I was at a party with a bunch of Doctors last night....

"Self Pay" is a disaster. Do you know why your CT costs $900? Because all the "Self Pay" people who pay $0 for their CTs.

That isn't "self pay." That's third party pay. Half the time it's the government who pays.
How can paying $0 correctly be called "self pay." Only a libturd could come up with such locutions.
Of COURSE they do! They gotta blame somebody. Insurance is a monster, and it is one that is based on a faulty business model. We cannot keep going on the road we're on.

What "faulty business model," making a profit? Your understanding of business is based on a false conception of reality, like the idea the businesses can exist without the profit motive.
The Doctor Patient Medical Association (DPMA) and the Patient Power Alliance (PPA) work to repeal health care reform[1] and call themselves a "a nonpartisan association of doctors and patients dedicated to preserving free choice in medicine."[2] The organization is a member of the National Tea Party Federation[3] and the "American Grassroots Coalition."[4]

Doctor Patient Medical Association - SourceWatch

In other words, a bunch of partisan hacks.

The AMA and the AARP both call themselves "non-partisan" and both lobbied to get ACA passed.

Who should we cite that isn't a "partisan hack?" Certainly, we can't cite any group that supported Obamacare.
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its a federal issue, not a state issue.

the states can't afford it. the federal government can.

That has to be one of the dumbest claims ever posted in this forum. Where does the federal government get revenue if not from the residents of all the states?

and the burden health care places on us is a federal issue because, aside from all other issues, more than 50% of our bankruptcies are the result of unanticipated medical expenses.

How does that make it a federal issue?
Dudley....if the Government was making the Decision,would it not be the same?......and would not the Government decide what treatment you can get...or not?....

The insurance companies dictate nothing. They only specify what their policy will and will not cover. The people are free to get whatever medical care they wish and can choose whether they will be bound by the insurance company's opinion.

Once the government has all the power over our healthcare, it can dictate who gets care, how much, when, and if and there will be nothing else to choose.

when i had Kaiser Fox.....they dictated everything......my Wife is an Epileptic....they were terrible,they turned down many tests my wife needed and the Doctors ordered.....we left went to Blue Shield.....they have never turned her down for any test her Neurologist orders..... so some of them DO dictate....

In other words, the insurance company didn't dictate jack shit. You obviously don't understand the meaning of "dictate."
If socialized health care was so poisonous, I would England would have gone under by now. Yet, they've had it since 1948. *shrug*

Poison doesn't always kill you. A lot of the time it just makes you ill. England's economy has been ill ever since WW II.
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My niece is a young doctor.

She hasn't had time for facebook or television since she entered med school, let alone schlepping around all day on a messageboard.

I continue to think geaux is full of shit.

I've been in Healthcare for 30 years, I'm not a doctor but I have two degrees in healthcare. I'm about 99% sure that GTH is nothing but a medical secretary.

Well based on both you two's posts i am 99% sure you are fucking retards...

The Doctor Patient Medical Association has released a new survey of about 700 doctors, and the results are bleak. Scary bleak. Among other dismal figures, Doctors' Attitudes on the Future of Medicine: What’s Wrong, Who’s to Blame, and What Will Fix It found that 83% of respondents are contemplating leaving the industry if Obamacare is fully implemented, owing to its disastrous projected consequences. Indeed, they openly blame the healthcare law for their industry's woes:


90% say the medical system is on the WRONG TRACK
83% say they are thinking about QUITTING
61% say the system challenges their ETHICS
85% say the patient-physician relationship is in a TAILSPIN
65% say GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT is most to blame for current problems
72% say individual insurance mandate will NOT result in improved access care
49% say they will STOP accepting Medicaid patients
74% say they will STOP ACCEPTING Medicare patients, or leave Medicare completely
52% say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patient for FREE
57% give the AMA a FAILING GRADE representing them
1 out of 3 doctors is HESITANT to voice their opinion
2 out of 3 say they are JUST SQUEAKING BY OR IN THE RED financially
95% say private practice is losing out to CORPORATE MEDICINE
80% say DOCTORS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are most likely to help solve things
70% say REDUCING GOVERNMENT would be single best fix.

Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit - Kate Hicks

For a little honesty how about linking to the survey results and not some hack site. For those who want a more balanced view:

DPMA Foundation : Physician Attitudes on Medicine - National Survey

The conclusions made by the DPMA Foundation. Not some Town Hall partisan hack..

The key issue doctor is that people can no longer afford your services. $500 for an x-ray, $200 for an office visit, $600 for blood work. You have priced yourself outside what the average worker making $20K can afford
Insurance has been covering for you. Now that insurance is disappearing, you have to justify the value of your services
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

AS with most people YOU have NO idea how health finances work but I do as I started a company that everyday helps at least 10,000 times a DAY health care providers know if they will be paid by Medicare! So I have access that YOU and many others don't!

