I was wrong about Covid 19, and you probably was too.

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Masks don't prevent the spread of those that don't have it but only for those that do, so why did you give them masks? Your lies are funny.
Yeah I know that now. However that shows my thinking even before it really started hitting. If I could figure it out as a layperson, why didnt that fuckup in the WH know something was wrong? Simple. He was more worried about his numbers than the people.
He did. No one knew what it was exactly until it was too late. Like you, Trump is human. Hell the NBA halted their season too late too. The impact of Trumps decisions has massive negatives on our economy and human psyche. Do you really blame him for waiting a little longer to completely shut the country down? One of my clients told me life was not worth living as he had to lay off 150+ people. He has three young kids at home. Trump is doing the best he can. Even on this board people are arguing if he overreacted. Opinions differ. This is an extremely difficult and unprecedented situation. I hope your family is safe. Despite our feud, I wish for health and happiness for you and yours. Look at the bright side, my people seem to have discovered an effective treatment.

Teva donates potential coronavirus treatment to hospitals across the US

I expect a mass collapse of small businesses because of this. A month closed will kill damn near every independent restaurant in the country.

There are places where I live that are doing take out however, many restaurants depend on their ambience and will still have to pay for the brick and mortar. I hope you are wrong though.
Most restaurants make 25-40% of their income from something that they cannot sell: alcohol!

My neighbor is in a panic, because he has rent, taxes, and a pile of other bills due, and no idea how he'll pay any of it.
Texas is now allowing the sale of alcohol by restaurants for curbside pick up and delivery.
if liquor stores are open it's silly to pay restaurant prices for booze

New York has a higher population density than Wuhan China........And why it's going exponential.........You have 8 million people in a small area......living in high rises where everyone comes and goes........and why it's gone VIRAL......PUN INTENDED.....

Only via DRACONIAN MEASURES can this be limited there now. And we aren't China.......who did it by being ........well.........if you leave the dang house I'm gonna shoot you country.
we should blow the bridges like they do in the movies
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Yeah, cuz Biden, Hillary, Pelosi and OBama were all jumping up and down warning us for this thing since January, right? And, no Democrats were sniveling about closing the borders and promising criminl illegal aliens that if they vote Democrat the borders will be thrown wide open just weeks ago, right? lol you do indeed fit at least two stereotypes.
The most outrageous thing , healthy people have it because they have no symptoms. Only a leftist

How could you possibly have a problem with that message? Do you not understand it?

It's akin to treating every gun like it's loaded.
I use those procedures everyday of my life, I have good hygiene. You don’t? Ahhhhh
Exactly what I've been saying.

I eat very healthily, exercise daily and I have always been a bit OCD when it comes to personal hygiene and keeping my house clean.

Because of that I rarely ever get sick with anything more serous than a slight cold
well having people shitting in the streets like happens in the demo states and cities, certainly can't help with this at all. If everyone doesn't shout loudly to clean up the sidewalks in CA, this will not get any better. shit and needles on the street can't be good for the populous and they don't care, now they do?
So call it by its proper name. Why is that hard?

So fucking what? We can call it whatever we want. There is no 'name police'
Again, why is it hard to call it by its proper name? Is it because you WANT to call it the "Chinese Virus" for some reason?
So what the Spanish flu wasn't from Spain, what's your point ?? Like Leo purdy much said, who made the left the Nazi word police ??

The 1918 influenza pandemic was the most severe pandemic in recent history. It was caused by an H1N1 virus with genes of avian origin. Although there is not universal consensus regarding where the virus originated, it spread worldwide during 1918-1919.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.
You tell that to the people that would have changed their behavior had Drumpf been a leader from the beginning and raised an alarm instead of downplaying the virus. He has blood on his hands and so do clowns like you that support Drumpf.

If had raised the alarm, you and you ilk would have said he overreacted. You know the "intelligent" people.
Yes, of COURSE you would know what I would have done. You're omniscient, right?
Just logical
I don't need to read the link.
Then STFU- you read what aligns with your fears- that is dumber than dumb- you'd rather be dumb that knowledgeable is THE problem with this hysteria-

It's from that benevolent CDC-

I already know about what the CDC says and pay attention to their warnings. I got the H1N1 vaccine back in 2009. H1N1 was not a problem because of the type of virus it was and the availability of the vaccine. Coronavirus is NOT A FLU VIRUS! It is easy to transmit and is more than 10 times deadly as Flu. If we do nothing, 2 million Americans will be dead at the end of the year! More than the United States has lost in all its wars combined in one year! This is the most serious domestic crises in the United States since World War II!
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.

