I was wrong on Pelosi. I side with Leon Panetta.

Ravi if you couldn't lying four year old rwritten all over Qeen Nan's press conference you are you're even more retarded than Old Rocks or sealy and that is too sad to contemplate.

so you support an investigation to prove this, regarding Pelosi? Or only your insight to her conversation should be taken?

We have Bob Graham who was briefed by the cia in september of 2002 and he TOO says that he was briefed on torture techniques BUT NOT ABOUT Abu Z. being tortured ALREADY by the cia?

Then we have Panetta who was not the CIA head 7 years ago saying..."it is not the PRACTICE of the CIA to lie to congress" WHAT THE HELL does that carefully worded sentence mean? Did he say that what she was briefed on was not a lie? Did he say that the CIA doesn't USUALLY lie to congress about things?

What exactly does that sentence mean of his....?

Then panetta says on monday that ''he will make certain that the intelligence select committee in full, will be thoroughly briefed from NOW ON....''

and I have to wonder, if it was SOOOOO PERFECT before then why does panetta want to change it?

So, to me this is nothing but partisan babble from the right...because it appears none of you give a rats ass to try to find out the truth and are perfectly content in bashing Pelosi for political posturing and to change the subject regarding the Bush Administration and even Congress, possibly committing a war crime by using Water Torture as a means of enhanced interrogation. We need to get to the bottom of all of this so we can find out the truth.

I am no fool....Gary and neither is Ravi....

ok, then which of her 6 different stories is the correct one?
and as to ravi, she is a fool

Her story HAS BEEN CONSISTENT, she did not give 6 different stories, she has stuck to the same one, regarding this...

If you would like to show me her 6 different stories, then maybe you would have a case, but there is NO SUCH THING...

and I am not that crazy about having to come to her defense, but i heard her statements and her story has not changed. we still do not know if she is telling the whole truth or not, but her story has never changed.
so you support an investigation to prove this, regarding Pelosi? Or only your insight to her conversation should be taken?

We have Bob Graham who was briefed by the cia in september of 2002 and he TOO says that he was briefed on torture techniques BUT NOT ABOUT Abu Z. being tortured ALREADY by the cia?

Then we have Panetta who was not the CIA head 7 years ago saying..."it is not the PRACTICE of the CIA to lie to congress" WHAT THE HELL does that carefully worded sentence mean? Did he say that what she was briefed on was not a lie? Did he say that the CIA doesn't USUALLY lie to congress about things?

What exactly does that sentence mean of his....?

Then panetta says on monday that ''he will make certain that the intelligence select committee in full, will be thoroughly briefed from NOW ON....''

and I have to wonder, if it was SOOOOO PERFECT before then why does panetta want to change it?

So, to me this is nothing but partisan babble from the right...because it appears none of you give a rats ass to try to find out the truth and are perfectly content in bashing Pelosi for political posturing and to change the subject regarding the Bush Administration and even Congress, possibly committing a war crime by using Water Torture as a means of enhanced interrogation. We need to get to the bottom of all of this so we can find out the truth.

I am no fool....Gary and neither is Ravi....

ok, then which of her 6 different stories is the correct one?
and as to ravi, she is a fool

Her story HAS BEEN CONSISTENT, she did not give 6 different stories, she has stuck to the same one, regarding this...

If you would like to show me her 6 different stories, then maybe you would have a case, but there is NO SUCH THING...

and I am not that crazy about having to come to her defense, but i heard her statements and her story has not changed. we still do not know if she is telling the whole truth or not, but her story has never changed.
oh come on

you cant possibly believe that

her story has changed
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.

When the left lies it is ok. Don't Worry cause after all they are just doing what is best for us. Now when ever one can CLAIM the right lied, that is just horrible, string them up with no evidence and move on to the next one.

