I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty


"Righty" FAIL.

The American Made Products Directory is sorted by categories of products that are Made in the USA. To view the listings please click on one of the many
categories. If you are not sure of the correct category we also have items listed alphabetically as well as a search box. If you know of a great company that should be listed here please use the product submit link near the top of the page. We have worked for years to put together this extensive listing of products made in the USA. Nearly all of the listing on our site are provided at no cost to the company. We also take advertising from companies that are passionate about American made items. Many of the companies listed in our directory feel American people come above profits at any cost as so many corporations practice today. We have heard from many of the companies on our site that passed up higher margins to keep production here in America.
They often state keeping their manufacturing in the USA allows them much great quality control, lower product to market cost, a much lower carbon foot print and of course jobs for
Americans. Some say you pay more for American Made items and maybe you will, however in the long run you will almost certainly have a better made item made in an labor friendly
fashion under environmental laws that protect us all. Most foreign factories operate in ways that would be illegal in the United States

Custom Search
Click one of the letters for alphabetical list of products Made in the USA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA
Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family
Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

there's more, but I think I made my point.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

So now for the record you can say that you think adultery is ok & eminent domain, personally stealing someone's home is ok. I'll be waiting.
Oh boy, playtimes over.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty


"Righty" FAIL.

The American Made Products Directory is sorted by categories of products that are Made in the USA. To view the listings please click on one of the many
categories. If you are not sure of the correct category we also have items listed alphabetically as well as a search box. If you know of a great company that should be listed here please use the
product submit link near the top of the page. We have worked for years to put together this extensive listing of products made in the USA. Nearly all of the listing on our site are provided at
no cost to the company. We also take advertising from companies that are passionate about American made items. Many of the companies listed in our directory feel American people come
above profits at any cost as so many corporations practice today. We have heard from many of the companies on our site that passed up higher margins to keep production here in America.
They often state keeping their manufacturing in the USA allows them much great quality control, lower product to market cost, a much lower carbon foot print and of course jobs for
Americans. Some say you pay more for American Made items and maybe you will, however in the long run you will almost certainly have a better made item made in an labor friendly
fashion under environmental laws that protect us all. Most foreign factories operate in ways that would be illegal in the United States

Custom Search
Click one of the letters for alphabetical list of products Made in the USA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA
Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family
Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

there's more, but I think I made my point.

Like I said, son..you're in WAY over your head here..you should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

Oreos May No Longer Be Made In America

It looks like Nabisco, creators of Oreo and other childhood obsessions—ahem, Chips Ahoy—is seriously considering a potentially permanent move south of the border: Last month it announced that half of its 1,200 employees at its Chicago Southwest Side branch would be laid off in the coming year in order to transfer funding to its newest factory in Salinas, Mexico.

The Chicago Tribune reports that the company opted out of a $130 million dollar upgrade for the factory, and is instead investing that same money in a state-of-the-art production system in Salinas called "Lines of the Future." These lines will replace the, "9 inefficient manufacturing lines at its Chicago biscuit plant," and that the company has no plans of totally abandoning the U.S. plant entirely, according to a Nabisco parent company Mondelez International press release.

GM may export China-made Buick to U.S.

General Motors is close to becoming the first major automaker to sell a China-made vehicle in the U.S. in a move that could fuel political consternation over the decline of the American manufacturing sector.

Industry analysts expect that the automaker will import the compact crossover Buick Envision from a plant in China to U.S. dealerships by the end of 2016. In fact, IHS Automotive analysts are so sure it will happen, they've already integrated it into their official U.S. sales forecasts.

"That’s what we expect," IHS analyst Stephanie Brinley said. "It will be interesting to see, if GM follows through on this plan, how consumers will react."

The move could come in the heat of the U.S. presidential campaign, which has already focused intensely on barriers throttling the U.S. economy amid stiff foreign competition with manufacturers in China, Mexico and elsewhere.

Ford to invest $1.3 billion in northern Mexico plant

U.S. carmaker Ford Motor Co (F.N) will invest $1.3 billion in its stamping and assembly plant in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo, creating 1,000 jobs, a top company executive said on Friday.

