I was wrong on Pelosi. I side with Leon Panetta.

just heard a quote from Panetta writen on a cover note to his statement the other day that the media "forgot" to tell us, saying that CIA RECOLLECTS telling nancy that they tortured already and that he could NOT VOUGE for such but to find out the truth we need an intellgence committee to investigate.

Jay Rockefeller, Jane Harmon, Pelosi and Graham, the people that were supposedly briefed on the Democratic side of the aisle, all side with Nancy...and say they were not briefed either on the CIA using these methods ALREADY.

SOME Democrats playing politics with national security. Does this surprise you at all?

remember Panetta is also a democrat
Yes--I know--he was also appointed by Obama. This has got to be very embarrassing to this administration.

As my article above in the Washington Post points out the left in this country is outraged over Obama's 180 degree turn on GITMO--aka go back to Bush policies with detainees--& his 180 degree turn on releasing the 45 pictures.

In reality--NONE of this would have happened if Obama would not have released the past administration attorney generals memo's on the enhanced interrogation technics. Nancy Pelosi--would not be caught in all these lies.

If Nancy Pelosi remains as speaker--Republicans have a major advertisment against democrats in 2010. The longer this goes on--the more damage it does to the credibility of the democrat party, including Obama. Nancy Pelosi has already lost her credibilty. She's a liar!
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After that rediculous performance last week why does anyone here believe anything Nancy is saying. The woman may as well have had I'm lying though my teeth printed on her forehead.
After that rediculous performance last week why does anyone here believe anything Nancy is saying. The woman may as well have had I'm lying though my teeth printed on her forehead.
you mean she doesnt?
i thought we had laws about truth in advertising

After that rediculous performance last week why does anyone here believe anything Nancy is saying. The woman may as well have had I'm lying though my teeth printed on her forehead.

She's not from Bush's party, remember? Change is always good.
I think we need to get to the bottom of this...i do not rule out that the CIA could have possibly RECOLLECTED, incorectly, nor do I rule out that Nancy recollects the situation incorrectly...why not try to find out?

You know what this is really about? It is about Porter Goss, George Bush and Dick Cheney trying to HIDE behind Congress. They are trying to make the case that Congress knew and somehow that justifies their criminal acts. They are moral cowards.
I think we need to get to the bottom of this...i do not rule out that the CIA could have possibly RECOLLECTED, incorectly, nor do I rule out that Nancy recollects the situation incorrectly...why not try to find out?

You know what this is really about? It is about Porter Goss, George Bush and Dick Cheney trying to HIDE behind Congress. They are trying to make the case that Congress knew and somehow that justifies their criminal acts. They are moral cowards.

Interesting how you don't see it as Nancy Pelosi being a moral hypocrite.
I think we need to get to the bottom of this...i do not rule out that the CIA could have possibly RECOLLECTED, incorectly, nor do I rule out that Nancy recollects the situation incorrectly...why not try to find out?

You know what this is really about? It is about Porter Goss, George Bush and Dick Cheney trying to HIDE behind Congress. They are trying to make the case that Congress knew and somehow that justifies their criminal acts. They are moral cowards.

Interesting how you don't see it as Nancy Pelosi being a moral hypocrite.
Interesting how you think you know what I think.
You know what this is really about? It is about Porter Goss, George Bush and Dick Cheney trying to HIDE behind Congress. They are trying to make the case that Congress knew and somehow that justifies their criminal acts. They are moral cowards.

Interesting how you don't see it as Nancy Pelosi being a moral hypocrite.
Interesting how you think you know what I think.

You keep making excuses for her, it is pretty damn obvious. Ohh and PROVE any laws were broken. By the way DUMB ASS. Bush ask in 2007 for the new Democratic controlled congress to put down in writing what was torture, they refused to oblige for 2 YEARS. Pelosi ran the House during that time as well.
You know what this is really about? It is about Porter Goss, George Bush and Dick Cheney trying to HIDE behind Congress. They are trying to make the case that Congress knew and somehow that justifies their criminal acts. They are moral cowards.

Interesting how you don't see it as Nancy Pelosi being a moral hypocrite.
Interesting how you think you know what I think.

Ok, Ill give you the chance. Is Pelosi a moral hypocrite?
Interesting how you don't see it as Nancy Pelosi being a moral hypocrite.
Interesting how you think you know what I think.

You keep making excuses for her, it is pretty damn obvious. Ohh and PROVE any laws were broken. By the way DUMB ASS. Bush ask in 2007 for the new Democratic controlled congress to put down in writing what was torture, they refused to oblige for 2 YEARS. Pelosi ran the House during that time as well.
I'm not making excuses for her. I have seen no evidence that she actually lied. If she did she should step down as I've stated several times on this board. And yes, if she lied she is also a moral coward...of a lesser degree than Bush, et al, but one nevertheless.