Kinda like how Bush doubled the Deficit and that was just HORRIBLE, took him 8 years to do it and 2 wars. Obama will triple THAT deficit in 4 years and that is GOOD. Ohh but he will then magically cut it in half the next 4 leaving it half again as big as when he started. BUT again THAT is good news.
ok, then which of her 6 different stories is the correct one?
and as to ravi, she is a fool

Her story HAS BEEN CONSISTENT, she did not give 6 different stories, she has stuck to the same one, regarding this...

If you would like to show me her 6 different stories, then maybe you would have a case, but there is NO SUCH THING...

and I am not that crazy about having to come to her defense, but i heard her statements and her story has not changed. we still do not know if she is telling the whole truth or not, but her story has never changed.
oh come on

you cant possibly believe that

her story has changed
Saying it over and over seems to convince the morons, but you certainly didn't answer or convince Care.
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.

When the left lies it is ok. Don't Worry cause after all they are just doing what is best for us. Now when ever one can CLAIM the right lied, that is just horrible, string them up with no evidence and move on to the next one.

Kinda like how Bush doubled the Deficit and that was just HORRIBLE, took him 8 years to do it and 2 wars. Obama will triple THAT deficit in 4 years and that is GOOD. Ohh but he will then magically cut it in half the next 4 leaving it half again as big as when he started. BUT again THAT is good news.
Who says it is good? It seems to be the only way to save the country thanks to your idiotic policies to deregulation the banking industry. All this bad economy is a carry over from the Bush administration's bad judgment.
Her story HAS BEEN CONSISTENT, she did not give 6 different stories, she has stuck to the same one, regarding this...

If you would like to show me her 6 different stories, then maybe you would have a case, but there is NO SUCH THING...

and I am not that crazy about having to come to her defense, but i heard her statements and her story has not changed. we still do not know if she is telling the whole truth or not, but her story has never changed.
oh come on

you cant possibly believe that

her story has changed
Saying it over and over seems to convince the morons, but you certainly didn't answer or convince Care.

You are the POSTER child for just repeating something over and over in the hopes it somehow wins a discussion for you or convinces people the 50th time they see it.
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.

When the left lies it is ok. Don't Worry cause after all they are just doing what is best for us. Now when ever one can CLAIM the right lied, that is just horrible, string them up with no evidence and move on to the next one.

Kinda like how Bush doubled the Deficit and that was just HORRIBLE, took him 8 years to do it and 2 wars. Obama will triple THAT deficit in 4 years and that is GOOD. Ohh but he will then magically cut it in half the next 4 leaving it half again as big as when he started. BUT again THAT is good news.
Who says it is good? It seems to be the only way to save the country thanks to your idiotic policies to deregulation the banking industry. All this bad economy is a carry over from the Bush administration's bad judgment.

Ya cause of course Bush and McCain did not try 3 DIFFERENT times to get stronger regulations in place. And of Course Barney Frank and Chris Dodd were not claiming even as late as 2008 that the Housing market and the Banking policies on it were in perfect health. MORON.
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.

They were not told the techniques were in USE??? Well, at least this is what pelosi and Graham say?

Their story has been that they were briefed on what techniques this administration legally felt they could use in enhanced interrogation and that before the techniques would be used, THEY would be notified.

Have you even listened to Pelosi at the press conference covering this and what she has said or are you getting this inaccurate information from a blog or FOX?

I think you and others on here should listen to what they have said...

at least you would KNOW what was actually said before you start blasting her.... not that she would be blasted anyway after you did listen, but I do think it is IMPORTANT to get the facts straight, no?

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Her story HAS BEEN CONSISTENT, she did not give 6 different stories, she has stuck to the same one, regarding this...

If you would like to show me her 6 different stories, then maybe you would have a case, but there is NO SUCH THING...

and I am not that crazy about having to come to her defense, but i heard her statements and her story has not changed. we still do not know if she is telling the whole truth or not, but her story has never changed.
oh come on

you cant possibly believe that

her story has changed
Saying it over and over seems to convince the morons, but you certainly didn't answer or convince Care.
wrong, your case in point, repeating the truth over and over wont convince a fucking moron
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.

