I Watched “Cuties” So You Wouldn’t Have To ...

I will not watch what strikes me as appalling and reprehensible. This is clearly a very, very, very sick piece of entertainment that could only get published in an even sicker world.

This is clearly paedophilia.
“According to US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Cuties may be, and according to US Representative Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) it actually is, child porn.” ibid


Don’t watch the movie – ‘problem’ solved.
Yeah, sure... And just do not read about rape cases or murder cases and those disappear from society too, no?


Not watching it does not solve the problem because the problem is far from only a matter of personal preference. Cuties is a gross symptom of a world that has gone absolutely insane.

The fact there is someone who came up with this idea and got the support needed to realise it is very, very, very disturbing.
As I said earlier I haven’t seen the film, but I’ve decided to watch it if I get a chance. We shouldn’t forget that the film counterposes the weirdness of Western sexual ideas to the Muslim “hidden female body” / oppression of women. The child in the movie is supposedly afraid of her absent father returning with his new second wife to force her (the little girl) to return to a life of the chador and a child marriage. So she rebels. The “Cuties” dancing may be repulsive, but much may depend on the context, and personal interpretation and sensitivity of the viewer.
“In reality, Cuties is the moving story of an 11-year-old girl attempting to grow up too fast, at the most intractably confusing age, and across the lines dividing two conflicting cultures. There’s nothing remotely pornographic about it, and the ‘sexualization’ part of the story line isn’t even close to approvingly wrought....”
hmmm...this sounds very much like the same line of journalistic tripe that gave us "a happy healthy life style" that nearly killed off an entire community and then the same folks pointed fingers at everyone else for that lil ol faux pas, oh well, time to start knitting quilts I suppose.
Haven't watched it...not much interest in it. But have read the wider story. What bothers me more is the sexualization of children IS a problem, and the micro-focus on this movie and not its broader story - obscures that.
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