I wash my hands of the GOP

at least Trump is said to be good on guns , military , walls , sovereignty and other things , so he says . What more could i want ??

Well you should WANT somebody who is actually convicted in his beliefs and will stand for them in spite of politics... even when their position may not be popular... even when the heat is on. One man has a record of doing that on his core Conservative principles time and time again and it's NOT Mr. Trump! Two years ago, while Ted Cruz was leading a filibuster in our last hope of stopping Obamacare, Mr. Trump was writing checks to get Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi re-elected.

You SHOULD want someone with some integrity... who isn't blowing smoke up your ass to get your vote. Just because Trump is not a professional politician doesn't mean he isn't lying to you just like any politician! Some of you don't seem to get that... you don't have to be a career politician to LIE!
------------------------------------ if Trump gets in and holds to his rhetoric he is ok with me Boss . What names do you have that would be superior to the Trump Boss ??
Trump's not a Conservative, right.

Wasn't Paul Ryan a Conservative? Two months ago he addressed a group at a private dinner in SC and his topic was -- Income Disparity!

Wasn't Dubya a "Compassionate" Conservative? What did that get you?
Rightists continue to search in vain for their ‘conservative messiah,’ when indeed it doesn’t exist, refusing to acknowledge the fact that conservatism is a failed dogma.
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!
The left will collectively attack whomever the repubs elect. That is no reason to get apoplectic....yo.
so they both do the same thing......hence they both are fucking the country...
It's called politics...
today maybe.....
Threads like this one are like music to my Liberal ears. The GOP is in complete free fall now. At this point, it no longer even matters who they nominate.

at least Trump is said to be good on guns , military , walls , sovereignty and other things , so he says . What more could i want ??

Well you should WANT somebody who is actually convicted in his beliefs and will stand for them in spite of politics... even when their position may not be popular... even when the heat is on. One man has a record of doing that on his core Conservative principles time and time again and it's NOT Mr. Trump! Two years ago, while Ted Cruz was leading a filibuster in our last hope of stopping Obamacare, Mr. Trump was writing checks to get Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi re-elected.

You SHOULD want someone with some integrity... who isn't blowing smoke up your ass to get your vote. Just because Trump is not a professional politician doesn't mean he isn't lying to you just like any politician! Some of you don't seem to get that... you don't have to be a career politician to LIE!

The dis-honorable Mr Cruz knew he had no chance to end healthcare, but he was willing to shut down the government to boost his name recognition for this election. He was scheming and willing to hurt the country for personal gain back then. Do you think he is above that now?
------------------------------------------- big deal , shut down government , big deal Bulldog , Cruz is a good guy .
Trump will beat Hillary like a baby seal

Maybe so... and AGAIN... It will be the worst thing to ever happen for the Constitutional Conservative movement. Because ANYTHING he does is going to be blamed and tied to "The Far Right" ....(aka: Conservatives)! This man simply does not represent what most Constitutional Conservatives support. He is saying things that he needs to say in order to get elected. Once elected, he will govern as the moderate liberal that he has always been.

He already has established his "built-in" excuse... Just as Obama did with the "Bush's fault" meme... Whenever you get a great big liberal shit sandwich.... hey, that's part of "Deal Making!" ...you gotta choke down the shit sandwich here.... had to do it! So, some of you are going to go along with him for a while... then it's going to get more and more obvious that he doesn't represent who you are.

So you finally noticed the right wing is nuts. Good for you. What took you so long? They have been nuts for a long time.
Bulldog's day isn't complete until he savors right wing nuts. Big. Hairy. Sweaty right wing nuts.
Cruz is just another bought and paid for attorney/scumbag/establishment politician. The only "principle" he follows if is "win at any cost". Even if that means lying, cheating, and stealing. He's just another stinking turd floating in the DC Toilet bowl....
at least Trump is said to be good on guns , military , walls , sovereignty and other things , so he says . What more could i want ??

Well you should WANT somebody who is actually convicted in his beliefs and will stand for them in spite of politics... even when their position may not be popular... even when the heat is on. One man has a record of doing that on his core Conservative principles time and time again and it's NOT Mr. Trump! Two years ago, while Ted Cruz was leading a filibuster in our last hope of stopping Obamacare, Mr. Trump was writing checks to get Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi re-elected.

You SHOULD want someone with some integrity... who isn't blowing smoke up your ass to get your vote. Just because Trump is not a professional politician doesn't mean he isn't lying to you just like any politician! Some of you don't seem to get that... you don't have to be a career politician to LIE!
-------------------------------------------------- sorry Boss , looks like you are pushing Cruz . Hey , i have supported Cruz since i first heard of him maybe 2 years ago . I still support him but it looks like he is being freight trained by the Trump so Trump is the obvious choice Boss .
The dis-honorable Mr Cruz knew he had no chance to end healthcare, but he was willing to shut down the government to boost his name recognition for this election. He was scheming and willing to hurt the country for personal gain back then. Do you think he is above that now?

