I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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ow makes you feel better to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus, go ahead. But I don't think that will prevent you or your loved ones from catching it, either way.

I never said calling it the Chinese Virus would prevent one from getting it. Honestly, where did you get that from? LOL
I didn't say that you made that claim. I was making fun of your desire/need to call it the Chinese Virus. The name that you call the virus (or the name that I call it) won't prevent either one of us from getting it. Understand? The virus doesn't give a damn.
Hey, I feel that we've had some kind of reasonably civil exchange here. Maybe we could keep that going...
ow makes you feel better to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus, go ahead. But I don't think that will prevent you or your loved ones from catching it, either way.

I never said calling it the Chinese Virus would prevent one from getting it. Honestly, where did you get that from? LOL
I didn't say that you made that claim. I was making fun of your desire/need to call it the Chinese Virus. The name that you call the virus (or the name that I call it) won't prevent either one of us from getting it. Understand? The virus doesn't give a damn.
I never said I had a desire to call it anything. My point was that the mainstream media is pushing the 'racist' moniker on Trump for calling it the 'Chinese Virus.' Wa Po published a story about it by some stupid anti Trump idiot. I was arguing with Pogo that they are obviously biased. Pogo said that WaPo was like a radio. Talk about a rabbit hole!! LOL
ow makes you feel better to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus, go ahead. But I don't think that will prevent you or your loved ones from catching it, either way.

I never said calling it the Chinese Virus would prevent one from getting it. Honestly, where did you get that from? LOL
I didn't say that you made that claim. I was making fun of your desire/need to call it the Chinese Virus. The name that you call the virus (or the name that I call it) won't prevent either one of us from getting it. Understand? The virus doesn't give a damn.
I never said I had a desire to call it anything. My point was that the mainstream media is pushing the 'racist' moniker on Trump for calling it the 'Chinese Virus.' Wa Po published a story about it by some stupid anti Trump idiot. I was arguing with Pogo that they are obviously biased. Pogo said that WaPo was like a radio. Talk about a rabbit hole!! LOL
Well, if you don't have a desire or need to call it the Chinese Virus, would you call it the coronavirus?
ow makes you feel better to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus, go ahead. But I don't think that will prevent you or your loved ones from catching it, either way.

I never said calling it the Chinese Virus would prevent one from getting it. Honestly, where did you get that from? LOL
I didn't say that you made that claim. I was making fun of your desire/need to call it the Chinese Virus. The name that you call the virus (or the name that I call it) won't prevent either one of us from getting it. Understand? The virus doesn't give a damn.
I never said I had a desire to call it anything. My point was that the mainstream media is pushing the 'racist' moniker on Trump for calling it the 'Chinese Virus.' Wa Po published a story about it by some stupid anti Trump idiot. I was arguing with Pogo that they are obviously biased. Pogo said that WaPo was like a radio. Talk about a rabbit hole!! LOL
Well, if you don't have a desire or need to call it the Chinese Virus, would you call it the coronavirus?
Sure....That's what I call it. I just don't see the problem with Trump calling it the Chinese virus and I certainly don't think he's racist.
We're down the rabbit hole now!

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all."

Rabbit hole? Humpty Dumpty? What the FUCK are you talking about anyway? Are you drunk?
Well, yeah, at 1:00 in the morning? But my point is that words matter. I guess that you couldn't figure that out.
If words matter then it should be called the china virus to remind us where it came from

a brutal communist dictatorship that the world has foolishly embraced
ow makes you feel better to call the coronavirus the Chinese Virus, go ahead. But I don't think that will prevent you or your loved ones from catching it, either way.

I never said calling it the Chinese Virus would prevent one from getting it. Honestly, where did you get that from? LOL
I didn't say that you made that claim. I was making fun of your desire/need to call it the Chinese Virus. The name that you call the virus (or the name that I call it) won't prevent either one of us from getting it. Understand? The virus doesn't give a damn.
I never said I had a desire to call it anything. My point was that the mainstream media is pushing the 'racist' moniker on Trump for calling it the 'Chinese Virus.' Wa Po published a story about it by some stupid anti Trump idiot. I was arguing with Pogo that they are obviously biased. Pogo said that WaPo was like a radio. Talk about a rabbit hole!! LOL
Well, if you don't have a desire or need to call it the Chinese Virus, would you call it the coronavirus?
Sure....That's what I call it. I just don't see the problem with Trump calling it the Chinese virus and I certainly don't think he's racist.
Hey, great! We agree on something! (I can see the problem with Trump calling it the Chinese Virus, but let's worry about that later). I'm just happy that we agreed on something.
We're down the rabbit hole now!

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all."

Rabbit hole? Humpty Dumpty? What the FUCK are you talking about anyway? Are you drunk?
Well, yeah, at 1:00 in the morning? But my point is that words matter. I guess that you couldn't figure that out.
If words matter then it should be called the china virus to remind us where it came from

a brutal communist dictatorship that the world has foolishly embraced
a brutal communist dictatorship that the world (and Trump) have foolishly embraced
Hey, great! We agree on something! (I can see the problem with Trump calling it the Chinese Virus, but let's worry about that later). I'm just happy that we agreed on something.

