I Voted Republican!

No one has to vote for the Republican party or the Democratic party we make a choice to do so we can also choose not to.
What a sad world we live in when I have to vote republican. Especially when I am poor. But there are even poorer people in the world who want to come here and share in what little I get. Which eventually means my getting even less. But I am willing to throw myself on the bonfire to help keep that from happening. Though I only voted republican for the senate seats. For the rest, in the absence of a National Socialist to vote for, I voted for the green party.

The reason I voted for republicans in the major offices is that Obama said that he wanted to wait until after the election do do an executive order thing about illegal immigration and make it easier for illegal invaders to come here. To have done so before the election could have brought out more people to vote against their party who don't want to be part of Mexico. It would make me so happy if somebody assassinated that piece of shit. Not that it would do a lot of good. Because he is as much of a puppet for the rich as republicans are.

if you're stupid enough to vote against your economic self-interest, i'd say you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.
First of all he is lying. Second you think voting your own self interest is voting for more welfare. Having to survive on a government handout doesn't really jive with a country of opportunity now does it?

voting against your self-interest is NOT voting for WELFARE (nice rightwingnut talking pointt, btw). it is voting for trickle down voodoo economic theories which are a fraud and have always been a fraud. voting for politics that destroy our air, water and environment are voting against your self-interest. voting for outsourcing of jobs and driving down wages to satisfy the corporatists is voting against your self-interest. voting for a party that appoints justices who destroy the line between church and state and who are insane enough to think corporations are people is voting against your self interest.

but nice saying it's about "welfare". you've been well-trained. sheeple. now have a cookie.
I usually always vote Republican, except for local elections! I'm not stupid! :biggrin::biggrin:
What a sad world we live in when I have to vote republican. Especially when I am poor. But there are even poorer people in the world who want to come here and share in what little I get. Which eventually means my getting even less. But I am willing to throw myself on the bonfire to help keep that from happening. Though I only voted republican for the senate seats. For the rest, in the absence of a National Socialist to vote for, I voted for the green party.

The reason I voted for republicans in the major offices is that Obama said that he wanted to wait until after the election do do an executive order thing about illegal immigration and make it easier for illegal invaders to come here. To have done so before the election could have brought out more people to vote against their party who don't want to be part of Mexico. It would make me so happy if somebody assassinated that piece of shit. Not that it would do a lot of good. Because he is as much of a puppet for the rich as republicans are.

if you're stupid enough to vote against your economic self-interest, i'd say you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.
First of all he is lying. Second you think voting your own self interest is voting for more welfare. Having to survive on a government handout doesn't really jive with a country of opportunity now does it?

voting against your self-interest is NOT voting for WELFARE (nice rightwingnut talking pointt, btw). it is voting for trickle down voodoo economic theories which are a fraud and have always been a fraud. voting for politics that destroy our air, water and environment are voting against your self-interest. voting for outsourcing of jobs and driving down wages to satisfy the corporatists is voting against your self-interest. voting for a party that appoints justices who destroy the line between church and state and who are insane enough to think corporations are people is voting against your self interest.

but nice saying it's about "welfare". you've been well-trained. sheeple. now have a cookie.
You're not telling me anything that I don't already know very well. But if voting for all those bad things means keeping some sort of border between the U.S. and Mexico, then that's what I will do and have done. That is as far as the senatorial races went. Also, I already told somebody else around here that I was probably just being played for a sap by voting republican. But there's nothing else I could have done. So that doesn't make me a sheeple.
I usually always vote Republican, except for local elections! I'm not stupid! :biggrin::biggrin:
The very best thing would be to vote National Socialist. There are more reasons why than you could shake a stick at. But if you would care to see some of the reasons, I invite you to read my thread, "Why Vote National Socialist. (nazi party)"

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