I wash my hands of the GOP

hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.
Threads like this one are like music to my Liberal ears. The GOP is in complete free fall now. At this point, it no longer even matters who they nominate.


Why? You actually like one party dictatorships?
Not particularly. But since the GOP has proven to be such a colossal fuck up for about the last century, I for one am not sad to see them finally go down in flames.

Democrats have ruled this country for longer and more continuously than the repubs have. In that time the elite have increased the amount of wealth they control far more under dem rule than repub rule. So I guess you're OK with the middle class being destroyed?
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!
The left will collectively attack whomever the repubs elect. That is no reason to get apoplectic....yo.

Wouldn't have attacked Kasich... Don't agree with everything he stands for but seems to be reasonable...

Trump is a slimey sales guy who will tell you anything you want to hear...

Cruz is a believer, so was Hitler... Beware of guys who have ideologies...

Clinton is grand too... Despite the endless accusations the Far Right have no evidence. These are the same people who said Obama would put US under Sharia Law... So the accusers have no credibility...

Bernie is alright to but he ideals which have merit but I don't see how he intends to get it done...

So Hillary it is... The Clintons have an incredible history in running the economy so congrats to Hillary....

Because it annoys the froth at the mouth Far Right is just a bonus
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.
-------------------------------- i don't trust hilary and if Trump does good work then let him do it . The whole thing of rule of law seems to have been thrown in the garbage Boss . So now , what , i should look to uphold Constitutional law when no one else will be held to it or respect it . Third world , here we are thanks to both political parties that are always the same and always in power . a Trump , Trump is worth a chance same as Cruz if he can claw his way back . His choice of 'fido rina' didn't help him though !! [fido rina , i like it , just thought of it , might annoy someone on the board i hope , chuckle ] :afro:
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!
The left will collectively attack whomever the repubs elect. That is no reason to get apoplectic....yo.

Wouldn't have attacked Kasich... Don't agree with everything he stands for but seems to be reasonable...

Trump is a slimey sales guy who will tell you anything you want to hear...

Cruz is a believer, so was Hitler... Beware of guys who have ideologies...

Clinton is grand too... Despite the endless accusations the Far Right have no evidence. These are the same people who said Obama would put US under Sharia Law... So the accusers have no credibility...

Bernie is alright to but he ideals which have merit but I don't see how he intends to get it done...

So Hillary it is... The Clintons have an incredible history in running the economy so congrats to Hillary....

Because it annoys the froth at the mouth Far Right is just a bonus
------------------------------- kasich is a wusse , reminds me of a liberal englisher ot uk'er Ted .
Sorry, I just want this to be said... As of now, I officially wash my hands of the GOP and anything that comes from the GOP in the next election cycle. IF Trump wins the GOP nomination and can somehow be elected president, I wash my hands of any policy or action he may take as president. I want this ON RECORD so that whenever things go tits up, I can show you where I rejected this man from the start and never wanted him to be the president. He does not represent me or the Conservative movement.

Why do I mention this? Because I already know what is going to come down should Trump win.... The Left will collectively attack everything he does, questionable or unquestionable, as being "far right" ...the fault of "the tea party" and "ultra-conservatives" and we'll be kicked in the balls repeatedly and held accountable. I want it KNOWN that this Constitutional Conservative is NOT associated with Donald Trump or any of his policies.
Thursday, April 26, 2016..... Recorded for posterity!

Now, to my fellow Trumpophile colleagues on the GOP side... With all due respect, I will refrain from getting down in the mud and wallowing around in personal insults with you. I am henceforth going to treat you in the same manner as liberal lefties who insist on trolling and harassing, personally insulting and denigrating, as opposed to discussing the issues on merit. You will be dispatched and your arguments summarily dismissed.