They were not told the techniques were in USE??? Well, at least this is what pelosi and Graham say?

Their story has been that they were briefed on what techniques this administration legally felt they could use in enhanced interrogation and that before the techniques would be used, THEY would be notified.

Have you even listened to Pelosi at the press conference covering this and what she has said or are you getting this inaccurate information from a blog or FOX?

I think you and others on here should listen to what they have said...

at least you would KNOW what was actually said before you start blasting her.... not that she would be blasted anyway after you did listen, but I do think it is IMPORTANT to get the facts straight, no?


YES, they were told
Porter Goss was in the very SAME briefing with Pelosi
he says they were told
oh, but he's a republican so he must be lying
'pelosi has told 6 different stories, but shes telling the truth
heh, the CIA lists Porter Goss as a member of Congress during the time he was the head of the CIA.

The CIA has probably destroyed so much evidence to cover up what they did that they have no real records.
heh, the CIA lists Porter Goss as a member of Congress during the time he was the head of the CIA.

The CIA has probably destroyed so much evidence to cover up what they did that they have no real records.

i've never heard of the CIA, are they some secret organization or society?
Nice try care. It doesn't wash. If they were told these techniques were in use why would it matter whether or not they provided a list of who they had already used them on?

Quit trying to dig queen nan a hidey hole with a tea spoon of obfuscation and pinch of wishfull thinking and look at that sorry performance this was clearly a woman caught in a lie who knew it and was desperately hunting a way out.

I don't need an investigation to verify what my own eyes just saw.

They were not told the techniques were in USE??? Well, at least this is what pelosi and Graham say?

Their story has been that they were briefed on what techniques this administration legally felt they could use in enhanced interrogation and that before the techniques would be used, THEY would be notified.

Have you even listened to Pelosi at the press conference covering this and what she has said or are you getting this inaccurate information from a blog or FOX?

I think you and others on here should listen to what they have said...

at least you would KNOW what was actually said before you start blasting her.... not that she would be blasted anyway after you did listen, but I do think it is IMPORTANT to get the facts straight, no?


YES, they were told
Porter Goss was in the very SAME briefing with Pelosi
he says they were told
oh, but he's a republican so he must be lying
'pelosi has told 6 different stories, but shes telling the truth

no my friend, Porter Goss has NEVER admitted to them being told about water torturing abu z. or that they were using waterboarding...in this september meeting

Porter Goss's carefully positioned words does not say this at all and he WILL NOT COME OUT AND SAY that the CIA told them these enhanced interogation techniques described to them were BEING USED or had been USED, so...prove it Dive....let's see where porter goss specifically says he and Nancy were informed about the cia using these interogation techniques ALREADY.

you, and others have made this up....out of what he said, but he NEVER DIRECTLY said it...WHY IS THAT? Why won't he SAY IT? Because then he would be a LIAR? I dunno...seems quite fishy to me...
They were not told the techniques were in USE??? Well, at least this is what pelosi and Graham say?

Their story has been that they were briefed on what techniques this administration legally felt they could use in enhanced interrogation and that before the techniques would be used, THEY would be notified.

Have you even listened to Pelosi at the press conference covering this and what she has said or are you getting this inaccurate information from a blog or FOX?

I think you and others on here should listen to what they have said...

at least you would KNOW what was actually said before you start blasting her.... not that she would be blasted anyway after you did listen, but I do think it is IMPORTANT to get the facts straight, no?


