I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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WaPo is not who was quoted. "Harvey Dong" is who was quoted.

You uh ... you DO understand the difference between the speaker and the medium.... right?

I'm going to refrain from calling you what I think you are. WaPo can pick and choose what they publish. They publish anti-Trump propaganda and fear mongering shit like this while claiming to be objective journalists. Hell, you seem to not even agree with it. Yet you, somehow give them a pass. We know you are a dyed in the wool TDSer so, just give up the fake objective shit. You are bad at it. Also,l I bet you think Trump IS a racist.

Once AGAIN ---- medium - speaker ... KNOW the difference.

If I have a Panasonic radio and Lust Rimjob starts going "SLUT! SLUT! SLUT!" ---- I don't blame Panasonic.
And once again, a CHOICE to either publish or not publish hateful, inaccurate, politically biased information while CLAIMING to be 'objective journalists' is NOT what a radio does. The 'radio' is an inanimate object. It does not present opinions all by itself. Stupid analogy by, apparently, by a stupid TDSer.

Correct, Limblob would be the SPEAKER there. That's why I wouldn't blame the RADIO, the instrument that delivered the voice.

I wasn't blaming a radio, dufus. WaPo is a liberal RAG!! They can CHOOSE what they publish....Are you just a dense block of stone? Do you really believe the MSM is 'objective?' If so, you are lost and there is no hope for you.

You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.
Let’s hope that more conservatives acknowledge the fact that this outbreak is serious, that they stop trying to downplay its severity, and stop lying about the crisis being ‘overblown’ by ‘the media.’
Yes it could be serious, but after all that the Democrats have done since 2016, it is no doubt that the reaction by anyone with half a brain would have been to respond in the way that conservatives have in this situation. The Democrats have destroyed trust in this nation, and that is exactly why there was great skepticism when this thing hit. The chicken little Democrats who have been yelling since 2016 that the sky was falling, the sky was falling, is exactly what took everybody off their defensive mode when it finally became something real. I blame the Democrats for what has taken place in the skepticism that was created.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

The CDC says that as many as 59,000 Americans have died from the flu since last September. Yawn. Ho hum.

Around 6 PM today the TV news cited another CDC statistic that 400 Americans have died from the coronavirus. Emergency!! Suspend the Constitution - Permanently!! Declare Martial Law - Now!! Stop the economy - Now!! Stay in the house - or else!! Shut up and take your Masters’ orders!! Rev up the printing presses!! Imprison all dissenters!!
I noticed that no one’s talking about the Event 201 drill that took place in October of last year, basically an exercise for this very thing. I also noticed that no one is talking about the fact that this vaccine is patented. And also no one’s talking about the legislation that was already in place, for something like this, and that by their own words it appears this is leading to forced vaccinations. Martial law, forced vaccinations, and people are cheering it on. THAT is the most disappointing thing of all, way more scary than the coronavirus©.
I noticed that no one’s talking about the Event 201 drill that took place in October of last year, basically an exercise for this very thing. I also noticed that no one is talking about the fact that this vaccine is patented. And also no one’s talking about the legislation that was already in place, for something like this, and that by their own words it appears this is leading to forced vaccinations. Martial law, forced vaccinations, and people are cheering it on. THAT is the most disappointing thing of all, way more scary than the coronavirus©.

Dear Lord in heaven. Shit's getting real and you're worried about forced vaccinations as the greatest danger in all of this.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.
Once Pandora's box was opened in Wuhan, intentionally or not, this virus was going to circle the globe. But you are smart enough to know that, you just allow your hatred for President Trump to override what you know is false.
I put this in Politics because if I put it in health, few will see it. As well as politics of this virus was clouding my mind in the same way it has clouded all of our minds.
As mentioned before, my son is a Respiratory Care Specialist at one of the nations leading Children's hospitals and my daughter is a Respiratory Therapist at a large metropolitan hospital/trauma center. When I say they are on the front lines of this, I mean they are on the front lines.
Up until Friday, I was not that concerned about getting it, or my wife or the two of them. Like most, I was comfortable in the knowledge that it is primarily a concern for the very old/folks with underlying illness.
That is no longer the case.
This weekend, all over the country hospitals are getting much younger patients that require life saving care - and they have no other illness. And the numbers you are seeing reported are not representative of the actual numbers. It is higher.
Like many, I scoffed at all of these restrictions the government was laying out. 4 states with "stay at home" orders. I thought this was over reacting.
Until I got a call from both my kids. Especially my daughter, upset and for the first time afraid and scared. "It is really bad here Dad, we are getting more and more and they are getting younger".
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life. Add more to that. Kids also.

The situation is evolving. And it is changing in not a good way.
Take it serious folks. Don't wait until it effects you or someone you know. Change what you are doing now.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

On a good note. The malaria drug is showing promise. Yesterday a 66 year old at the hospital was in critical condition on a breathing machine. He has received 2 malaria shots, is now off the machine and sitting up and talking. It isn't working for everyone, but it is clearly having positive results on some.
Thanks for your post. Nobody likes to admit that they were wrong. I hope your family comes through this okay. A segment on "60 Minutes" tonight made me hopeful, because it was about how labs all around the world are working on treatments, vaccines, etc. If you want to watch it, it's here: In clinical trials and laboratories, the hunt is on to find vaccines and drugs to treat, prevent novel coronavirus
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.
You tell that to the people that would have changed their behavior had Drumpf been a leader from the beginning and raised an alarm instead of downplaying the virus. He has blood on his hands and so do clowns like you that support Drumpf.

