This guy has guns all around him, ready to shoot, all fully automatic, yet he "the 1/2 White Messiah" wants everyone to be helpless. Obama lectures US

No. I didn't know that. Are you trying to say they were Racist F#cks similar to yourself but for their side, so being a Racist F#ck is a wholesome way to be, to be expected and welcomed in America?
I still disagree and avoid Racist F#cks whenever I can, thinking they should be shunned and publicly pointed out a lessor human beings, much less Americans.
can you even define racist? is it just someone you don't agree with?
The danger with that is the tendency for Leftists to point a finger at ANYONE who disagrees with them on ANY ISSUE and accuse them of being a Racist. That is the fundamental tool of division the Democrats are using on the American people.
That's why they conveniently select their henchman based on whatever minority or special interest group they belong to, instead.of on credentials, abilities and accomplishments. So if they get called out on their bullshit all they have to do is retort "Racist!/Sexist!/Bigot!" and it's Game-Over.
Just skip the racial part, altogether. Calling somebody Marxist is just what the political wag tongues do to anybody they don't like, whether they know what the "Marxist" means or not. It has been overused in political talk until it is damn near meaningless, just something to say to piss somebody off, that is easily pissed off.
Kind of like "white supremacist" wouldn't you say?
Bwaaahahaaaa......Did you know before the George Zimmerman self defense against the thug Trayvon Martin, that there were only Whites, Blacks, Orientals and Hispanics? But when the Lame Stream Media found out that the white guy George had a Hispanic Mother, they couldnt use the race card because he was 1/2 Latino. So they came up with the bullshit, White Hispanic so if that is the new moniker, then the brown turd Obammy is a white african american, or 1/2 white.

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As opposed to The Conservative Playbook?

1) Make up "facts" that support your positions.
2) When your "facts" are called out, double down on lies to drown out the opposition.
3) If all else fails, revert and hide in baseless conspiracy theories and demand the opposition prove you wrong.
‘This guy has guns all around him, ready to shoot, all fully automatic, yet he "the 1/2 White Messiah" wants everyone to be helpless. Obama lectures US’

Yes, most conservatives are truly this wrong, reprehensible, and racist.
can you even define racist? is it just someone you don't agree with?
This definition will do:

racist adjective​

rac·ist ˈrā-sist





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Bwaaahahaaaa......Did you know before the George Zimmerman self defense against the thug Trayvon Martin, that there were only Whites, Blacks, Orientals and Hispanics? But when the Lame Stream Media found out that the white guy George had a Hispanic Mother, they couldnt use the race card because he was 1/2 Latino. So they came up with the bullshit, White Hispanic so if that is the new moniker, then the brown turd Obammy is a white african american, or 1/2 white.

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The thread premise is a lie.

President Obama does not want everyone to be ‘helpless.’

Guns will neither be ‘banned’ nor ‘confiscated.’
No. I didn't know that. Are you trying to say they were Racist F#cks similar to yourself but for their side, so being a Racist F#ck is a wholesome way to be, to be expected and welcomed in America?
I still disagree and avoid Racist F#cks whenever I can, thinking they should be shunned and publicly pointed out a lessor human beings, much less Americans.
Bwaaahhhaaaaa...Racist fuck like myself? You are too fucking funny there Whitie 6.

My daughter in law is Hispanic, thus my two grandkids are White Hispanics , Got that? Not full Hispanic like it use to be. And my best friend is a MAGA guy, who hates the brown turd as much as i do.

Is he the new black face of White Supremacy?
We drink to the stupidity of the Marxists and what they have done to this country....
Cameron Diaz, Andy Garcia and others have always been white Hispanics.
Bullshit, they identify as Hispanics.

Cameron Diaz Ethnicity, Race and Nationality
But, it is not clear that whether the claimed true or false. Now, we will discuss about Diaz ethnicity in detail. At an interview, Cameron Diaz claimed her self as Latin and she said that her Latin roots are very strong.
You fuckers lie all the time, then wonder why no one ever believes you.
Just skip the racial part, altogether. Calling somebody Marxist is just what the political wag tongues do to anybody they don't like, whether they know what the "Marxist" means or not. It has been overused in political talk until it is damn near meaningless, just something to say to piss somebody off, that is easily pissed off.
Like calling some one RACIST? Is Joe Biden a racist for calling black children "ROACHES" yes or no?
Stop this from being a post about 1/2 white or 1/2 latino, it is about the Fudge Packer Obammy having guys with automatic machine guns telling US that we arent allowed to defend ourselves. Maybe he is correct about Whitie 6 there, he should walk around without any defense. Try going to Shitcago(Where Obammy from from) or Washington DC(Where Obammy is living now) and see what happens at night. Thanks to Marxists policies of destroying this country from within....
can you even define racist? is it just someone you don't agree with?
Racism is a mere (and weak) social construct first coined in the US by a US General to describe the plight of Native Americans in 1902.....It means absolutely nothing.

If you don't like a particular ethnicity (say blacks) then I would say you are anti-black and not a racist as there is only one race....The human race.....You are simply anti-black.

Just because people have been conditioned to accept the catch-all word racist makes them look foolish.


Brigadier General Richard Henry Pratt was the first person the Oxford English Dictionary records using the word "racism," in a speech decrying it.....That said even he missed the meaning by failing to reconize that there is only one race.


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