Ford surpassed General Motors (GM.N), to become Mexico's No. 1 car exporter last year, exporting nearly 450,000 vehicles, up 17 percent from 2010 levels. Mexico overall exported a record 2.14 million cars in 2011, a 15.3 percent jump from a year earlier.

"This investment allows us to produce the all-new Ford Fusion and the Lincoln MKZ line-ups, helping us to meet growing consumer demand," Mark Fields, who is Ford's president for the Americas, said at an event with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City.

Calderon said the investment would help Mexico edge up the list of the world's top auto exporters.
Oh boy, playtimes over.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke

Tags on clothes is only a small example of Trump's many fails. But that's ok, I expect you to jump on THAT because you cannot dispute anything really. besides you think Palin is more than just a media whore who got bored being Governor & has just become a "mean girl" latching onto anyone that will still give her the time of day.
Oh boy, playtimes over.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke

Tags on clothes is only a small example of Trump's many fails. But that's ok, I expect you to jump on THAT because you cannot dispute anything really. besides you think Palin is more than just a media whore who got bored being Governor & has just become a "mean girl" latching onto anyone that will still give her the time of day.

christ..now he's off on a tangent about palin....
They never admit when they're wrong..they just change the subject and pretend nothing happened.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty


"Righty" FAIL.

The American Made Products Directory is sorted by categories of products that are Made in the USA. To view the listings please click on one of the many
categories. If you are not sure of the correct category we also have items listed alphabetically as well as a search box. If you know of a great company that should be listed here please use the
product submit link near the top of the page. We have worked for years to put together this extensive listing of products made in the USA. Nearly all of the listing on our site are provided at
no cost to the company. We also take advertising from companies that are passionate about American made items. Many of the companies listed in our directory feel American people come
above profits at any cost as so many corporations practice today. We have heard from many of the companies on our site that passed up higher margins to keep production here in America.
They often state keeping their manufacturing in the USA allows them much great quality control, lower product to market cost, a much lower carbon foot print and of course jobs for
Americans. Some say you pay more for American Made items and maybe you will, however in the long run you will almost certainly have a better made item made in an labor friendly
fashion under environmental laws that protect us all. Most foreign factories operate in ways that would be illegal in the United States

Custom Search
Click one of the letters for alphabetical list of products Made in the USA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA
Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family
Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

there's more, but I think I made my point.

Like I said, son..you're in WAY over your head here..you should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

Oreos May No Longer Be Made In America

It looks like Nabisco, creators of Oreo and other childhood obsessions—ahem, Chips Ahoy—is seriously considering a potentially permanent move south of the border: Last month it announced that half of its 1,200 employees at its Chicago Southwest Side branch would be laid off in the coming year in order to transfer funding to its newest factory in Salinas, Mexico.

The Chicago Tribune reports that the company opted out of a $130 million dollar upgrade for the factory, and is instead investing that same money in a state-of-the-art production system in Salinas called "Lines of the Future." These lines will replace the, "9 inefficient manufacturing lines at its Chicago biscuit plant," and that the company has no plans of totally abandoning the U.S. plant entirely, according to a Nabisco parent company Mondelez International press release.

GM may export China-made Buick to U.S.

General Motors is close to becoming the first major automaker to sell a China-made vehicle in the U.S. in a move that could fuel political consternation over the decline of the American manufacturing sector.

Industry analysts expect that the automaker will import the compact crossover Buick Envision from a plant in China to U.S. dealerships by the end of 2016. In fact, IHS Automotive analysts are so sure it will happen, they've already integrated it into their official U.S. sales forecasts.

"That’s what we expect," IHS analyst Stephanie Brinley said. "It will be interesting to see, if GM follows through on this plan, how consumers will react."

The move could come in the heat of the U.S. presidential campaign, which has already focused intensely on barriers throttling the U.S. economy amid stiff foreign competition with manufacturers in China, Mexico and elsewhere.

