I was always leery of hydrochloroquine

I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

I am a statistics dudess, so I say "what do you make of the hypothetical millions who didn't die"
That proves nothing and suggests that there is a link (genetic, other foods, prior disease) that can make the drug very effective OR disastrous. My father almost died of sulfa drugs but nobody would say 'get rid of sulfa drugs'
I am a statistics dudess, so I say "what do you make of the hypothetical millions who didn't die"
That proves nothing and suggests that there is a link (genetic, other foods, prior disease) that can make the drug very effective OR disastrous. My father almost died of sulfa drugs but nobody would say 'get rid of sulfa drugs'
Top statisticians have shown that deep results analysis demonstrates that the big manufacturers worked together and constructed sophisticated test models where different dosages were used with a control or placebo in place-- saline injection .
That explains differences in results measured by vial numbers and geography etc .
Top class cunning and treachery .
Edward Dowd , from memory , is the the best known analyst and MSM tried to totally to ignore his brilliant work .

It's a step too far for Normies and the Sheeple ( a mountain actually )because they cannot yet even see that the virus was a bio weapon and the shots were poison .
They think that it is all some lunatic Conspiracy theory .
I have reached the stage where I just smile sweetly and have no sympathy for their near guaranteed future problems over the next three years particularly -- those that had the heavier doses .

Hydrochloroquine's chief operational effect is simple and effective. It has been , in it's many forms, been used successfully for well over a century lowering bodily PH to alkaline levels antigens can not survive , but us hosts can

Otto Warburg's investigations in the late 20's early 30's led to this revelation , as well as the Noble prize.

FF a century to the pharamcabal , who's profits would be seriously impaired by simple dietary measures , and it's clear why the paid troll patrol is collecting parrots here

It was demonized by the pharmacabal due to it being an inexpensive option used successfully elsewhere , because they wanted to sell us their $$$$$$$ dope

Their trolls took to social media convincing the tools , who've an abysmal understanding of physiology , that it was all some conspiracy

Yep, big pharma didn't like it.
According to the Mayo Clinic, hydroxychloroquine is not recommended as a treatment for COVID-19. It does not prevent infection with the virus that causes COVID-19, and it has been shown to lead to serious heart problems in some people. Clinical trials have also shown that hydroxychloroquine did not effectively treat COVID-19 1. The World Health Organization also does not recommend hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, based on findings from 30 trials with more than 10,000 COVID-19 patients 2. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration allowed emergency use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 in March 2020, but later warned healthcare professionals against using hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine to treat COVID-19 unless people were in the hospital or a clinical trial. The FDA found heart problems at a higher rate among people taking these medicines compared with those who didn’t take them. In June 2020, the FDA ended the emergency use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 1.

In summary, hydroxychloroquine was not found to be effective in treating COVID-19 and is not recommended as a treatment by the Mayo Clinic, the World Health Organization, or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 12.
In summary, hydroxychloroquine was not found to be effective in treating COVID-19 and is not recommended as a treatment by the Mayo Clinic, the World Health Organization, or the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 12

From march 2020...... to Oct 2020

HCQ was found to be consistently effective against COVID-19 when provided early in the outpatient setting. It was also found to be overall effective in inpatient studies. No unbiased study found worse outcomes with HCQ use. No mortality or serious safety adverse events were found. HCQ is consistently effective against COVID-19 when provided early in the outpatient setting, it is overall effective against COVID-19, it has not produced worsening of disease and it is safe.

Yet, sparky, you fail to inform us that "Once publications are selected for inclusion in a database, NLM does not review, evaluate, or judge the quality of individual articles..."

IOW, there is no quality control, no peer review.

IOW, to ignore medical and scientific advice is stupid. Drink the bleach, stick the wand light up your ass, eat the paste.
Yet, sparky, you fail to inform us that "Once publications are selected for inclusion in a database, NLM does not review, evaluate, or judge the quality of individual articles..."
you really believe one government source is more valid than another John?
IOW, there is no quality control, no peer review.
How long do you think HQC has been around? You do know it's been prescribed consistently for multiple illnesses since most doctors wore short pants, along with 'reviews'
IOW, to ignore medical and scientific advice is stupid.
Far from ignoring science , although i will say modern science is severely politicized , especially via pharma trolls John

This is why for every thumbs up, there's a thumb's down

. Drink the bleach, stick the wand light up your ass, eat the paste.
You first

Case in point>>>>

After all, the World Health Organization (WHO) temporarily stopped any clinical trials that use chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients after the shocking result of one study which is published in the most famous medical journal known as The Lancet.

This is a real breaking news thread.

Among other things, the world really wants to know what chuckles was always leery of.

Case in point>>>>

After all, the World Health Organization (WHO) temporarily stopped any clinical trials that use chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19 patients after the shocking result of one study which is published in the most famous medical journal known as The Lancet.
Still the general conclusion, not so good for your health.
Another moron speaks! The CDC and AMA know shit and your uneducated toothless self knows more.

Honest, how can you be so stupid?

Another conspiracy theory, never any facts. This is how you exhibit your ignorance. But you don't realize this.
Sad. Very sad.

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