Well, if you were in charge, did nothing and pretended like this was just the seasonal flu, 2 million Americans will be dead by the end of this year. That's more than all the Americans that have died in all the wars the United States has fought in over its 250 year history. This is about PREVENTION! Preventing people from dying, not waiting till it happens. Its not accurate to be comparing last year's typical annual flu season with a new virus causing a global pandemic.

When a building is on fire, people don't wait to evacuate the building until 50% of the occupants are dead. They evacuate the building and try to get as many people out alive as possible! With a pandemic, if you WAIT, it will be to late to stop the spread!
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.

Well, if you were in charge, did nothing and pretended like this was just the seasonal flu, 2 million Americans will be dead by the end of this year. That's more than all the Americans that have died in all the wars the United States has fought in over its 250 year history. This is about PREVENTION! Preventing people from dying, not waiting till it happens. Its not accurate to be comparing last year's typical annual flu season with a new virus causing a global pandemic.

When a building is on fire, people don't wait to evacuate the building until 50% of the occupants are dead. They evacuate the building and try to get as many people out alive as possible! With a pandemic, if you WAIT, it will be to late to stop the spread!
you have no data to make that statement, but hey thanks for the laugh.
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

What's the population of Japan compared to the US?

If you're going to make that comparison use percentages if you can figure out how to calculate them

For example in my state .006% of the population has been confirmed by testing to have been infected.

Sorry I don't see this as the apocalypse it is being made out to be

Population of Japan: 126,000,000

Population of United States: 332,000,000

So the United States is nearly 3 times the size of Japan, but has 35 times more cases. That's a massive failure by TRUMP!
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

What's the population of Japan compared to the US?

If you're going to make that comparison use percentages if you can figure out how to calculate them

For example in my state .006% of the population has been confirmed by testing to have been infected.

Sorry I don't see this as the apocalypse it is being made out to be

Population of Japan: 126,000,000

Population of United States: 332,000,000

So the United States is nearly 3 times the size of Japan, but has 35 times more cases. That's a massive failure by TRUMP!
Not really it just proves that the US population is much more mobile and the US is a much more popular international destination.

The fact that most cases are being reported in the most densely populated areas should be no surprise either
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.

Well, if you were in charge, did nothing and pretended like this was just the seasonal flu, 2 million Americans will be dead by the end of this year. That's more than all the Americans that have died in all the wars the United States has fought in over its 250 year history. This is about PREVENTION! Preventing people from dying, not waiting till it happens. Its not accurate to be comparing last year's typical annual flu season with a new virus causing a global pandemic.

When a building is on fire, people don't wait to evacuate the building until 50% of the occupants are dead. They evacuate the building and try to get as many people out alive as possible! With a pandemic, if you WAIT, it will be to late to stop the spread!
you have no data to make that statement, but hey thanks for the laugh.

Read this:

Realize the implications if the proposal above is not implemented. Think about the exponential growth of the virus over a time period of 9 months. I'm sure you took math in school and can crunch the numbers from the link and spread it over a 9 month period. That will definitely get you to 2 million deaths by the end of the year if drastic measure are not taken.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.
Or the Japanese are raised to be more compliant to the government.

Here we have tens of millions of people who give the finger to the powers that be and go to the beaches to party anyway
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
Anecdotal stories are not science.
It does make sense that young people that smoke and vape weed (or tobacco), are obese, or have other underlying issues are more vulnerable to severe symptoms.
The fear machine is on full tilt!
A 32 year old, who 48 hours earlier was at work, feeling a little funny. Last night he was on life support and fighting for his life.
I take raw data seriously. A 32 year old getting the flu bad certainly is a rarity. Needing life support 2 days later is a freak case. Meaningless without knowing the patient's medical history.

The FACTS that concern me are:
  1. 80,000 people DIED of influenza-like illnesses last season, JUST IN THE USA. That is about double the average. There was no panic, no alarm, no government lockdowns, no school closings, no bailouts, nothing.
  2. So far there are only about 13,000 Covid deaths WORLDWIDE, and we are calling it a pandemic with every State in a state of "emergency." So far, 6.8 people have died per state.
  3. There has only been ONE death attributed to Covid in my state. Last week, the governor closed all the liquor stores.
  4. No one I've talked to has known a single person whose died, been sick with the Covid flu or has SEEN anything that would suggest to him this year is any worse than any other flu season.
  5. I've crunched the numbers. If you take the number of people divided by the number of confirmed Covid cases, that means you are STILL 3.6X MORE LIKELY to get hit by lightning than to contract Covid. And that is only to get it. Only about 0.5% (best guess) actually die from it.

Well, if you were in charge, did nothing and pretended like this was just the seasonal flu, 2 million Americans will be dead by the end of this year. That's more than all the Americans that have died in all the wars the United States has fought in over its 250 year history. This is about PREVENTION! Preventing people from dying, not waiting till it happens. Its not accurate to be comparing last year's typical annual flu season with a new virus causing a global pandemic.