Ford to invest $1.3 billion in northern Mexico plant

U.S. carmaker Ford Motor Co (F.N) will invest $1.3 billion in its stamping and assembly plant in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo, creating 1,000 jobs, a top company executive said on Friday.

Ford surpassed General Motors (GM.N), to become Mexico's No. 1 car exporter last year, exporting nearly 450,000 vehicles, up 17 percent from 2010 levels. Mexico overall exported a record 2.14 million cars in 2011, a 15.3 percent jump from a year earlier.

"This investment allows us to produce the all-new Ford Fusion and the Lincoln MKZ line-ups, helping us to meet growing consumer demand," Mark Fields, who is Ford's president for the Americas, said at an event with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City.

Calderon said the investment would help Mexico edge up the list of the world's top auto exporters.

Oh, I see, so there aren't American working at producing goods anymore & the links were bogus. Uh-huh. Thanx for the gloss over.... yet again. LOL. Typical.
Oh boy, playtimes over.
He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke

Tags on clothes is only a small example of Trump's many fails. But that's ok, I expect you to jump on THAT because you cannot dispute anything really. besides you think Palin is more than just a media whore who got bored being Governor & has just become a "mean girl" latching onto anyone that will still give her the time of day.

christ..now he's off on a tangent about palin....
They never admit when they're wrong..they just change the subject and pretend nothing happened.

I'm a SHE, not a he. What 'tangent' ? You certainly exaggerate, don't you? & Palin wasn't brought up by me first- if you've been following the thread... Stephanie did, I believe. This is a thread about Trump, but Hillary has been brought several times from her- on a "tangent". Selectivity pointing out "tangents" on your part 'eh?
Any thoughts that you think adultery & personal use of the courts for eminent domain is A-OK, yet?
He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty


"Righty" FAIL.

The American Made Products Directory is sorted by categories of products that are Made in the USA. To view the listings please click on one of the many
categories. If you are not sure of the correct category we also have items listed alphabetically as well as a search box. If you know of a great company that should be listed here please use the
product submit link near the top of the page. We have worked for years to put together this extensive listing of products made in the USA. Nearly all of the listing on our site are provided at
no cost to the company. We also take advertising from companies that are passionate about American made items. Many of the companies listed in our directory feel American people come
above profits at any cost as so many corporations practice today. We have heard from many of the companies on our site that passed up higher margins to keep production here in America.
They often state keeping their manufacturing in the USA allows them much great quality control, lower product to market cost, a much lower carbon foot print and of course jobs for
Americans. Some say you pay more for American Made items and maybe you will, however in the long run you will almost certainly have a better made item made in an labor friendly
fashion under environmental laws that protect us all. Most foreign factories operate in ways that would be illegal in the United States

Custom Search
Click one of the letters for alphabetical list of products Made in the USA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA
Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family
Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

there's more, but I think I made my point.

Like I said, son..you're in WAY over your head here..you should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

Oreos May No Longer Be Made In America

It looks like Nabisco, creators of Oreo and other childhood obsessions—ahem, Chips Ahoy—is seriously considering a potentially permanent move south of the border: Last month it announced that half of its 1,200 employees at its Chicago Southwest Side branch would be laid off in the coming year in order to transfer funding to its newest factory in Salinas, Mexico.

The Chicago Tribune reports that the company opted out of a $130 million dollar upgrade for the factory, and is instead investing that same money in a state-of-the-art production system in Salinas called "Lines of the Future." These lines will replace the, "9 inefficient manufacturing lines at its Chicago biscuit plant," and that the company has no plans of totally abandoning the U.S. plant entirely, according to a Nabisco parent company Mondelez International press release.

GM may export China-made Buick to U.S.

General Motors is close to becoming the first major automaker to sell a China-made vehicle in the U.S. in a move that could fuel political consternation over the decline of the American manufacturing sector.

Industry analysts expect that the automaker will import the compact crossover Buick Envision from a plant in China to U.S. dealerships by the end of 2016. In fact, IHS Automotive analysts are so sure it will happen, they've already integrated it into their official U.S. sales forecasts.

