I was at a party with a bunch of Doctors last night....

60 percent of doctors believe health care reform will negatively affect patient care.

Per usual, gaux is just flapping his cocksuckers.


You know what is funny about you?

You are one of the nastiest posters on here. The slightest provocation ilicits a vile response from you.

Yet, you refuse to deny what we all know: that you are Allie Babas retread.

You won't even respond to it. You ignore it.

You are stuck aren't you sweetie?

You can give it up. We all know.

I think you're stuck, doc...you seem obsessed. If this is your attempt to get my real name and address, you're out of luck. Never going to happen.
I don't have to prove anything to you. You can choose to believe what you want. That's the cool thing about NOT being full of shit. When people accuse you of it, you can just do this:


Allie Baba (aka Koshergirl) tends to result to ad hominem when she is shooting blanks.

You can see why she has to do it a lot.

Such a charmer, too, isn't she?

60 percent of doctors believe health care reform will negatively affect patient care.

Per usual, gaux is just flapping his cocksuckers.


Obvious rage issues.

Why won't she just admit she is Allie Baba?

And then honor our bet?

Because she knows she'll lose and her sad little ego won't tolerate that.

She must be massively insecure to run away from the fact that she was full of shit when she threw her "I am leaving" pity party.
60 percent of doctors believe health care reform will negatively affect patient care.

Per usual, gaux is just flapping his cocksuckers.


You know what is funny about you?

You are one of the nastiest posters on here. The slightest provocation ilicits a vile response from you.

Yet, you refuse to deny what we all know: that you are Allie Babas retread.

You won't even respond to it. You ignore it.

You are stuck aren't you sweetie?

You can give it up. We all know.

I think you're stuck, doc...you seem obsessed. If this is your attempt to get my real name and address, you're out of luck. Never going to happen.

So why WON'T you honor that bet?
Because I'm not giving that weirdo my name and address.

Which is what it's all about.
Allie Baba (aka Koshergirl) tends to result to ad hominem when she is shooting blanks.

You can see why she has to do it a lot.

Such a charmer, too, isn't she?

60 percent of doctors believe health care reform will negatively affect patient care.

Per usual, gaux is just flapping his cocksuckers.


Obvious rage issues.

Why won't she just admit she is Allie Baba?

And then honor our bet?

Because she knows she'll lose and her sad little ego won't tolerate that.

She must be massively insecure to run away from the fact that she was full of shit when she threw her "I am leaving" pity party.

And why are you so obsessed with this? Bring it up often? Keep the drumbeat going? Do you have some invested interest in this? Some reason to be extra paranoid or some compulsion to get revenge? What?

Some of us do not want everybody on the board to know who we are in real life. I am personally very selective who I reveal my actual identify to..

I would like to think we would all choose to respect others' privacy in that regard.

If you don't like KG's posts, put her on ignore. Problem solved.

And then we can get back to YOUR topic which is a good one.
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The US is the only country in the world where insurance companies decide who gets treatment and who does not. Ever since the bill first passed, the right has been spreading lies about it. They still are.

The best thing would be for individuals to learn, for themselves, how they can best benefit from it and quit believing fake authorities.

Oh, what the hell. Go ahead and believe the nutter rw's here. While you're at it, why not empty out your pockets in the parking lot.

Better yet, send your money directly to those poor suffering insurance companies and doctors.

I think we can say that 9 out of 10 conservative doctors are acting in a partisan manner if these polls are true.

I have a feeling most doctors aren't conservative, though, as conservatives don't tend to go into science or healing fields.
They go into snake handling churches and coal fields.
60 percent of doctors believe health care reform will negatively affect patient care.

Per usual, gaux is just flapping his cocksuckers.


You know what is funny about you?

You are one of the nastiest posters on here. The slightest provocation ilicits a vile response from you.

Yet, you refuse to deny what we all know: that you are Allie Babas retread.

You won't even respond to it. You ignore it.

You are stuck aren't you sweetie?

You can give it up. We all know.

I think you're stuck, doc...you seem obsessed. If this is your attempt to get my real name and address, you're out of luck. Never going to happen.

Shocking! Another dodge instead of admitting you formerly posted under the Allie Baba handle.

Actually, it is more fun for me to keep pointing out your massive dishonesty/intellectual dishonesty so I don't care that you are hiding.

But if you think I am going to forget or let it go, you are wrong.

Such a charmer, too, isn't she?

Obvious rage issues.

Why won't she just admit she is Allie Baba?

And then honor our bet?

Because she knows she'll lose and her sad little ego won't tolerate that.

She must be massively insecure to run away from the fact that she was full of shit when she threw her "I am leaving" pity party.

And why are you so obsessed with this? Bring it up often? Keep the drumbeat going? Do you have some invested interest in this? Some reason to be extra paranoid or some compulsion to get revenge? What?

