I was always leery of hydrochloroquine

No charge over here. The whole country was vaccinated. Covered by insurance.

There was no charge here either, but that doesn't change the dynamics. People's age and overall health seem to be the best indicator of how they responded when they got infected. Lots of people who got shots are getting COVID now for the first time. Some have the sniffles, and others die from COVID-related pneumonia. It is still just a crap shoot.
I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

You've had covid three times?

Amazing how moron Horsey Horsey knew he had the disease . There was no test which could show it --- as CDC now admit .
Horsey must tell us how he succeeeded in correctly diagnosing something which nobody else could anywhere with scientific accuracy .

Poor Horsey -- not the brightest .
Horsey's plight is more complex because it can't be proven there were any viruses nearby for the "vaccine" to work in the first place.
Every time CDC wanted to lie they tested it with significanly higher than recommended dosage and tested it after the time it was known to work .

The Gullibles never noticed and still do not .
That's most correct. Properly-dosed hcq prophylaxis would have been as successful as ivermectin prophylaxis was in Uttar Pradesh.
This article says "It was also proposed as a preventive measure." Yes it was, and these doctors in this article didn't know what they were doing. It was already too late when they used it.

Chloroquine prophylaxis was proposed 23 years ago in Philadelphia. You either can understand English or you cannot.

I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

What do I think? I think "linked to 17,000 deaths" is the same Media LIE as "dying with Covid". Did you understand my statement?
I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

This drug has known adverse effects, above a certain level. Like many drugs.

But what there was never and is not any good reason to think hydroxychloroquine could, should, would -- or has -- been effective in any way against the covid19 virus.

In fact, here is the origin of this steaming pile of nonsense... one quack from France:

I tell the truth and use facts, which is not the way of a troll, the wayfare that you walk all the time.
I think you misconstrue what is presented as truth. Deaths "linked to" the use of HCQ is NOT repeat NOT saying those people died FROM HCQ. There is an ocean of misinformation about Covid out there most of it generated by the influence of very powerful globalists and their lackeys.
I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

I think damn near everything the MSM prints, including MSN, is pure government propaganda meant to influence the way fools think.
I thought hydrochloroquine was a wonky answer to Covid, from the very beginning. Now it is being reported that more 17,000 have died world wide who take the product for anti-Covid purposes.

Yet the President swore by it, and some of my friends and relatives did as well.

I did not take it because I have trust in vaxxes produced in the last three years. After three bouts with the disease and all the vaxxes and boosters, I had only one experience with the diseases that was truly unpleasant if not dangerous.

What do you think?

What do I think? Sadly, 4 people I knew died from taking the injection and as recent as a week ago, one was injured and had to go to the ER. Several of my wifes students are doctors, nurses and in medical profession. Most of them quit taking these injections after the first two. They could see what was happening. The good thing is that you're free to decide what you want to do. The bad thing is that our govt was deceitful and lied about these injections.

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