"That’s what we expect," IHS analyst Stephanie Brinley said. "It will be interesting to see, if GM follows through on this plan, how consumers will react."

The move could come in the heat of the U.S. presidential campaign, which has already focused intensely on barriers throttling the U.S. economy amid stiff foreign competition with manufacturers in China, Mexico and elsewhere.

Ford to invest $1.3 billion in northern Mexico plant

U.S. carmaker Ford Motor Co (F.N) will invest $1.3 billion in its stamping and assembly plant in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo, creating 1,000 jobs, a top company executive said on Friday.

Ford surpassed General Motors (GM.N), to become Mexico's No. 1 car exporter last year, exporting nearly 450,000 vehicles, up 17 percent from 2010 levels. Mexico overall exported a record 2.14 million cars in 2011, a 15.3 percent jump from a year earlier.

"This investment allows us to produce the all-new Ford Fusion and the Lincoln MKZ line-ups, helping us to meet growing consumer demand," Mark Fields, who is Ford's president for the Americas, said at an event with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City.

Calderon said the investment would help Mexico edge up the list of the world's top auto exporters.

Oh, I see, so there aren't American working at producing goods anymore & the links were bogus.

If you can post the quote where I said that I'll leave this forum...if you're a liar and I didn't say any of that, YOU leave? Or you could admit you're lying...Want to take the challenge, ace?

I mentioned specifically ford, nabisco and gm and I backed it up with valid links...and typically, when a hyperpartisan liar gets cornered they try to change the subject or create a distraction.
I'm not thinking you'll cough up an honest answer, That's ok. I don't expect that coming from a Trump supporter.
Oh boy, playtimes over.
Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.


How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke

Tags on clothes is only a small example of Trump's many fails. But that's ok, I expect you to jump on THAT because you cannot dispute anything really. besides you think Palin is more than just a media whore who got bored being Governor & has just become a "mean girl" latching onto anyone that will still give her the time of day.

christ..now he's off on a tangent about palin....
They never admit when they're wrong..they just change the subject and pretend nothing happened.

I'm a SHE, not a he. What 'tangent' ? You certainly exaggerate, don't you? & Palin wasn't brought up by me first- if you've been following the thread... Stephanie did, I believe. This is a thread about Trump, but Hillary has been brought several times from her- on a "tangent". Selectivity pointing out "tangents" on your part 'eh?

My apologies for calling you a "he".
I'm not going to go back and re read it all because your defense is "He started it"..if I'm wrong, I apologize....if not, take a hike...
Want to talk about nabisco, gm or ford moving plants out of the u.s. or are you done with that angle now?
Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty


"Righty" FAIL.

The American Made Products Directory is sorted by categories of products that are Made in the USA. To view the listings please click on one of the many
categories. If you are not sure of the correct category we also have items listed alphabetically as well as a search box. If you know of a great company that should be listed here please use the
product submit link near the top of the page. We have worked for years to put together this extensive listing of products made in the USA. Nearly all of the listing on our site are provided at
no cost to the company. We also take advertising from companies that are passionate about American made items. Many of the companies listed in our directory feel American people come
above profits at any cost as so many corporations practice today. We have heard from many of the companies on our site that passed up higher margins to keep production here in America.
They often state keeping their manufacturing in the USA allows them much great quality control, lower product to market cost, a much lower carbon foot print and of course jobs for
Americans. Some say you pay more for American Made items and maybe you will, however in the long run you will almost certainly have a better made item made in an labor friendly
fashion under environmental laws that protect us all. Most foreign factories operate in ways that would be illegal in the United States

Custom Search
Click one of the letters for alphabetical list of products Made in the USA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA
Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family
Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

there's more, but I think I made my point.

Like I said, son..you're in WAY over your head here..you should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

Oreos May No Longer Be Made In America

It looks like Nabisco, creators of Oreo and other childhood obsessions—ahem, Chips Ahoy—is seriously considering a potentially permanent move south of the border: Last month it announced that half of its 1,200 employees at its Chicago Southwest Side branch would be laid off in the coming year in order to transfer funding to its newest factory in Salinas, Mexico.