YES, they were told
Porter Goss was in the very SAME briefing with Pelosi
he says they were told
oh, but he's a republican so he must be lying
'pelosi has told 6 different stories, but shes telling the truth

no my friend, Porter Goss has NEVER admitted to them being told about water torturing abu z. or that they were using waterboarding...in this september meeting

Porter Goss's carefully positioned words does not say this at all and he WILL NOT COME OUT AND SAY that the CIA told them these enhanced interogation techniques described to them were BEING USED or had been USED, so...prove it Dive....let's see where porter goss specifically says he and Nancy were informed about the cia using these interogation techniques ALREADY.

you, and others have made this up....out of what he said, but he NEVER DIRECTLY said it...WHY IS THAT? Why won't he SAY IT? Because then he would be a LIAR? I dunno...seems quite fishy to me...

Do either of you have sources to back these claims?
Well, Penetta was not there at the time, he should defend his own department, however what he said was not true...meaning, the CIA planned Iran contra affair, without letting congress know about it so, the CIA does not have the best of records as he implied...yes, 95% of the time they have been good and on the up and up, HOWEVER history does show, they have lied to congress and the American people, previously.

Panetta did not go in to ANY details on what precisely WAS SAID and of course there is no detailed records of it...bs., due to supposed confidentiality and only general notes....

I don't think any of us have enough REAL info yet to say that Nancy is lying or the CIA is lying, other than hype of he said she said....

I would recommend an independent investigation before saying the CIA actually did lie, or that she actually did, and should resign due to it.

Newt said some things that were uncalled for, and before i heard him today on the 24/7 I was leaning against her on all of this, but after newt was an ASSHOLE, I'm back to wanting a truth squad! :D :lol:


OH man--you are killing my fun!! You suppose to say that Pelosi knew and help rile up the conservatives so that a truth squad is forced down our throats.

You are one rabbit that hates getting thrown into the briar patch by the wolf!! By sitting here and trying to rationalizing things to extreme partisans,you let the truth slip out of your hands and purchase a "compromised" fabrication.

You have to become more creative on how to use these extremists in order to get what you want.

Our politicians do it,why can't we thinking citizens do the same??
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YES, they were told
Porter Goss was in the very SAME briefing with Pelosi
he says they were told
oh, but he's a republican so he must be lying
'pelosi has told 6 different stories, but shes telling the truth

no my friend, Porter Goss has NEVER admitted to them being told about water torturing abu z. or that they were using waterboarding...in this september meeting

Porter Goss's carefully positioned words does not say this at all and he WILL NOT COME OUT AND SAY that the CIA told them these enhanced interogation techniques described to them were BEING USED or had been USED, so...prove it Dive....let's see where porter goss specifically says he and Nancy were informed about the cia using these interogation techniques ALREADY.

you, and others have made this up....out of what he said, but he NEVER DIRECTLY said it...WHY IS THAT? Why won't he SAY IT? Because then he would be a LIAR? I dunno...seems quite fishy to me...

Do either of you have sources to back these claims?

Here's the google search listing on it....pick and choose any of your choice...

porter goss pelosi - Google Search

i just picked out this guys comments because of its clarity, but there are a ton of links on google that you can read...
The Plum LineGreg Sargent's

Porter Goss Won’t Say Whether He And Pelosi Were Told About Use Of Torture

Porter Goss, the former GOP Congressman who was in the room with Nancy Pelosi during their 2002 CIA briefing on interrogations, is declining through a spokesperson to say whether the two of them were told that enhanced interrogation techniques had been used.

Goss’ reticence raises still another round of questions about the accuracy of the recently-released CIA documents purporting to detail what members of Congress were told about the use of torture.

The CIA documents say that Pelosi and Goss, then the House Intelligence Committee chair, were given a description on September 4th, 2002, of the enhanced interrogation techniques that “had been employed” during interrogations. Republicans have seized on this as proof that Pelosi was told that torture, including waterboarding, was already in use, which she has denied.

I asked a spokesperson for Goss if he would confirm that he and Pelosi had been informed of the use of torture. Goss was out of town, so it took her a while to get back to me, but now she has: She declined to answer the question, saying that Goss would not elaborate beyond what he said in a Washington Post Op ed last month.