There is already an act that defines torture: Detainee Treatment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (And Bush issued one of his signing statements saying he could do as he please because he was president).

Then there are the treaties we've signed and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

It would be useless to list 500,000 things that were deemed torture because then you idiots would think the 500,001st was acceptable.

I think we need to get to the bottom of this...i do not rule out that the CIA could have possibly RECOLLECTED, incorectly, nor do I rule out that Nancy recollects the situation incorrectly...why not try to find out?

You know what this is really about? It is about Porter Goss, George Bush and Dick Cheney trying to HIDE behind Congress. They are trying to make the case that Congress knew and somehow that justifies their criminal acts. They are moral cowards.

Funny--but I didn't see George Bush or Dick Cheney whispering in her ear at last weeks news conference--nor do I believe they sent her a memo on what to say to the media--LOL.

Dick Cheney has been all over the news "defending" the enhanced interrogation technics--basically "admitting" what the Bush administration did to keep Americans safe. Therefore--not admitting that the Bush administration comitted any crime.

You have Nancy Pelosi--on the intellegence committee--denying that she knew anything that was going on--while pointing her fingers at everyone else--calling the CIA liars--& changing her story now 5 or 6 times. Therefore-making herself COMPLICIT in a "crime" that she believed to be a "crime". Now who do YOU think is going to get "prosecuted?"

BTW- A CNN public opinion poll show that while most Americans agree that waterboarding is torture, this same group overwhelming think it's O.K. to use on terrorists. 57% of the American public OPPOSE an investigation of Bush admininstration officials for the enhanced interrogation technics while only 42% want an investigation.
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Interesting how you think you know what I think.

You keep making excuses for her, it is pretty damn obvious. Ohh and PROVE any laws were broken. By the way DUMB ASS. Bush ask in 2007 for the new Democratic controlled congress to put down in writing what was torture, they refused to oblige for 2 YEARS. Pelosi ran the House during that time as well.
I'm not making excuses for her. I have seen no evidence that she actually lied. If she did she should step down as I've stated several times on this board. And yes, if she lied she is also a moral coward...of a lesser degree than Bush, et al, but one nevertheless.

There is already an act that defines torture: Detainee Treatment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (And Bush issued one of his signing statements saying he could do as he please because he was president).

Then there are the treaties we've signed and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

It would be useless to list 500,000 things that were deemed torture because then you idiots would think the 500,001st was acceptable.

shes only changed her story SIX FUCKING TIMES
yeah, no proof she is or was lying

then you wonder why people think you are a moron

btw, you lied about the signing statement
it didnt say that at all
and your wiki link has all kinds of desputes over its contents
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You keep making excuses for her, it is pretty damn obvious. Ohh and PROVE any laws were broken. By the way DUMB ASS. Bush ask in 2007 for the new Democratic controlled congress to put down in writing what was torture, they refused to oblige for 2 YEARS. Pelosi ran the House during that time as well.
I'm not making excuses for her. I have seen no evidence that she actually lied. If she did she should step down as I've stated several times on this board. And yes, if she lied she is also a moral coward...of a lesser degree than Bush, et al, but one nevertheless.

There is already an act that defines torture: Detainee Treatment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (And Bush issued one of his signing statements saying he could do as he please because he was president).

Then there are the treaties we've signed and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

It would be useless to list 500,000 things that were deemed torture because then you idiots would think the 500,001st was acceptable.

shes only changed her story SIX FUCKING TIMES
yeah, no proof she is or was lying

then you wonder why people think you are a moron

moron or partisan?

I am sure if Sarah Palin were in this situation, she wouldn't be giving her the benefit of the doubt.
You keep making excuses for her, it is pretty damn obvious. Ohh and PROVE any laws were broken. By the way DUMB ASS. Bush ask in 2007 for the new Democratic controlled congress to put down in writing what was torture, they refused to oblige for 2 YEARS. Pelosi ran the House during that time as well.
I'm not making excuses for her. I have seen no evidence that she actually lied. If she did she should step down as I've stated several times on this board. And yes, if she lied she is also a moral coward...of a lesser degree than Bush, et al, but one nevertheless.

There is already an act that defines torture: Detainee Treatment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (And Bush issued one of his signing statements saying he could do as he please because he was president).