The Chicago Tribune reports that the company opted out of a $130 million dollar upgrade for the factory, and is instead investing that same money in a state-of-the-art production system in Salinas called "Lines of the Future." These lines will replace the, "9 inefficient manufacturing lines at its Chicago biscuit plant," and that the company has no plans of totally abandoning the U.S. plant entirely, according to a Nabisco parent company Mondelez International press release.

GM may export China-made Buick to U.S.

General Motors is close to becoming the first major automaker to sell a China-made vehicle in the U.S. in a move that could fuel political consternation over the decline of the American manufacturing sector.

Industry analysts expect that the automaker will import the compact crossover Buick Envision from a plant in China to U.S. dealerships by the end of 2016. In fact, IHS Automotive analysts are so sure it will happen, they've already integrated it into their official U.S. sales forecasts.

"That’s what we expect," IHS analyst Stephanie Brinley said. "It will be interesting to see, if GM follows through on this plan, how consumers will react."

The move could come in the heat of the U.S. presidential campaign, which has already focused intensely on barriers throttling the U.S. economy amid stiff foreign competition with manufacturers in China, Mexico and elsewhere.

Ford to invest $1.3 billion in northern Mexico plant

U.S. carmaker Ford Motor Co (F.N) will invest $1.3 billion in its stamping and assembly plant in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo, creating 1,000 jobs, a top company executive said on Friday.

Ford surpassed General Motors (GM.N), to become Mexico's No. 1 car exporter last year, exporting nearly 450,000 vehicles, up 17 percent from 2010 levels. Mexico overall exported a record 2.14 million cars in 2011, a 15.3 percent jump from a year earlier.

"This investment allows us to produce the all-new Ford Fusion and the Lincoln MKZ line-ups, helping us to meet growing consumer demand," Mark Fields, who is Ford's president for the Americas, said at an event with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City.

Calderon said the investment would help Mexico edge up the list of the world's top auto exporters.

Oh, I see, so there aren't American working at producing goods anymore & the links were bogus.

If you can post the quote where I said that I'll leave this forum...if you're a liar and I didn't say any of that, YOU leave? Or you could admit you're lying...Want to take the challenge, ace?

I mentioned specifically ford, nabisco and gm and I backed it up with valid links...and typically, when a hyperpartisan liar gets cornered they try to change the subject or create a distraction.
I never said you DID. It's called sarcasm. Do you know what the expression 'gloss over' means? It means to choose to ignore. That's is why I wrote that.
Oh boy, playtimes over.

How hysterical is it, when Relativists start crowing about "Character".

I mean they absolutely reject the characteristics essential to the honor that defines character.

and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke

Tags on clothes is only a small example of Trump's many fails. But that's ok, I expect you to jump on THAT because you cannot dispute anything really. besides you think Palin is more than just a media whore who got bored being Governor & has just become a "mean girl" latching onto anyone that will still give her the time of day.

christ..now he's off on a tangent about palin....
They never admit when they're wrong..they just change the subject and pretend nothing happened.

I'm a SHE, not a he. What 'tangent' ? You certainly exaggerate, don't you? & Palin wasn't brought up by me first- if you've been following the thread... Stephanie did, I believe. This is a thread about Trump, but Hillary has been brought several times from her- on a "tangent". Selectivity pointing out "tangents" on your part 'eh?

My apologies for calling you a "he".
I'm not going to go back and re read it all because your defense is "He started it"..if I'm wrong, I apologize....if not, take a hike...
Want to talk about nabisco, gm or ford moving plants out of the u.s. or are you done with that angle now?

No problem. Unless you look at someone's profile, it may not be obvious. But my avatar doesn't look like a male would use it. As far as your comment about those plants moving out of the US, a lot has to do with anti-union sentiment along with not wanting to pay workers what they are worth or provide bennies. Clothing companies are notorious for that.
Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty


"Righty" FAIL.

