Establishment but electing Trump did too. Seems like it form their actions anyways..

As long as all you're prepared to do is vote, you're the one who's fucked son, they got all that covered. Watch.

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