In that carefully-worded piece, Goss did not write he had been told that torture had been used. Rather, he merely wrote that members of Congress were told that the CIA was “holding and interrogating” suspects and that EITs had been developed. He said that members should have “understood” that EITs “were to actually be employed” in the future, without saying that they were even told this, let alone told that they’d been used.

This does not contradict Pelosi’s claim that she was only told that such techniques were legal, not that they had been or certainly would be used — the crux of the GOP’s attack.

So I asked Goss’ spokesperson directly: Were he and Pelosi informed that EITs, including waterboarding, had already been used, and were they given a rough sense that Abu Zubaydah had been waterboarded more than 83 times the previous month?

Her answer: “He believes that his Op-ed makes it very clear and is not engaging beyond it at this time.” She declined repeated requests to elaborate.

So here’s where we are: The Republican Congressman who was in the room during Pelosi’s briefing won’t directly vouch for the accuracy of the CIA’s claim that she had been briefed on the use of torture.
no my friend, Porter Goss has NEVER admitted to them being told about water torturing abu z. or that they were using waterboarding...in this september meeting

Porter Goss's carefully positioned words does not say this at all and he WILL NOT COME OUT AND SAY that the CIA told them these enhanced interogation techniques described to them were BEING USED or had been USED, so...prove it Dive....let's see where porter goss specifically says he and Nancy were informed about the cia using these interogation techniques ALREADY.

you, and others have made this up....out of what he said, but he NEVER DIRECTLY said it...WHY IS THAT? Why won't he SAY IT? Because then he would be a LIAR? I dunno...seems quite fishy to me...

Do either of you have sources to back these claims?

Here's the google search listing on it....pick and choose any of your choice...

porter goss pelosi - Google Search

i just picked out this guys comments because of its clarity, but there are a ton of links on google that you can read...
The Plum LineGreg Sargent's

Porter Goss Won’t Say Whether He And Pelosi Were Told About Use Of Torture

Porter Goss, the former GOP Congressman who was in the room with Nancy Pelosi during their 2002 CIA briefing on interrogations, is declining through a spokesperson to say whether the two of them were told that enhanced interrogation techniques had been used.

Goss’ reticence raises still another round of questions about the accuracy of the recently-released CIA documents purporting to detail what members of Congress were told about the use of torture.

The CIA documents say that Pelosi and Goss, then the House Intelligence Committee chair, were given a description on September 4th, 2002, of the enhanced interrogation techniques that “had been employed” during interrogations. Republicans have seized on this as proof that Pelosi was told that torture, including waterboarding, was already in use, which she has denied.

I asked a spokesperson for Goss if he would confirm that he and Pelosi had been informed of the use of torture. Goss was out of town, so it took her a while to get back to me, but now she has: She declined to answer the question, saying that Goss would not elaborate beyond what he said in a Washington Post Op ed last month.

In that carefully-worded piece, Goss did not write he had been told that torture had been used. Rather, he merely wrote that members of Congress were told that the CIA was “holding and interrogating” suspects and that EITs had been developed. He said that members should have “understood” that EITs “were to actually be employed” in the future, without saying that they were even told this, let alone told that they’d been used.

This does not contradict Pelosi’s claim that she was only told that such techniques were legal, not that they had been or certainly would be used — the crux of the GOP’s attack.

So I asked Goss’ spokesperson directly: Were he and Pelosi informed that EITs, including waterboarding, had already been used, and were they given a rough sense that Abu Zubaydah had been waterboarded more than 83 times the previous month?

Her answer: “He believes that his Op-ed makes it very clear and is not engaging beyond it at this time.” She declined repeated requests to elaborate.

So here’s where we are: The Republican Congressman who was in the room during Pelosi’s briefing won’t directly vouch for the accuracy of the CIA’s claim that she had been briefed on the use of torture.
absolutely and completely WRONG
thats why you shouldnt trust fucking BLOGS

What Congress Knew - WSJ.com

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