The FACT is Obamacare was a tax but if Obamacare had been HONESTLY presented to the 6 votes JUST 6 that it passed by, IT would NOT have passed because most of the people that voted YES DIDN"T understand there were 21 NEW taxes being raised in Obamacare!
If they knew that some of the YES votes would have been NO!

The FACT that Obamacare will as Obama wants DESTROY 1,400 health insurance companies over time. Putting 400,000 people out of work AND eliminating over $100 billion a year in Federal/State/Local and property taxes!
Where will that $100 billion come from?

Finally MOST of those people that voted yes and I know YOU for sure think there were 50 million "uninsured"... THERE ARE NOT!!!
10 million are not citizens says the Census Bureau!
14 million are covered by Medicaid but said they were not and they are counted!
Finally now 17.5 million that for the majority NeVER added ONE cent to the $60 billion in
what hospitals call "uncompensated" services!
YET these people were counted.
So truly less then 8 million are in need of insurance... AND everyone of those doctors would agree.. One of the reason health insurance has increased more is the $600 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialist referrals anything these doctors do to protect their butts from lawsuits!
Tell you what you ask everyone of those doctors if they would favor a 10% tax on lawyers as Obamacare taxed tanning salons and the $10 billion of lawyers $100 billion income would have provided insurance for the truly UNINSURED!
They would love it!

Wait you mean that the retarded system of health insurance companies and what they have done to americans with their death panels and destroying people's lives will go boom? Well, fucking good. Seriously, if every person who supported or worked killing sick and needy people for the profit of health insurance companies were to be brutally murdered as painfully as possible tomorrow i would call that a step in the right direction. Yes, being an out of job scumbag is not being brutally murdered, but it is a start, and it is nopt like i really give a shit what happens to such horrible and despicable people anyway. Oh, and as for taxing lawyers where the fuck do I sign up for that? Fuck that 10 percent let us tax those assholes 95 percent and raid thir bank accounts, kid's trust funds, and put them to work as slave labor. it is what lawyers truly deserve. They invented this monstrosity of health insurance bullshit to begin with, so let us show them how much we value their bullshit.

Of course, medicine will go on for one reason, it is needed. It is just that we won't have accountants, lawyers, and indian call center people in the way of our healthcare. Doctors also won't have any reason to diagnose people with imaginary pre existing conditions like pre-diabetes and pre-cancer to help out their insurance masters.
The insurance companies dictate nothing. They only specify what their policy will and will not cover. The people are free to get whatever medical care they wish and can choose whether they will be bound by the insurance company's opinion.

Once the government has all the power over our healthcare, it can dictate who gets care, how much, when, and if and there will be nothing else to choose.

when i had Kaiser Fox.....they dictated everything......my Wife is an Epileptic....they were terrible,they turned down many tests my wife needed and the Doctors ordered.....we left went to Blue Shield.....they have never turned her down for any test her Neurologist orders..... so some of them DO dictate....

In other words, the insurance company didn't dictate jack shit. You obviously don't understand the meaning of "dictate."

if Kaiser said no to everything ....WHO did the dictating?.....look up the word....maybe your Right-Wing corrupted Brain might get the meaning...
here it is from a Dictionary.....

a : to issue as an order
b : to impose, pronounce, or specify authoritatively.....
now i will ask again.....if Kaiser said no to everything.....were they not DICTATING an order to the Doctors?......
Ranging from those who are starting on July 1st (like me) to those who have practiced for a few years to those that have practiced for a decade.

All anyone could talk about was ACA and it wasn't good.

The more experienced doctors were already making plans to leave medicine. I heard comments along the line of "this is the end of medicine." "The system is going to implode." "You will basically be working for peanuts in an environment that is going to be rife with litigation and no shields." "Your only hope is for Romney to win and get rid of this monstrosity, otherwise you should leave now."

Actually, I didn't hear any of this. I didn't hear anything good or bad about the ACA. Most people seemed unconcerned.

I believe they are unconcerned because no one knows what the true effect* of ACA is going to be. I had a good laugh at my local conservative talker guy trying to articulate what he thought this would do to patient care. He sounded like an idiot, because the things he was saying made absolutely no sense to someone familiar with patient care.

ACA could indeed be disastrous policy. It could also be great policy. I just don't know. And I don't think you, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Ed Schultz do either.

*Meaning the effect on health care delivery in this country and not the effect on individual tax payers in regard to cost.

SS & Medicare are a disaster... this will be better?

Yeah, right.


"Self Pay" is a disaster. Do you know why your CT costs $900? Because all the "Self Pay" people who pay $0 for their CTs.

I thought it was because GE charged $1.5m. for the machine that needs to be replaced every five years.

What I'd like to see is a group of retired doctors get on the web and tell folks how to treat themselves at home without other doctors or hospitals.

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