I was wrong. Obama, 2 years in......this ain't so bad.


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
This right winger was horrified at the socialist, marxist, borderline communist leanings of Obama and all his czars, college buddies, associates and preacher.

It was obvious to anyone whose brain had not been rotted out by liberalism that Mr. Obama did not have American exceptionalism in mind for us. He had as a plan to bring America down to equality with the rest of the world. Global warming legislation, government takeover of healthcare, amnesty for illegals, arms reduction, crippling of NASA, crippling of Wall Street, increased taxes, etc, etc, etc,...........his plan was, I thought, to basically tear America down to be equal to all other nations. No better or worse, just the same.

Boy was I wrong.

2 years in, and the right has taken the House, thus practically ending Obama's presidency 2 years in, as he'll likely lose in 2012, and the Reps will take the Senate and retain the House in 2012 as well.

And what damage has he done?

He didn't close Gitmo.

He didn't grant amnesty.

He did pass healthcare, albeit a severely watered down version of his original dream.

He didn't get rid of our nukes.

He didn't cripple Wall Street, in fact, probably has helped them.

He didn't even get close to global warming legislation.

He didn't pull us out of the Middle East.

He was forced to BEGIN strikes in Pakistan with drones (Credit there, even Bush didn't do that)

In fact, other than Healthcare, he's probably more right wing than the 1st Bush:lol:

So while I knew Obama was far too incompetent to successfully run our country..........little did I know he'd also be too incompetent to destroy it!!!

God Bless America.
Nice to see that reality can actually have an impact on the mind of a right winger.

Obama seems to have mostly continued the path that Bush II put us on.

As to his health care plan?

That has many things that one can complain about, but one thing that it is NOT is socialist.

If anything it's a gift given to the the medical and HC insurance establishments
Yes. Obama had a super majority, and incredible momentum.

And he was so inept that he ended up being George Bush the 3rd.

How is the left wing not out in the streets marching this morning?
Yes. Obama had a super majority, and incredible momentum.

And he was so inept that he ended up being George Bush the 3rd.

How is the left wing not out in the streets marching this morning?

Which left wing would that be?

The imaginary one that so many right wingers think people like Clinton belonged to, or the real left wing that thought Obama was a sell out?

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