I personally think you are going to have that moment come in the 'glorious coming Trump reign' as president, when you realize what a Y-uge disastrous mistake you've made. Where that light-bulb goes off and you say... OMG, I can't believe I fell for this guy! When this all happens... I want everyone to know, I tried my best to tell you.... and he doesn't represent Constitutional Conservatives or the things we stand for. He will be WORSE than a Mitt Romney or John McCain could ever have dreamed of being. And every single bit of it will be laid at the feet of "The Conservative Right" by the radicals on the left. Here and now... I am NOT associated with this!
It feels good to hear someone else on the so called "right" say that. Thank you

Trump does not represent me either. Outside of his "marvelous wall" I guess you can call policy, he is very much similar to Bernie sanders. Very similar in his economic and trade policies, healthcare reform, and overall roll of government. His view on the roll of government is, with me in government, I will use government to fix all your problems. That is not at all what I, or anyone else who considers themselves on the right should believe. I consider the role of government to uphold my freedom, individuality, and rights to the maximum...serve as a protector...not from me and my own choices, but to those foreign and domestic who wish to strip me of my rights and mine or anyone else's freedom to choose. And outside of that, government should stay out of my, and everyone else's way. Government to trump is a tool to wield, a tool that he will need to grow to get his agenda through, an agenda that he has been very very vague about.

And one more thing, if trump wins the nomination, Hilary will be the next president. Outside of his staunch supporters, nobody likes him. He has an unfavorability rating of 67% of Americans who do not like him. He is second only to David duke, whose rating was 69% of America did not like him as a presidential candidate.
well , go ahead , vote for jebito bush or roobio or TED Cruz if he survives Sakanago . Most likely only Trump will get the nomination . If its not Trump or Cruz I'll be voting for hilary rather than a kasich .
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.
-------------------------------- i don't trust hilary and if Trump does good work then let him do it . The whole thing of rule of law seems to have been thrown in the garbage Boss . So now , what , i should look to uphold Constitutional law when no one else will be held to it or respect it . Third world , here we are thanks to both political parties that are always the same and always in power . a Trump , Trump is worth a chance same as Cruz if he can claw his way back . His choice of 'fido rina' didn't help him though !! [fido rina , i like it , just thought of it , might annoy someone on the board i hope , chuckle ] :afro:

Oh, I think it's brilliant that you're acting like a jackass liberal with the personal attack on Fiorina. I think it helps to distinguish TRUE CONSERVATIVES from the nationalist-populist nincompoops who have their hearts set on Trump!
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.

Oh lord. I have never seen any politician hold up any constitutional principals. if it wasn't for the three branches of government NO politician ever elected would so give it up.
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.
-------------------------------- i don't trust hilary and if Trump does good work then let him do it . The whole thing of rule of law seems to have been thrown in the garbage Boss . So now , what , i should look to uphold Constitutional law when no one else will be held to it or respect it . Third world , here we are thanks to both political parties that are always the same and always in power . a Trump , Trump is worth a chance same as Cruz if he can claw his way back . His choice of 'fido rina' didn't help him though !! [fido rina , i like it , just thought of it , might annoy someone on the board i hope , chuckle ] :afro:

Oh, I think it's brilliant that you're acting like a jackass liberal with the personal attack on Fiorina. I think it helps to distinguish TRUE CONSERVATIVES from the nationalist-populist nincompoops who have their hearts set on Trump!
------------------------- woof woof , as i said , if Cruz gets the nomination i will likely vote for him Boss . True conservatives , name some True conservative that were running for president this election boss . Ted did himself no favors with his VP pick you sensitive type guy named Boss !! :afro:
Bobby Knight said, "that sonofabitch coulda played for me"...referring to Trump. Pretty good endorsement I would say...
Yea Bobby knight...and David Duke, both wonderful endorsements. How many people do you think give a rats ass about what Bobby knight says?!?

Sorry to sounds rude but trump looses to Hilary. His economic policy is on par with Bernie sanders...so what about trump is aligned with my principles.
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??

That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.
-------------------------------- i don't trust hilary and if Trump does good work then let him do it . The whole thing of rule of law seems to have been thrown in the garbage Boss . So now , what , i should look to uphold Constitutional law when no one else will be held to it or respect it . Third world , here we are thanks to both political parties that are always the same and always in power . a Trump , Trump is worth a chance same as Cruz if he can claw his way back . His choice of 'fido rina' didn't help him though !! [fido rina , i like it , just thought of it , might annoy someone on the board i hope , chuckle ] :afro:

Oh, I think it's brilliant that you're acting like a jackass liberal with the personal attack on Fiorina. I think it helps to distinguish TRUE CONSERVATIVES from the nationalist-populist nincompoops who have their hearts set on Trump!
------------------------- woof woof , as i said , if Cruz gets the nomination i will likely vote for him Boss . True conservatives , name some True conservative that were running for president this election boss . Ted did himself no favors with his VP pick you sensitive type guy named Boss !! :afro:
What policy of fiorina was bad in your view??
Bobby Knight said, "that sonofabitch coulda played for me"...referring to Trump. Pretty good endorsement I would say...
Yea Bobby knight...and David Duke, both wonderful endorsements. How many people do you think give a rats ass about what Bobby knight says?!?

