I wash my hands of the GOP

Facts are not your friend....much like the rest of the world. Hillary got more votes than Donald. Shove that up your ass

With 8 million votes from illegals in California, why should anyone care?
8 million illegal votes.


Only the truly brain-dead could think more than half the voters in California were cast by illegals.

Even funnier ... the lunatic above thinks 8 million illegals voted but not one single one was caught.


Caught by whom? Illegal votes in California are REWARDED by the ruling Communists,

"We find that some noncitizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections," wrote Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, both of Old Dominion University, and David C. Earnest of George Mason University.

More specifically, they write, "Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress."

Specifically, the authors say that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010. That's a lot of votes. And when you consider the population of illegal inhabitants has only grown since then, it's not unreasonable to suppose that their vote has, too.}

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016

The Communist (democratic) party is in favor of corrupted elections;

Some 53% of Democrats want illegal aliens to have the vote,
according to a new poll. Naturally: Why wouldn't they want millions of
new members for their party and its Big Government agenda?

When it comes to likely voters in all categories of the population, Rasmussen Reports has found that 60% don't want those present in the U.S. illegally to be able to vote, while 35% do.

But a majority of those identifying themselves as Democrats do want illegals to have voting rights, along with 21% of Republicans and 30% of the non-affiliated.}

Yet here you are for some reason. You, apparently care.

Of course I care. I remember when this was a great state. California was once the "Golden State," a land of opportunity and entrepreneurship.

Now the ruling Communists say "fuck anyone not in Silicone Valley" and do everything they can to drive them from the state.
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!

I'm in. Was thinking anyone but Hillary, but I'll enjoy watching the Drumpf's howl.

I know i'm enoying it, how bout you?
Facts are not your friend....much like the rest of the world. Hillary got more votes than Donald. Shove that up your ass

With 8 million votes from illegals in California, why should anyone care?
8 million illegal votes.


Only the truly brain-dead could think more than half the voters in California were cast by illegals.

Even funnier ... the lunatic above thinks 8 million illegals voted but not one single one was caught.


Caught by whom? Illegal votes in California are REWARDED by the ruling Communists,

"We find that some noncitizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections," wrote Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, both of Old Dominion University, and David C. Earnest of George Mason University.

More specifically, they write, "Noncitizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress."

Specifically, the authors say that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010. That's a lot of votes. And when you consider the population of illegal inhabitants has only grown since then, it's not unreasonable to suppose that their vote has, too.}

Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016

The Communist (democratic) party is in favor of corrupted elections;

Some 53% of Democrats want illegal aliens to have the vote,
according to a new poll. Naturally: Why wouldn't they want millions of
new members for their party and its Big Government agenda?

When it comes to likely voters in all categories of the population, Rasmussen Reports has found that 60% don't want those present in the U.S. illegally to be able to vote, while 35% do.

But a majority of those identifying themselves as Democrats do want illegals to have voting rights, along with 21% of Republicans and 30% of the non-affiliated.}



Moron .... aside from the sad reality that "probably" doesn't mean millions of illegals voted -- your link estimates 3 million illegals voted nationally yet you insanely claimed 8 million voted in California alone. And that 3 million estimate is based on a debunked unscientific online poll.

Though you're too far gone to comprehend it, this is yet another reason why virtually everyone on the forum thinks you're nuts.
Yeah, about that; we don't count the votes from illegals...remember?
^^^ Dishonest pieces of shit like this go on the ignore list.
Say it with me, brother. President Trump.

I don't care one way or another to be honest because our country is going to go to shit until the next great war, but watching heads explode like yours is priceless.
Because I don't want to read gibberish from retards?
Yeah, about that; we don't count the votes from illegals...remember?
^^^ Dishonest pieces of shit like this go on the ignore list.
Say it with me, brother. President Trump.

I don't care one way or another to be honest because our country is going to go to shit until the next great war, but watching heads explode like yours is priceless.
Because I don't want to read gibberish from retards?

So you don't read your own posts? Interesting!
Yeah, about that; we don't count the votes from illegals...remember?
^^^ Dishonest pieces of shit like this go on the ignore list.
Say it with me, brother. President Trump.

I don't care one way or another to be honest because our country is going to go to shit until the next great war, but watching heads explode like yours is priceless.
Because I don't want to read gibberish from retards?
That was so totally cool, I could see your head exploding in super-slow-mo. Let's do it again. Say it with me, brother. President Trump.

I don't care one way or another to be honest because our country is going to go to shit until the next great war, but watching heads explode like yours is priceless.
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement. Translated to mean you're a spineless coward.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity! Definitely translates to mean you're a spineless coward. Look what you wrote idiot. Your message is if others don't like him then you're a mere follower.
Facts are not your friend....much like the rest of the world. Hillary got more votes than Donald. Shove that up your ass

With 8 million votes from illegals in California, why should anyone care?
Now it's 8 million? :rofl:....Why don't you reach higher if you're going for fantasy?



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement. Translated to mean you're a spineless coward.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity! Definitely translates to mean you're a spineless coward. Look what you wrote idiot. Your message is if others don't like him then you're a mere follower.

You're free to think what you like, I stand behind my statement. Of course, this statement was made before the GOP primary had been decided and Ted Cruz was still in the running. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then and I now hope that President Trump proves me wrong. If he does, I will be the first to admit I was wrong.

I simply disagree with you on what constitutes a "spineless coward" here. I think it's someone who will support a candidate no matter how corrupt they are proven to be, no matter how much they lie and cheat, because of the letter beside their name or the popularity they have in the moment... as opposed to how well they adhere to your principles.
Facts are not your friend....much like the rest of the world. Hillary got more votes than Donald. Shove that up your ass

With 8 million votes from illegals in California, why should anyone care?
Now it's 8 million? :rofl:....Why don't you reach higher if you're going for fantasy?



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)

Oh look, the internet troll who posts fake news on behalf of a foreign organization is on "Troll overload"

What have you tagged 20, maybe 30 posts with your shit?

I guess as long as you remain just an internet stalker...
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!

Trump may well be worse than McCain or Romney or any other Republican. However the one person he was not worse than was Hillary Clinton. That is why he won.
How's your butthurt coming along?

Since HRC got millions more votes than your messiah...you tell me.
OK, I'll tell you then. Your butt is STILL hurting. Campaigns aren't run on the popular vote so what you are clinging to is meaningless.

That she got millions of more votes than your messiah????
Yours got burned at the stake. Love it!

No...but she did get millions....again MILLIONS more votes than your messiah.
and now she has been cast to the wind...cast to the wind I tell ya
Since HRC got millions more votes than your messiah...you tell me.
OK, I'll tell you then. Your butt is STILL hurting. Campaigns aren't run on the popular vote so what you are clinging to is meaningless.

That she got millions of more votes than your messiah????
Yours got burned at the stake. Love it!

No...but she did get millions....again MILLIONS more votes than your messiah.
and now she has been cast to the wind...cast to the wind I tell ya
Good, she needed airing out...
Facts are not your friend....much like the rest of the world. Hillary got more votes than Donald. Shove that up your ass

With 8 million votes from illegals in California, why should anyone care?
Now it's 8 million? :rofl:....Why don't you reach higher if you're going for fantasy?



STAGE 1 – Denial (as in”That’s Fake News!”)
STAGE 2 – Misunderstood (as in “Don’t listen to his words, listen to what’s in his heart)
STAGE 3 – Acceptance ( as in “Yeah, but so what?”)
STAGE 4 – Approval (as in “That’s really a good thing”)
* ADDITIONAL STAGE to be inserted at any point – Yeah but (as in “yeah but Clinton/Obama!)

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