We agree that it is the Coronavirus. We do not agree that there is a problem with Trump calling it the Chinese Virus. Two different subjects. We are capable of having two separate thoughts.
a brutal communist dictatorship that the world (and Trump) have foolishly embraced

Funny, the MSM was denigrating Trump for placing Draconian tariffs on them. The fact that Trump says Xi is OK is part of negotiating. One has to understand the Chinese and their penchant for feigning.
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.
Then you don't know anyone who knows anyone who works in the medical field.
Sorry, one of my best friends is a doctor, and another good friend, his wife is in medicine. Next theory?
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.
Then you don't know anyone who knows anyone who works in the medical field.
Sorry, one of my best friends is a doctor, and another good friend, his wife is in medicine. Next theory?
Well, obviously, you're an expert and we can all stop worrying about all this bullshit right now. Thanks for that!
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.
Then you don't know anyone who knows anyone who works in the medical field.
Sorry, one of my best friends is a doctor, and another good friend, his wife is in medicine. Next theory?
Well, obviously, you're an expert and we can all stop worrying about all this bullshit right now. Thanks for that!
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

I don't think Trump can be blamed for this, it's an unfair suggestion. Canada did LESS than America did, and we have fewer cases. Just dumb luck and I suppose far less exposure through business travel as one might see. We are still doing far less than you are and we have proportionally far fewer cases. I'm going to ask the question in another thread, why is NY getting hit so much more than anywhere else in the U.S?

He blocked flights from China or you guys would have who knows how many more cases and deaths. Nobody else was doing this. This was without perfect information since China was not being honest with the world. As all socialist nations do, they lied and covered up for their government, caring more about themselves than the lives of human beings. Now media in the West are propping up China as the savior and global economic stabalizer.

It's truly astounding, and, disgusting.


New York has a higher population density than Wuhan China........And why it's going exponential.........You have 8 million people in a small area......living in high rises where everyone comes and goes........and why it's gone VIRAL......PUN INTENDED.....

Only via DRACONIAN MEASURES can this be limited there now. And we aren't China.......who did it by being ........well.........if you leave the dang house I'm gonna shoot you country.
Talking to someone from Maine............Had a Niece in her thirties get this........No health issues at all..........Had to be Defibbed at the hospital over it.................haven't heard anything else about it.............Except that it hit so hard that they had to take drastic measures.

Seems many reports are it's HORRIBLE......or a walk in the park.........to the elderly it's a killer....Is it MUTATING........who the hell knows.

In regards to this thread............We don't trust the Media anymore.......we don't trust the Politicians.......so we TRUST NO INFORMATION on this.............except for what we find from people we know.......or via searching for more information away from the BS.
We're down the rabbit hole now!

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less." "The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things." "The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master—that's all."

Rabbit hole? Humpty Dumpty? What the FUCK are you talking about anyway? Are you drunk?
Well, yeah, at 1:00 in the morning? But my point is that words matter. I guess that you couldn't figure that out.
If words matter then it should be called the china virus to remind us where it came from

a brutal communist dictatorship that the world has foolishly embraced
a brutal communist dictatorship that the world (and Trump) have foolishly embraced
Sure, no one is blameless

but trump realized the need for change before anyone else in washington

The 32 year old died last night.
They now have 13 critical patients on support, and a few dozen in quarantine. The hospital is at a critical point of running out of breathing machines. As well as beds to put Covid patients. Will run out of beds most likely today.
And this is just 1 out of 9 hospitals.
Saturday a few critical, Sunday 13.... today.... ?
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

What's the population of Japan compared to the US?

If you're going to make that comparison use percentages if you can figure out how to calculate them

For example in my state .006% of the population has been confirmed by testing to have been infected.

Sorry I don't see this as the apocalypse it is being made out to be
Lol blues I have to say you are something else. In another OP I told you how useless it is to post the number of confirmed infected as a percentage of the total population and here you are doing exactly that. Did I give you that idea or did you come up with it by yourself?

I will explain something to you, pretending you have the slightest interest in intellectual honesty. At the moment testing capability is still seriously lagging the demand. U.S. Coronavirus Testing Starts To Ramp Up But Still Lags So confirmed cases almost certainly doesn't reflect the actual number. Secondly even more important. At the moment the US is still at the beginning of the infection cycle. So the number you gave doesn't come close to reflect what it will inevitably be.

You like percentages. Covid 19 at a 50 percent infection rate in the US and 1 percent mortality would cause 1.6 million deaths in the US alone. This is a more than 3 times lower mortality rate than is currently the case going by the current official WHO numbers.

You flatter yourself. I don't make note of the anonymous people who trade posts with me.

And when we get to a 50% infection rate let me know.

i have a feeling that the mortality rate will be much lower than advertised because not 100% of all people are tested and we already know that people might have already had the virus and recovered but their symptoms were so mild they never bothered to go to a doctor
In case you haven't noticed I already cut the mortality rate by 300 percent. I also wonder why you think the infection rate will not reach that high? If anything that's a conservative number according to health experts.

So you didn't get it from me fine. Why o why do you think it's a meaningful number?
The fact is the lethality is going to be far lower than advertised and we will never be able to know what it is for sure unless 100% of the population is tested multiple times
The most outrageous thing , healthy people have it because they have no symptoms. Only a leftist

How could you possibly have a problem with that message? Do you not understand it?

It's akin to treating every gun like it's loaded.
I use those procedures everyday of my life, I have good hygiene. You don’t? Ahhhhh
Exactly what I've been saying.

I eat very healthily, exercise daily and I have always been a bit OCD when it comes to personal hygiene and keeping my house clean.

Because of that I rarely ever get sick with anything more serous than a slight cold
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