Some of us do not want everybody on the board to know who we are in real life. I am personally very selective who I reveal my actual identify to..

I would like to think we would all choose to respect others' privacy in that regard.

If you don't like KG's posts, put her on ignore. Problem solved.

And then we can get back to YOUR topic which is a good one.

Because if Allie Baba/KG is going to accuse me of being dishonest, I sure as hell am going to call her out on her lies.

You see, she's done this before, which led to the original bet. Now at she knows she'll lose, she is welching.

Fine, but if she thinks that her hackery will go unnoticed, she has another thing coming. Especially if she thinks she can return to attacking me.

I mean, we have a system to settle this matter. She is just hiding from it.
Obvious rage issues.

Why won't she just admit she is Allie Baba?

And then honor our bet?

Because she knows she'll lose and her sad little ego won't tolerate that.

She must be massively insecure to run away from the fact that she was full of shit when she threw her "I am leaving" pity party.

And why are you so obsessed with this? Bring it up often? Keep the drumbeat going? Do you have some invested interest in this? Some reason to be extra paranoid or some compulsion to get revenge? What?

Some of us do not want everybody on the board to know who we are in real life. I am personally very selective who I reveal my actual identify to..

I would like to think we would all choose to respect others' privacy in that regard.

If you don't like KG's posts, put her on ignore. Problem solved.

And then we can get back to YOUR topic which is a good one.

Because if Allie Baba/KG is going to accuse me of being dishonest, I sure as hell am going to call her out on her lies.

You see, she's done this before, which led to the original bet. Now at she knows she'll lose, she is welching.

Fine, but if she thinks that her hackery will go unnoticed, she has another thing coming. Especially if she thinks she can return to attacking me.

I mean, we have a system to settle this matter. She is just hiding from it.

The above post is exactly why I have no interest in releasing the information he says I need to release to this bozo in order for him to "prove" himself to me.

So I made a dumb bet with him on the internet. Who cares? I don't. But it apparently really means a lot to him..

Even weirder...why would a real doctor care whether fake people on the internet know he is a doctor, anyway?

Hint...a real doctor wouldn't. In fact, a real doctor wouldn't want anyone to know he prances around on an internet message board prating nonsense, period.

He's not a real doc.

But I'm not giving him my name and address, regardless. He can piss and moan till the cows come home.
83% of doctors said they would seriously consider leaving medicine.


The Doctor Patient Medical Association has released a new survey of about 700 doctors, and the results are bleak. Scary bleak. Among other dismal figures, Doctors' Attitudes on the Future of Medicine: What’s Wrong, Who’s to Blame, and What Will Fix It found that 83% of respondents are contemplating leaving the industry if Obamacare is fully implemented, owing to its disastrous projected consequences. Indeed, they openly blame the healthcare law for their industry's woes:


90% say the medical system is on the WRONG TRACK
83% say they are thinking about QUITTING
61% say the system challenges their ETHICS
85% say the patient-physician relationship is in a TAILSPIN
65% say GOVERNMENT INVOLVEMENT is most to blame for current problems
72% say individual insurance mandate will NOT result in improved access care
49% say they will STOP accepting Medicaid patients
74% say they will STOP ACCEPTING Medicare patients, or leave Medicare completely
52% say they would rather treat some Medicaid/Medicare patient for FREE
57% give the AMA a FAILING GRADE representing them
1 out of 3 doctors is HESITANT to voice their opinion
2 out of 3 say they are JUST SQUEAKING BY OR IN THE RED financially
95% say private practice is losing out to CORPORATE MEDICINE
80% say DOCTORS/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS are most likely to help solve things
70% say REDUCING GOVERNMENT would be single best fix.

Thanks Obamacare: 83% of Doctors Surveyed Say They May Quit - Kate Hicks

Bump worthy.
And why are you so obsessed with this? Bring it up often? Keep the drumbeat going? Do you have some invested interest in this? Some reason to be extra paranoid or some compulsion to get revenge? What?

Some of us do not want everybody on the board to know who we are in real life. I am personally very selective who I reveal my actual identify to..

I would like to think we would all choose to respect others' privacy in that regard.

If you don't like KG's posts, put her on ignore. Problem solved.

And then we can get back to YOUR topic which is a good one.

Because if Allie Baba/KG is going to accuse me of being dishonest, I sure as hell am going to call her out on her lies.

You see, she's done this before, which led to the original bet. Now at she knows she'll lose, she is welching.

Fine, but if she thinks that her hackery will go unnoticed, she has another thing coming. Especially if she thinks she can return to attacking me.

I mean, we have a system to settle this matter. She is just hiding from it.

The above post is exactly why I have no interest in releasing the information he says I need to release to this bozo in order for him to "prove" himself to me.