The American Made Products Directory is sorted by categories of products that are Made in the USA. To view the listings please click on one of the many
categories. If you are not sure of the correct category we also have items listed alphabetically as well as a search box. If you know of a great company that should be listed here please use the
product submit link near the top of the page. We have worked for years to put together this extensive listing of products made in the USA. Nearly all of the listing on our site are provided at
no cost to the company. We also take advertising from companies that are passionate about American made items. Many of the companies listed in our directory feel American people come
above profits at any cost as so many corporations practice today. We have heard from many of the companies on our site that passed up higher margins to keep production here in America.
They often state keeping their manufacturing in the USA allows them much great quality control, lower product to market cost, a much lower carbon foot print and of course jobs for
Americans. Some say you pay more for American Made items and maybe you will, however in the long run you will almost certainly have a better made item made in an labor friendly
fashion under environmental laws that protect us all. Most foreign factories operate in ways that would be illegal in the United States

Custom Search
Click one of the letters for alphabetical list of products Made in the USA A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Made in the USA Products Directory for American Made Items

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA
Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family
Made in USA, Made in America, US, American-Made

there's more, but I think I made my point.

Like I said, son..you're in WAY over your head here..you should stop before you embarrass yourself further.

Oreos May No Longer Be Made In America

It looks like Nabisco, creators of Oreo and other childhood obsessions—ahem, Chips Ahoy—is seriously considering a potentially permanent move south of the border: Last month it announced that half of its 1,200 employees at its Chicago Southwest Side branch would be laid off in the coming year in order to transfer funding to its newest factory in Salinas, Mexico.

The Chicago Tribune reports that the company opted out of a $130 million dollar upgrade for the factory, and is instead investing that same money in a state-of-the-art production system in Salinas called "Lines of the Future." These lines will replace the, "9 inefficient manufacturing lines at its Chicago biscuit plant," and that the company has no plans of totally abandoning the U.S. plant entirely, according to a Nabisco parent company Mondelez International press release.

GM may export China-made Buick to U.S.

General Motors is close to becoming the first major automaker to sell a China-made vehicle in the U.S. in a move that could fuel political consternation over the decline of the American manufacturing sector.

Industry analysts expect that the automaker will import the compact crossover Buick Envision from a plant in China to U.S. dealerships by the end of 2016. In fact, IHS Automotive analysts are so sure it will happen, they've already integrated it into their official U.S. sales forecasts.

"That’s what we expect," IHS analyst Stephanie Brinley said. "It will be interesting to see, if GM follows through on this plan, how consumers will react."

The move could come in the heat of the U.S. presidential campaign, which has already focused intensely on barriers throttling the U.S. economy amid stiff foreign competition with manufacturers in China, Mexico and elsewhere.

Ford to invest $1.3 billion in northern Mexico plant

U.S. carmaker Ford Motor Co (F.N) will invest $1.3 billion in its stamping and assembly plant in the northern Mexican city of Hermosillo, creating 1,000 jobs, a top company executive said on Friday.

Ford surpassed General Motors (GM.N), to become Mexico's No. 1 car exporter last year, exporting nearly 450,000 vehicles, up 17 percent from 2010 levels. Mexico overall exported a record 2.14 million cars in 2011, a 15.3 percent jump from a year earlier.

"This investment allows us to produce the all-new Ford Fusion and the Lincoln MKZ line-ups, helping us to meet growing consumer demand," Mark Fields, who is Ford's president for the Americas, said at an event with Mexican President Felipe Calderon in Mexico City.

Calderon said the investment would help Mexico edge up the list of the world's top auto exporters.

Oh, I see, so there aren't American working at producing goods anymore & the links were bogus.

If you can post the quote where I said that I'll leave this forum...if you're a liar and I didn't say any of that, YOU leave? Or you could admit you're lying...Want to take the challenge, ace?

