I Want to Cancel Black History Month

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
In a couple days it will be February, a month of transition from winter to spring (at least, it is here in the southeast). The month starts out cold, and then ends with devil pollen in the air. It is not a great month. It is not a bad month. It is just sort of meh. Nobody looks forward to February. If you love winter, February is sort of sad because you know winter is ending. It is like Sunday. If you love spring, then February is just in the way (like your girlfriend's husband). There is just nothing special about the month of February.

Thus, if we HAVE to have a black history month, then February is probably the right month to have it. But I am questioning whether we need to even have this month. There is already MLK day in January for celebrating the Black Jesus of civil rights and whore mongering. There is Juneteenth, to celebrate freeing the slaves. Nobody know when it actually happened, so they just sort of use the whole month, and then reduce it to one day in that month. Why not just celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation? Well, because when you are dealing with American blacks it has to be as convoluted as possible. Also, there is Kwanza, which is a holiday created by the CIA and a criminal to .... uh... well, who fucking knows? It is not a real commemoration of anything except maybe African tribalism, which makes it contra American society.

Black history in America is in a constant state of flux. There is what it is, in fact (they were rounded up and sold into slavery, the white man set them free and gave them equality and a lot of free shit, and now that the blacks have squandered everything, they have concocted the phony need for more free shit due to slavery 🤪 - you know, if it worked once, then why not try again?). Then, there is the made up shit, like Black Jesus in the Middle East and institutional racism). To complicate things the blacks are being constantly used and manipulated by leftists for political purposes, thereby distorting their identity and alienating them from the rest of the country.

I am just going to be blunt here. Call it racist if you like. I don't care. BLACK AMERICA IS A FUCKING MESS. The tragedy is that it does not have to be this way, and America would be so much better off if it was not this way. But to be better, blacks needs to make some big changes to their culture. They need to assimilate and get over their stupid obsession with slavery. Whites need to give them a chance to change. By all rights, whites and assimilated blacks are fed up with divisive race rhetoric. But we are more than willing to welcome blacks into real America culture, and away from the tribalism bullshit, if we see that they are truly willing to embrace the nation. We WANT you to assimilate and join us. Democrats are fucking you over, and have been for decades. Why the fuck do you think things are staying bad for you? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL LIVING ON THE DEMOCRAT PLANTATION!

"Black History Month", which sounds good in theory, is just another subversive and evil means of racial division that keep YOU, American blacks, separated from success and prosperity. Thus, we need to get rid of hit. Your history is American's history. You only need a separate history if you are going to remain separate; i.e., separatists. Thus, you need to wise up and embrace America. Otherwise, you will witness the nation's downfall. And mark my fucking words, when totalitarianism reigns, you will be low man on the totem pole. It may even be worse than the slaving days ahead for you if America fails. And that is not a threat from white America. The fact is that most of the world looks down on negroes. Name me ONE country outside of sub-suharan Africa that values the black man as an entity. The fact is, white America is the only ones that love you and want to help you. So wise up!
In a couple days it will be February, a month of transition from winter to spring (at least, it is here in the southeast). The month starts out cold, and then ends with devil pollen in the air. It is not a great month. It is not a bad month. It is just sort of meh. Nobody looks forward to February. If you love winter, February is sort of sad because you know winter is ending. It is like Sunday. If you love spring, then February is just in the way (like your girlfriend's husband). There is just nothing special about the month of February.

Thus, if we HAVE to have a black history month, then February is probably the right month to have it. But I am questioning whether we need to even have this month. There is already MLK day in January for celebrating the Black Jesus of civil rights and whore mongering. There is Juneteenth, to celebrate freeing the slaves. Nobody know when it actually happened, so they just sort of use the whole month, and then reduce it to one day in that month. Why not just celebrate the Emancipation Proclamation? Well, because when you are dealing with American blacks it has to be as convoluted as possible. Also, there is Kwanza, which is a holiday created by the CIA and a criminal to .... uh... well, who fucking knows? It is not a real commemoration of anything except maybe African tribalism, which makes it contra American society.

Black history in America is in a constant state of flux. There is what it is, in fact (they were rounded up and sold into slavery, the white man set them free and gave them equality and a lot of free shit, and now that the blacks have squandered everything, they have concocted the phony need for more free shit due to slavery 🤪 - you know, if it worked once, then why not try again?). Then, there is the made up shit, like Black Jesus in the Middle East and institutional racism). To complicate things the blacks are being constantly used and manipulated by leftists for political purposes, thereby distorting their identity and alienating them from the rest of the country.

I am just going to be blunt here. Call it racist if you like. I don't care. BLACK AMERICA IS A FUCKING MESS. The tragedy is that it does not have to be this way, and America would be so much better off if it was not this way. But to be better, blacks needs to make some big changes to their culture. They need to assimilate and get over their stupid obsession with slavery. Whites need to give them a chance to change. By all rights, whites and assimilated blacks are fed up with divisive race rhetoric. But we are more than willing to welcome blacks into real America culture, and away from the tribalism bullshit, if we see that they are truly willing to embrace the nation. We WANT you to assimilate and join us. Democrats are fucking you over, and have been for decades. Why the fuck do you think things are staying bad for you? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE STILL LIVING ON THE DEMOCRAT PLANTATION!

"Black History Month", which sounds good in theory, is just another subversive and evil means of racial division that keep YOU, American blacks, separated from success and prosperity. Thus, we need to get rid of hit. Your history is American's history. You only need a separate history if you are going to remain separate; i.e., separatists. Thus, you need to wise up and embrace America. Otherwise, you will witness the nation's downfall. And mark my fucking words, when totalitarianism reigns, you will be low man on the totem pole. It may even be worse than the slaving days ahead for you if America fails. And that is not a threat from white America. The fact is that most of the world looks down on negroes. Name me ONE country outside of sub-suharan Africa that values the black man as an entity. The fact is, white America is the only ones that love you and want to help you. So wise up!
Same conservative/republicans who claim they gave us civil rights.
I have never had a hard time ignoring it.

I suppose it's how bed wetters distract attention from the modern results of their racial agenda.

They gotta cope and obfuscate somehow.
But of course OP! Of course you do.

I could set racial shit straight in this nation once and for all if given the power to do it right. I would be bigger than MLK, Obama, and Jimmy JJ Walker, all rolled up into one!

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