I was wrong about George Floyd

That's what people wanted addressed in law enforcement. A national crime wave.
40 million drug users would disagree. They are happily causing much of the crime, including the illegal immigration problem.
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Set up some dominos. See how the first one down causes a chain reaction.
First domino, drug use.
Last domino, massive emigration to U.S. border. ;)
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I didn't watch the body cam but read the article here.

I didn't know all this years ago but defended the cops because of such information as: the hold they had on Floyd was legal (I confess I did not thoroughly investigate that claim because of other facts, such as)

Floyd had Fentanyl in his system and other illegal substances

I could go on and on but this site has restored my faith in our legal system. The jury saw evidence most of us did not see. At first I thought they were just... I dunno..making some kind of pc statement or something..

You need to watch the video before commenting.

I didn't watch the body cam but read the article here.

I didn't know all this years ago but defended the cops because of such information as: the hold they had on Floyd was legal (I confess I did not thoroughly investigate that claim because of other facts, such as)

Floyd had Fentanyl in his system and other illegal substances

I could go on and on but this site has restored my faith in our legal system. The jury saw evidence most of us did not see. At first I thought they were just... I dunno..making some kind of pc statement or something..

Maybe, but the world a far better place without him.
The official cause of death was determined to be homicide, due to "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression,". Even if he had toxic levels of drugs in his system the fact remains that he died being tortured in police custody.
Racists strongly disagree.
Maybe, but the world a far better place without him.

You could say that about many people, some who have done far worse while they present themselves as the "good guys".

Each of them piss on the graves of men who died in Europe in the fight against state abusers. Certainly in Canada many of them view their own importance superior to those who lost their lives.
Pittsburgh is having a hard time finding new cops too. In a country where everyone who wants a gun can have one, who in their right mind wants the job?
Who would want the job if your employer is releasing everyone you arrest
This incident proved one thing: Our right wingers still think the police are always right to kill a black man under any circumstances.
and since the fake pope teaches that homosexuality is no big deal, ALL Catholics, every single one, is guilty of the same heresy

The cause of death for Floyd was Murder. Give it up already and stop embarrassing yourself.
aka homicide. I`ll take the word of a coroner, not some racist trash on the internet.
I don't like the responses of some here

but it cannot be denied there was a lot of.. what's the word... baloney being fed to us about this case.

Frankly, I still feel a little confused. That's bc the guy used drugs. That is a fact. And it does appear to be a fact that he had enough drugs in him to kill not only himself but maybe several people.

I think Negligent homicide sounds better than murder but I don't know. In any case, the judge in the case did not ask our opinions.. We have to trust the jury.. It's just that after the OJ debacle.. not easy doing that.

not at all........

And nobody would know who that violent thug was.

If the idiot left had really wanted to respond in a constructive manner to the death of Fentanyl Floyd, they would have protested the Mexican drug cartels at the Southern border and the Chinese Consulate.

They were the one responsible for his death, but the leftist shitweasels burned down their own neighborhoods instead.

How counter-productive of them.

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