I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

one more thing, I am not hyper partison. I am a center leaning left voter & am an Independent. But that's not to say I have never voted for a Republican before, because I have. Several mayors, a couple Governors & considered voting for Jon Huntsman for prez.

If anybody has come across as partisan, it was you. Have you ever voted for a democrat? be honest, now, if you can.

Ok..maybe you aren't a hyperpartisan..you just have a VERY strong affinity for career politicians.
one more thing, I am not hyper partison. I am a center leaning left voter & am an Independent. But that's not to say I have never voted for a Republican before, because I have. Several mayors, a couple Governors & considered voting for Jon Huntsman for prez.

If anybody has come across as partisan, it was you. Have you ever voted for a democrat? be honest, now, if you can.

Ok..maybe you aren't a hyperpartisan..you just have a VERY strong affinity for career politicians.

Not true. Just because I can't stand tribblehead does not make me hyperpartison OR having a strong affinity to career politicians. In fact all politicians are whores- it's the nature of the beast. take big $$$ out of politics & it levels the playing field & true 'outsiders' have a much better chance of being elected. Trump admitted in the debate that he had 'paid' for most of his rivals on that stage at one time or another for 'favors' that would be due when he called them in. That makes him different at playing the Washington game & certainly no better.
one more thing, I am not hyper partison. I am a center leaning left voter & am an Independent. But that's not to say I have never voted for a Republican before, because I have. Several mayors, a couple Governors & considered voting for Jon Huntsman for prez.

If anybody has come across as partisan, it was you. Have you ever voted for a democrat? be honest, now, if you can.

Ok..maybe you aren't a hyperpartisan..you just have a VERY strong affinity for career politicians.

Again, not true. Just because I can't stand that tribblehead, does not make me hyper partisan or having a strong affinity to career politicians. In fact, I think all pols are whores- always selling out to the highest bidders. It's the nature of the beast. Take big $$$ out of it, & it levels the playing field; opening up the chance for true 'outsiders' to get elected. Trump admitted during the first debate, that he has 'contributed' to most if not all of his rivals on that stage & also said that he did so, so he can 'collect favors' in the future when he calls them in. That, right there, is how the DC game is played. He's no different than a career politician & he certainly knows how that game is played.
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You don't know who's falling for what. so stop acting like you do. right now, I'm liking the topics of the debate he's bringing up. we still have a freaking year and half until the Presidential elections. and I'm so sick of these Establishment Career Politicians LYING to us and then turning and stabbing us in our backs. Just like Obama did. and Hillary will. and the majority of these Republicans will. I personally like Cruz and Walker. Would I vote for Trump. MAYBE if he's in there.

Scott Walker is a career politician. He ran for office when he was 22.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and become besties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

The irony is rather striking with someone coalescing around the Trump phenomenon accusing others of being a cult member.

2 words: Barack Obama

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