I wholeheartedly disagree. I know this is the MEME from the Establishment GOP and elite Democrats... it has nothing to do with the truth.

Here's a synopsis of what happened.... Republicans and Democrats passed a continuing resolution (budget) which included funding for the roll-out of Obamacare. The Senate was going to send the budget to the president to sign and keep the government going... because the last continuing resolution was running out and this president, six years in, had still not presented an actual BUDGET to Congress. So the republican-led Senate's LAST hope of stopping Obamacare was to defund the roll-out... they controlled the purse. Ted Cruz RAN on the promise he would STOP Obamacare! ...So did a whole bunch of others who sidled up to the Establishment to back-stab Ted Cruz and promote this MEME about Cruz taking a stand for nothing. He stood for exactly what he promised to stand for in the critical moment where it needed to be stood for.... his fellow republicans, save for a few, abandoned him.

Cruz did not filibuster in order to shut down the government. The shutting down of government is always at the pleasure of the president. OBAMA was willing to shut the government down. Ted Cruz simply wanted to defund the roll-out of Obamacare, as he promised he would do. I will always believe, had republicans in the senate stood WITH Ted Cruz, they may have shut the government down for a while.... but the Democrats would have eventually capitulated on the funding of the roll-out. But the Establishment goobs waved the white flag and gave up... then, totally blamed their defeat and failure on Ted Cruz!
A new Pew Research survey finds 62% of Americans have an unfavorable impression of the Republican party compared to 33% who view the party favorably.
Threads like this one are like music to my Liberal ears. The GOP is in complete free fall now. At this point, it no longer even matters who they nominate.


Why? You actually like one party dictatorships?
sorry Boss , looks like you are pushing Cruz . Hey , i have supported Cruz since i first heard of him maybe 2 years ago . I still support him but it looks like he is being freight trained by the Trump so Trump is the obvious choice Boss .

Yep... been endorsing Cruz from the start... never have made any bones about it. You may be absolutely right... Trump could be the nominee. Trump could then win the presidency. But I don't just line up and support someone because they are "the obvious choice" by popularity. Neither do MOST true Constitutional Conservatives who believe in core Constitutional values and principles.

And therein lies the problem... regardless of how "GREAT" Trump is going to be for us all... EVERYTHING he does is going to be tied to "Conservatives" by the left. If he strong-arms Congress... executive orders his way into law... ignores the Constitutional separation of powers... appoints liberal justices... takes unorthodox and politically polarizing positions.... ALL of it will be tied, like a yolk around the neck of Conservatives! When it all goes sour, it will all be blamed on those "damn far-right nutters!" And I am here to say.... I don't support anything this man does as president, I remove myself from any connection or affiliation whatsoever. He doesn't represent MY views or the views of what I consider Constitutional Conservatism, or the Conservative philosophy.
Threads like this one are like music to my Liberal ears. The GOP is in complete free fall now. At this point, it no longer even matters who they nominate.


Why? You actually like one party dictatorships?
Not particularly. But since the GOP has proven to be such a colossal fuck up for about the last century, I for one am not sad to see them finally go down in flames.
sorry Boss , looks like you are pushing Cruz . Hey , i have supported Cruz since i first heard of him maybe 2 years ago . I still support him but it looks like he is being freight trained by the Trump so Trump is the obvious choice Boss .

Yep... been endorsing Cruz from the start... never have made any bones about it. You may be absolutely right... Trump could be the nominee. Trump could then win the presidency. But I don't just line up and support someone because they are "the obvious choice" by popularity. Neither do MOST true Constitutional Conservatives who believe in core Constitutional values and principles.

And therein lies the problem... regardless of how "GREAT" Trump is going to be for us all... EVERYTHING he does is going to be tied to "Conservatives" by the left. If he strong-arms Congress... executive orders his way into law... ignores the Constitutional separation of powers... appoints liberal justices... takes unorthodox and politically polarizing positions.... ALL of it will be tied, like a yolk around the neck of Conservatives! When it all goes sour, it will all be blamed on those "damn far-right nutters!" And I am here to say.... I don't support anything this man does as president, I remove myself from any connection or affiliation whatsoever. He doesn't represent MY views or the views of what I consider Constitutional Conservatism, or the Conservative philosophy.
---------------------------------------- whats a Consevative these days , loser Conservatives let in million of illegals , see GWB and the start of the first amnesty in 86 under Reagan and old man Bush . jebito Bush wants to let in millions more and he is called a conservative , same with roobio and Carson was a flake . Plus constitutional conservatives want constitutional principles while mrobama writes executive orders and then so call conservatives won't fight or impeach mrobama . I sadly think that constitutional government is gone . Maybe if Trump does some exceutive orders then we might get back on track but i want to see some payback to mrobama Boss .
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

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