So I made a dumb bet with him on the internet. Who cares? I don't. But it apparently really means a lot to him..

Even weirder...why would a real doctor care whether fake people on the internet know he is a doctor, anyway?

Hint...a real doctor wouldn't. In fact, a real doctor wouldn't want anyone to know he prances around on an internet message board prating nonsense, period.

He's not a real doc.

But I'm not giving him my name and address, regardless. He can piss and moan till the cows come home.

I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe he's an MD.
BDBoop does.

Which is fine, I don't care. It's his weird insistence that I believe it that's freaking me out.
And people are still going to get sick and the less histrionic will be left to do their best to care for them while those guys are grumbling about Obama has harmed patients.

They aren't grumbling that obama has harmed patients, except in the general sense that obamacare will harm healthcare delivery in general.

Well that is completely different.......

I am glad they can read the tea leaves. No be else seems to have a clue.

No one knows absolutely, but many of us can put two and two together and come up with a logical scenario.
And why are you so obsessed with this? Bring it up often? Keep the drumbeat going? Do you have some invested interest in this? Some reason to be extra paranoid or some compulsion to get revenge? What?

Some of us do not want everybody on the board to know who we are in real life. I am personally very selective who I reveal my actual identify to..

I would like to think we would all choose to respect others' privacy in that regard.

If you don't like KG's posts, put her on ignore. Problem solved.

And then we can get back to YOUR topic which is a good one.

Because if Allie Baba/KG is going to accuse me of being dishonest, I sure as hell am going to call her out on her lies.

You see, she's done this before, which led to the original bet. Now at she knows she'll lose, she is welching.

Fine, but if she thinks that her hackery will go unnoticed, she has another thing coming. Especially if she thinks she can return to attacking me.

I mean, we have a system to settle this matter. She is just hiding from it.

The above post is exactly why I have no interest in releasing the information he says I need to release to this bozo in order for him to "prove" himself to me.

So I made a dumb bet with him on the internet. Who cares? I don't. But it apparently really means a lot to him..

Even weirder...why would a real doctor care whether fake people on the internet know he is a doctor, anyway?

Hint...a real doctor wouldn't. In fact, a real doctor wouldn't want anyone to know he prances around on an internet message board prating nonsense, period.

He's not a real doc.

But I'm not giving him my name and address, regardless. He can piss and moan till the cows come home.

LMAO. This was brought up in response, again, to your accusation that I am a liar. There is an agreement we had to clarify this, that you now admit to willfully ignoring.

Like I said, it's sufficient to sit here and hammer you on your dishonesty.

It's okay, when you made the bet, I suspected you wouldn't honor it.

For the record, I've never lied on here, and I never felt the need to make a separate account because I am too chickenshit to stand by my words.

Which is more than I can say for you.
The US is the only country in the world where insurance companies decide who gets treatment and who does not. Ever since the bill first passed, the right has been spreading lies about it. They still are.

The best thing would be for individuals to learn, for themselves, how they can best benefit from it and quit believing fake authorities.

Oh, what the hell. Go ahead and believe the nutter rw's here. While you're at it, why not empty out your pockets in the parking lot.

Better yet, send your money directly to those poor suffering insurance companies and doctors.


I have had 2 surgeries in my lifetime:

1. Inguinal Hernia repair
2. Laminectomy/Disk Repair

I've had a whole bunch of other tests, from MRIs to CT scans to barium swallows and NEVER, not once EVER has an insurance company made the decision for me.

You, as usual, are completely full of shit.
Because if Allie Baba/KG is going to accuse me of being dishonest, I sure as hell am going to call her out on her lies.

You see, she's done this before, which led to the original bet. Now at she knows she'll lose, she is welching.

Fine, but if she thinks that her hackery will go unnoticed, she has another thing coming. Especially if she thinks she can return to attacking me.

I mean, we have a system to settle this matter. She is just hiding from it.

The above post is exactly why I have no interest in releasing the information he says I need to release to this bozo in order for him to "prove" himself to me.

So I made a dumb bet with him on the internet. Who cares? I don't. But it apparently really means a lot to him..

Even weirder...why would a real doctor care whether fake people on the internet know he is a doctor, anyway?

Hint...a real doctor wouldn't. In fact, a real doctor wouldn't want anyone to know he prances around on an internet message board prating nonsense, period.

He's not a real doc.

But I'm not giving him my name and address, regardless. He can piss and moan till the cows come home.

I don't think anyone is dumb enough to believe he's an MD.

Yes. I have spent the last three years concocting an elaborate lie that magically aligns perfectly with the progression of a medical degree. I also lied about my military service.

Wow. It feels good to get that off my chest....
Retards like Luddly think if the state won't fund their weird experimental "treatments" to them on demand, then they are being denied treatments.

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