If had raised the alarm, you and you ilk would have said he overreacted. You know the "intelligent" people.
Yes, of COURSE you would know what I would have done. You're omniscient, right?
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.
Well. You, and most others, listen to these assholes.... The day I wait for an "official" to advise my moves; I hope lightening strikes my head
Hey, I'm NOT an official, so maybe you'll listen to me: Go play in traffic.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.

STILL DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT THE AUTHOR of the comment is "Harvey Dong" and NOT WaPo. Click your red shoes together and pretend all you like, it DOESN'T.

The point you're trying to make work is patently absurd.
Thank God our government took this more seriously than we did.... I guess they knew more than us.

The CDC says that as many as 59,000 Americans have died from the flu since last September. Yawn. Ho hum.

Around 6 PM today the TV news cited another CDC statistic that 400 Americans have died from the coronavirus. Emergency!! Suspend the Constitution - Permanently!! Declare Martial Law - Now!! Stop the economy - Now!! Stay in the house - or else!! Shut up and take your Masters’ orders!! Rev up the printing presses!! Imprison all dissenters!!
Hey, go out and about! The more people like you who contract the coronavirus, the fewer idiots there will be to deal with later. So, yeah, ignore the warnings! Go out and congregate with like-minded people! Maybe the coronavirus is a mechanism for weeding out the mentally unfit...
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.

STILL DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT THE AUTHOR of the comment is "Harvey Dong" and NOT WaPo. Click your red shoes together and pretend all you like, it DOESN'T.

The point you're trying to make work is patently absurd.

Let me repeat...WaPo is not a radio. You compared the two which is patently absurd. You seem to not even see the difference. WaPo had the choice to publish it or not. The radio just parrots whatever is on the airways. There is 0 comparison. You are wrong, just admit it. Dong published a hit piece in trump and WaPo chose to publish it. You can't even see it because of your blind TDS hatred.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.

STILL DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT THE AUTHOR of the comment is "Harvey Dong" and NOT WaPo. Click your red shoes together and pretend all you like, it DOESN'T.

The point you're trying to make work is patently absurd.

Let me repeat...WaPo is not a radio. You compared the two which is patently absurd. You seem to not even see the difference. WaPo had the choice to publish it or not. The radio just parrots whatever is on the airways. There is 0 comparison. You are wrong, just admit it. Dong published a hit piece in trump and WaPo chose to publish it. You can't even see it because of your blind TDS hatred.

Now you're just recycling my post with your name on them. Get this through your dense cranium --- IF "HARVEY DONG" WERE NOT THE AUTHOR OF THE COMMENT, THERE WOULD BE NO REASON TO EVEN MENTION HIS NAME. If Donald Rump stands in front of a mic and swears that his father was born in Germany and WaPo prints that he said that, IT'S RUMP'S WORDS, NOT WaPo. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF ATTRIBUTING QUOTES, SO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK SAID IT.


You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
Now you're just recycling my post with your name on them. Get this through your dense cranium --- IF "HARVEY DONG" WERE NOT THE AUTHOR OF THE COMMENT, THERE WOULD BE NO REASON TO EVEN MENTION HIS NAME. If Donald Rump stands in front of a mic and swears that his father was born in Germany and WaPo prints that he said that, IT'S RUMP'S WORDS, NOT WaPo. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF ATTRIBUTING QUOTES, SO YOU KNOW WHO THE FUCK SAID IT.



I'm not recycling anything, you are ignoring the fact that WaPo chose to publish outright lies. I am not saying they don't have the right, I am saying that you seem to not know the difference between a lying liberal rag like WaPo and a fucking radio. YOU made the comment. Not me. The rest of your post is nonsense.
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
So call it by its proper name. Why is that hard?
You've completely backed yourself into a corner here. BY YOUR OWN EVIDENCE the speaker is "Harvey Dong". It says so right in the text. There's nothing you can do to change that. A newspaper (or radio, etc) does not publish only that with which it "agrees". Nor does THIS WEBSITE.

I never said I wanted to change anything. Try to pay attention. I said a radio is not a newspaper. You claim there is no difference. WaPo CHOSE to publish that crap. Then that crap is parroted by a radio that is an inanimate object. You don't address that fact nor apparently can you. The bottom line is...you are and were 100% wrong. The media called Trump a racist for calling the virus the Chinese virus. You have tried to slither out of that bullshit for many posts but you have only succeeded in making a fool of yourself.
Well, the name of the virus is novel coronavirus, and it causes covid-19 disease. Does that clear it up?
It's from CHINA. You know, like the SPANISH flu, the Hong Kong flu....we KNOW there is a scientific name so fucking what?
And by the way, the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain.
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