I Want A Constitutional Amendment On Congressional Salaries

Well, the suggestion was that they be paid minimum wage.

That's fucking retarded.

Someone performing a job of great responsibility needs to be compensated for performing that job. Don't like it? Run for office, win, and every year give back to the government everything you earned beyond minimum wage. You wouldn't do that job for minimum wage, why should they?

A United States Senator makes less than $200K a year. You're wanting someone who represents say, in the case of Texas, almost 30,000,000 people to make how much? $50K a year? Minimum wage? That's ridiculous.

How much would they have to pay you to be a Congressman or Senator?
$20,000. And maybe a per diem. Say, lodging and precious few other expenses.
Obviously you prefer the corrupt, lying, violent, psychopathic tax dollar money laundering asswipes that are in office.

Their government benefits would outweigh any and all high dollar wages they would make during their HONEST careers in office.

Well, it's pretty clear that you harbor a very deep disdain for our elected representatives, so that nullifies any chance of you actually offering up a reasonable, intelligent conversation.. if you think they're overpaid that's fine. But saying they're overpaid because they're playing Angry Birds is stupid...

Just like self-entitled, tantrum throwing toddlers.........politicians need to be restricted and heavily controlled.
If they are going to lie, then they need to be punished.

You assume that every person seeking to go to Washington is lazy and corrupt. I reject such assertions completely and without consideration...

These are not typical "jobs", these are positions of power that are supposed to be for the BENEFIT of the country, not the cause of its DESTRUCTION!

Which is exactly why you don't want them being paid fry cook wages...


Agreed. How well do you think they're going to want to "serve the people" if "the people" don't want to pay them?

A tight rein on them is what is needed. If they don't like it, they can go flip burgers for a living.

I agree that there should be ethical standards they should adhere to, and there should be penalties for willfully acting outside those standards. But your recommendations are stupid rants and little more...
True dat.

No one forces them to seek positions that pay $176,000. And no one would force them to seek those same positions if they paid $20,000.

And people would still seek them.

Depends what you want from your Congressmen
You only want those who don’t need the money
The filthy rich

And you're a retard.

You want the people who run the country to live in poverty. I guess I'm not surprised that you can't understand how monumentally fucked up that is, but your failure to see that doesn't mean it's not monumentally fucked up...
And you're a retard.

You want the people who run the country to live in poverty. I guess I'm not surprised that you can't understand how monumentally fucked up that is, but your failure to see that doesn't mean it's not monumentally fucked up...
Ha ha ha! You think they would live in poverty! Ha ha. That's rich.

If the job pays too modestly for them, they wouldn't have to take it now, would they.

What's so hard to understand about that? Are you retarded, maybe?
Ha ha ha! You think they would live in poverty! Ha ha. That's rich.

You don't think they would?

Why not?

If the job pays too modestly for them, they wouldn't have to take it now, would they.

No, but someone would. The job would still need to be done. If no one is going to do it for $20K, then you'd have to pony up with more...

What's so hard to understand about that? Are you retarded, maybe?

The retard here is you. You're making that extraordinarily clear...
We have something called a Supreme Court if Congress does not follow the Constitution

Why don’t you give it a try?
SCOTUS ruled in the Dred Scott Decision.

Should they have been the last word on the issue, since we know this ruling to be completely flawed and unconstitutinal?

Thomas Jefferson was one of the Founding Fathers that disagreed vehemently regarding SCOTUS being the last word on what is Constitutional and what is not, but he lost that debate even though the Constitution did not give it to them

Had it not been for the Civil War, the Dred Scott Decision would still haunt us today.
Back in the day, before the Civil War, women didn't shave their armpits or trim up their tingly parts. Congressmen would shit in a shed that had a hole in the floor. They rode horses for days to where they wanted to go and owned slaves.

Times change, Chief. Get on board with that...
Oh, and back before then, Democrats had slaves because they thought they were too stupid to be citizens. It is people like you who want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shithole.
Congress declares war.

You want someone who makes minimum wage to be in a position to declare war on someone?

That's fucking retarded...
Why, are those in Congress so much better than your sorry ass? I though in the United States that everyone is supposed to be equal, you know "EQUITY". Only retards i know keep voting Democrats.
That would be monumentally stupid.

You have to consider the scope of the job. You have to look at the responsibilities they assume when they accept the job. Do you really want the guy who gets to vote to declare war on another country getting paid$13 an hour?

Blind trusts would work in this instance...


This doesn't really make any sense...

Would you be willing to accept those conditions for your job? No, of course not. And you would say you shouldn't because you're not responsible for running the country.

Which would bring us back to the point about minimum wage...

So you said, although there doesn't seem to be any viable reason for it...

More explanation is required here.

You seem to always want to be poised to punish someone for taking the job. That just seems odd to me. You punish them by voting them out of office.

I want them to be well-paid. The mere suggestion of minimum wage is retarded. They have a responsibility that most people would never want to accept. They should be dealt with and paid accordingly...

Wow, you mean a conservative came up with a monumentally stupid idea? What were the odds? About 1 in 1?

These are the same folks who think that politics isn't a profession and that the local barber is just as qualified as a tenured political scientist to hold public office. Its puzzling that these people exist but there they are....
Oh, and back before then, Democrats had slaves because they thought they were too stupid to be citizens. It is people like you who want to fundamentally transform this country into a 3rd world shithole.

You really are a retard.

I want our lawmakers to be well-compensated because the responsibilities of their job warrant it. You want them to live below the poverty line.

If anyone wants to turn this country into a third world shithole, it's the guy who wants to immediately put 535 Americans on welfare.

Why, are those in Congress so much better than your sorry ass? I though in the United States that everyone is supposed to be equal, you know "EQUITY". Only retards i know keep voting Democrats.

No, they're not "better" than anyone.

Their job, though what we expect them to do, though, is far more impactful to our country than anything you or I are ever likely to do. And you think that deserves to be rewarded by making them live below the poverty line.

Fuckin' retard you are...
If anyone wants to turn this country into a third world shithole, it's the guy who wants to immediately put 535 Americans on welfare.

He doesn’t want them on welfare but he only wants to elect those wealthy enough not to care about what the pay is

Unlike the mythology, most members of Congress are not incredibly wealthy. They also must maintain two residences in DC and their home district.

DC is incredibly expensive to live in

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