I warned almost 4 years ago, that under the Vice President of Obama, that there would be more shootings each year. I am not wrong.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
This has been the plan of the left since Eric Holder released 100s of fully automatic weapons to be purchased by Mexican Drug Cartels who ended up murdering 10s of thousand of Mexican Citizens. So we keep seeing how mentally ill people are allowed to get access to guns, because our DOJ is allowing it to happen, so eventually, the very low IQ voter will plead to the government to save them from all those gun toting criminals, who end up getting caught and then released by the DOJ so they can do it again. People dying isnt a big deal to the left, because for every one person that is killed is one less person that uses up what is rightfully the lefts. If the left really cared, they would elimate the criminals so they could never harm another person.

Many of the school shootings during Obama's reign were staged events, inside jobs, whose purpose was to advance his gun control agenda.

San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Parkland, Pulse and probably a few more.

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