When a building is on fire, people don't wait to evacuate the building until 50% of the occupants are dead. They evacuate the building and try to get as many people out alive as possible! With a pandemic, if you WAIT, it will be to late to stop the spread!
you have no data to make that statement, but hey thanks for the laugh.

Read this:

Realize the implications if the proposal above is not implemented. Think about the exponential growth of the virus over a time period of 9 months. I'm sure you took math in school and can crunch the numbers from the link and spread it over a 9 month period. That will definitely get you to 2 million deaths by the end of the year if drastic measure are not taken.
no evidence of that needed. none. the reason for higher active cases is because more tests were given. I bet the majority of those will be recovered this week. or they are showing people who don't have symptoms.
No one was ready for this kind of crisis that will end up touching us all to some degree.
Thats only because the incompetent fuckup in the WH claimed it was not a big deal and a hoax.

Nope. Wouldn't have mattered who was in the White House, and wouldn't have mattered what they said. Once the dominoes started to fall around the world, our fate was sealed.
The world in 2020 is so mobile, nothing could have stopped this. It would have helped some if we would have tightened up our borders and restricted certain countries from coming here, but this would have only slightly delayed the inevitable.

Nope. Government action matters. Trump failed. Japan has only 1,086 cases. The United States has 32,000+. New York State alone has 17,530 and New York State is five times smaller than Japan in population. This is Trump's mess, the buck stops with him. The only question is how bad things will get. Hopefully New York state reaches a peak soon and then starts to level off.

As I finish writing this, the United States is now at 38,000+ cases and New York State is at 22,000+ cases. Japan still only has 1,086 cases. If New York State were a country, it would have the 6th largest total in the world now.

What's the population of Japan compared to the US?

If you're going to make that comparison use percentages if you can figure out how to calculate them

For example in my state .006% of the population has been confirmed by testing to have been infected.

Sorry I don't see this as the apocalypse it is being made out to be

Population of Japan: 126,000,000

Population of United States: 332,000,000

So the United States is nearly 3 times the size of Japan, but has 35 times more cases. That's a massive failure by TRUMP!
Not really it just proves that the US population is much more mobile and the US is a much more popular international destination.

The fact that most cases are being reported in the most densely populated areas should be no surprise either

Japan is just as mobile as the United States in terms of transportation. In fact, they are even more mobile given their much larger public transportation networks. Plus their population on average is much older and more vulnerable. Yet, they have succeeded in keeping infections low, despite their greater exposure to China.
#1) I disagree he failed to act.

#2) So is South Korea. The cases in the US % wise are very few and far between.

1.) He should have shut the international borders back in February. He only shut down direct transport from China. Just shutting down travel from one country does virtually nothing in those globalized market place.

2.) Japan is the better comparison. Japan only has 9 cases per 1 million in population. The United States now has 98 cases per one million in population. The United States had a chance to be Japan. But Trump failed to act!

#1) He was getting mixed messages. He didn't want to happen in terms what is happening now. Economy in an upheaval, unemployment rising to 20% and kids not in schools. It is easy to be the Monday Morning QB but this was a very difficult decision. He did shut down travel but the virus was already here.

#2) Japan is much smaller than US and it is not all Trump. We are a Republic not an Empire. Trump was vilified and called a racist for closing travel to and from China if you recall.

#1) Trump is President and when he fails to do the job, you need to let him go.

#2) Japan is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of population, but only has 1,086 cases compared to New York States 22,000+! Massive failure.

#1) People will decide in November

#2) Ever been to NY...people are literally on top of one another. Not the size but the density is what counts. I am not shocked NY got it so bad.

Japan has greater population density than New York State. Tokyo is a larger city than New York City.

You just said NY has more people in it than all of Japan? Is NY larger than all of Japan in terms of territory?

No, I said JAPAN is 5 times the size of New York State in terms of POPULATION. It is 3 times the size of New York State in terms of territory.

So then Japan has better social distancing and is more proactive? What are you trying to say? Russia has fewer cases as well. I believe those countries along with South Korea acted faster because of their proximity to China.

Waiting to act is why the United States is in this current mess it is, while Russia and Japan have a relatively light infection numbers. You could wait maybe a day or two, but that's it. Thanks to air traffic, it takes less than 24 hours to get from middle of China to the furthest point on the planet from there which would be the middle of Argentina. That's how fast this lethal pathogen can spread around the world now that its in humans. The time to shut everything down was back on February 1, 2020.
what does that mean, waiting to act,? did you miss the closing of borders to china?
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