Then there are the treaties we've signed and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

It would be useless to list 500,000 things that were deemed torture because then you idiots would think the 500,001st was acceptable.

shes only changed her story SIX FUCKING TIMES
yeah, no proof she is or was lying

then you wonder why people think you are a moron
Actually, I don't wonder why people think I am a moron...because I don't spend a lot of time wondering what morons think.
I'm not making excuses for her. I have seen no evidence that she actually lied. If she did she should step down as I've stated several times on this board. And yes, if she lied she is also a moral coward...of a lesser degree than Bush, et al, but one nevertheless.

There is already an act that defines torture: Detainee Treatment Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (And Bush issued one of his signing statements saying he could do as he please because he was president).

Then there are the treaties we've signed and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

It would be useless to list 500,000 things that were deemed torture because then you idiots would think the 500,001st was acceptable.

shes only changed her story SIX FUCKING TIMES
yeah, no proof she is or was lying

then you wonder why people think you are a moron
Actually, I don't wonder why people think I am a moron...because I don't spend a lot of time wondering what morons think.

I don't think you do alot of thinking either.
Ravi if you couldn't lying four year old rwritten all over Qeen Nan's press conference you are you're even more retarded than Old Rocks or sealy and that is too sad to contemplate.
Ravi if you couldn't lying four year old rwritten all over Qeen Nan's press conference you are you're even more retarded than Old Rocks or sealy and that is too sad to contemplate.

so you support an investigation to prove this, regarding Pelosi? Or only your insight to her conversation should be taken?

We have Bob Graham who was briefed by the cia in september of 2002 and he TOO says that he was briefed on torture techniques BUT NOT ABOUT Abu Z. being tortured ALREADY by the cia?

Then we have Panetta who was not the CIA head 7 years ago saying..."it is not the PRACTICE of the CIA to lie to congress" WHAT THE HELL does that carefully worded sentence mean? Did he say that what she was briefed on was not a lie? Did he say that the CIA doesn't USUALLY lie to congress about things?

What exactly does that sentence mean of his....?

Then panetta says on monday that ''he will make certain that the intelligence select committee in full, will be thoroughly briefed from NOW ON....''

and I have to wonder, if it was SOOOOO PERFECT before then why does panetta want to change it?

So, to me this is nothing but partisan babble from the right...because it appears none of you give a rats ass to try to find out the truth and are perfectly content in bashing Pelosi for political posturing and to change the subject regarding the Bush Administration and even Congress, possibly committing a war crime by using Water Torture as a means of enhanced interrogation. We need to get to the bottom of all of this so we can find out the truth.

I am no fool....Gary and neither is Ravi....

Ravi if you couldn't lying four year old rwritten all over Qeen Nan's press conference you are you're even more retarded than Old Rocks or sealy and that is too sad to contemplate.

so you support an investigation to prove this, regarding Pelosi? Or only your insight to her conversation should be taken?

We have Bob Graham who was briefed by the cia in september of 2002 and he TOO says that he was briefed on torture techniques BUT NOT ABOUT Abu Z. being tortured ALREADY by the cia?

Then we have Panetta who was not the CIA head 7 years ago saying..."it is not the PRACTICE of the CIA to lie to congress" WHAT THE HELL does that carefully worded sentence mean? Did he say that what she was briefed on was not a lie? Did he say that the CIA doesn't USUALLY lie to congress about things?

What exactly does that sentence mean of his....?

Then panetta says on monday that ''he will make certain that the intelligence select committee in full, will be thoroughly briefed from NOW ON....''

and I have to wonder, if it was SOOOOO PERFECT before then why does panetta want to change it?

So, to me this is nothing but partisan babble from the right...because it appears none of you give a rats ass to try to find out the truth and are perfectly content in bashing Pelosi for political posturing and to change the subject regarding the Bush Administration and even Congress, possibly committing a war crime by using Water Torture as a means of enhanced interrogation. We need to get to the bottom of all of this so we can find out the truth.

I am no fool....Gary and neither is Ravi....

ok, then which of her 6 different stories is the correct one?
and as to ravi, she is a fool
defending either is an act of absurdity

nancy was too clever by half. she was briefed. they told her they had authorization to do these extraordinary things to our prisoners. and yet - should she actually have any doubt - she failed to ask whether they were engaged in these very acts. the very thing they took the time to brief her about ... as if they were going to brief her about the things they had no intentions of doing
pelosi knows she is vulnerable because she failed to do the right thing at the right moment

and panetta. what a rube. he could not hold the reins on the clinton white house, much less the CIA. kudos for trying to support the troops with the memo ... but it killed his credibility both within and outside the company
remember the "slam dunk" intelligence? it wasn't that long ago that the CIA was pushed into giving cover for cheney and his desire for iraqi oil ... i mean war

neither player possesses character worthy of defending ... why give up your own in a weak defensive effort
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