Sorry to sounds rude but trump looses to Hilary. His economic policy is on par with Bernie sanders...so what about trump is aligned with my principles.
So you're saying trump hates his riches and wants to give it to the unproductive part of society? News to me.
hilary has already said that she will use executive power to further dismantle the 2nd Amendment . If she does it , why not Trump . Who is ever going to ENFORCE constitutional principle ever again Boss ??
That's my whole entire point... I do not trust Trump to uphold ANY Constitutional principles.
-------------------------------- i don't trust hilary and if Trump does good work then let him do it . The whole thing of rule of law seems to have been thrown in the garbage Boss . So now , what , i should look to uphold Constitutional law when no one else will be held to it or respect it . Third world , here we are thanks to both political parties that are always the same and always in power . a Trump , Trump is worth a chance same as Cruz if he can claw his way back . His choice of 'fido rina' didn't help him though !! [fido rina , i like it , just thought of it , might annoy someone on the board i hope , chuckle ] :afro:

Oh, I think it's brilliant that you're acting like a jackass liberal with the personal attack on Fiorina. I think it helps to distinguish TRUE CONSERVATIVES from the nationalist-populist nincompoops who have their hearts set on Trump!
------------------------- woof woof , as i said , if Cruz gets the nomination i will likely vote for him Boss . True conservatives , name some True conservative that were running for president this election boss . Ted did himself no favors with his VP pick you sensitive type guy named Boss !! :afro:
What policy of fiorina was bad in your view??
--------------------------- i just don't like her , also heard that she likes muslims which could or may influence her running mate Cruz Sakinago .
Bobby Knight said, "that sonofabitch coulda played for me"...referring to Trump. Pretty good endorsement I would say...
Yea Bobby knight...and David Duke, both wonderful endorsements. How many people do you think give a rats ass about what Bobby knight says?!?

Sorry to sounds rude but trump looses to Hilary. His economic policy is on par with Bernie sanders...so what about trump is aligned with my principles.
------------------------------- doesn't sound rude , its just you speculating and forming an opinion . Trump may lose to hilary , so what Sakinago . Should people like me support jebito bush or kasich , roobio just so the republican rinos MIGHT win the election for THEMSELVES Sakanago ??
Bobby Knight said, "that sonofabitch coulda played for me"...referring to Trump. Pretty good endorsement I would say...
Yea Bobby knight...and David Duke, both wonderful endorsements. How many people do you think give a rats ass about what Bobby knight says?!?

Sorry to sounds rude but trump looses to Hilary. His economic policy is on par with Bernie sanders...so what about trump is aligned with my principles.
------------------------------- doesn't sound rude , its just you speculating and forming an opinion . Trump may lose to hilary , so what Sakinago . Should people like me support jebito bush or kasich , roobio just so the republican rinos MIGHT win the election for THEMSELVES Sakanago ??
That's not opinion that trump has an unfavorability rating of 67%, second highest in the history of recording favorability ratings of candidates. It's also not opinion that in all but one poll, Hilary beats trump by an average of 8.5%, much worse than Romney vs Obama. It's also not opinion that trump cannot break out of 30 or so percent threshold of supporters in the Republican Party alone, if so, trump would have secured the nomination long ago...what happens when the election becomes national? It's also not opinion that trumps economic policies are the same of that on the left, tariffs, wealth taxes, and tax increases in general. Those are trumps own policies. Not only that, but since the GOP field has thinned out, Cruz beats trump nationally. My decision is not based on my meer opinion of the guy (I do think he's just a bad person Fyi), but rather on what he says, which I vehemently disagree with as a conservative, and Also the reality of the sheer numbers that the candidate has, he's a terrible candidate by the numbers. And you best believe the media has better dirt on him than "is he racist?". They're just saving it till he secures the nomination, then they'll bust it out so Hilary can walk right in to the White House.

And why bring up candidates who have dropped out? I never said I liked either of those two. I don't like Rubio, who is actually a good candidate against Hilary, and Jeb was an absolute joke. No need to use them as strawmen
Sorry but when there is a steaming hideously odorous pile in the middle of the Republican convention hall it only has the name Republican on it.

Own it.

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