I mentioned specifically ford, nabisco and gm and I backed it up with valid links...and typically, when a hyperpartisan liar gets cornered they try to change the subject or create a distraction.
I never said you DID. It's called sarcasm. Do you know what the expression 'gloss over' means? It means to choose to ignore. That's is why I wrote that.

Ok..so we're done...You made your point and backed it up quite well..you don't like trump and you'll say just about anything to try to demean him. Does that pretty much sum it up?
Oh boy, playtimes over.
and they still passing around freaking tags on clothes. how desperate is that
they put a man with the character of a proven LIAR and not a thimble of honor. the character of a Thug, a Muslim sympathizer who hates us so much he thought we needed Transforming. and they are posting about tags on clothes.

You have the Hillary who is under Investigation as WE SPEAK and here she is strutting around as if it's all a joke and running for President and they want to talk about others and character. what a joke

Tags on clothes is only a small example of Trump's many fails. But that's ok, I expect you to jump on THAT because you cannot dispute anything really. besides you think Palin is more than just a media whore who got bored being Governor & has just become a "mean girl" latching onto anyone that will still give her the time of day.

christ..now he's off on a tangent about palin....
They never admit when they're wrong..they just change the subject and pretend nothing happened.

I'm a SHE, not a he. What 'tangent' ? You certainly exaggerate, don't you? & Palin wasn't brought up by me first- if you've been following the thread... Stephanie did, I believe. This is a thread about Trump, but Hillary has been brought several times from her- on a "tangent". Selectivity pointing out "tangents" on your part 'eh?

My apologies for calling you a "he".
I'm not going to go back and re read it all because your defense is "He started it"..if I'm wrong, I apologize....if not, take a hike...
Want to talk about nabisco, gm or ford moving plants out of the u.s. or are you done with that angle now?

No problem. Unless you look at someone's profile, it may not be obvious. But my avatar doesn't look like a male would use it. As far as your comment about those plants moving out of the US, a lot has to do with anti-union sentiment along with not wanting to pay workers what they are worth or provide bennies. Clothing companies are notorious for that.

trump said he wants to bring manufacturing back to the u.s. and he gave some specific examples....I don't really see how anyone except the most rabid hyperpartisan could be against that.
one more thing, I am not hyper partison. I am a center leaning left voter & am an Independent. But that's not to say I have never voted for a Republican before, because I have. Several mayors, a couple Governors & considered voting for Jon Huntsman for prez.

If anybody has come across as partisan, it was you. Have you ever voted for a democrat? be honest, now, if you can.
Last edited:
While there were empty seats not all seating was available. But between those seated, and those standing on the field; it was probably close.

I'm seeing whole sections empty. I guess that meant it wasn't a full house & that there weren't more people requesting seats than the stadium had huh? :oops-28:

it was originally scheduled for a few hundred in a hotel ballroom...they had to find another place because of demand....they planned on the convention center for a couple thousand...the demand kept growing and they finally had to get the football stadium...NO one EVER said they were expecting 40,000...The stadium might HOLD 40k....but no one ever predicted 40k.
So..the event grew to 50 times its' original size...spin that if you can

Somebody was saying earlier in the this thread ( I think) that the stadium had some 30K seats but 40+K tix were requested. And the pic I saw, Trump was already speaking with empty seats, so it wasn't b4 the spectacle even started.
Trump speaking with empty seats? That reminds me of a senile old actor who once lost a debate to an empty seat at the GOP convention.
While there were empty seats not all seating was available. But between those seated, and those standing on the field; it was probably close.

I'm seeing whole sections empty. I guess that meant it wasn't a full house & that there weren't more people requesting seats than the stadium had huh? :oops-28:

it was originally scheduled for a few hundred in a hotel ballroom...they had to find another place because of demand....they planned on the convention center for a couple thousand...the demand kept growing and they finally had to get the football stadium...NO one EVER said they were expecting 40,000...The stadium might HOLD 40k....but no one ever predicted 40k.
So..the event grew to 50 times its' original size...spin that if you can

Somebody was saying earlier in the this thread ( I think) that the stadium had some 30K seats but 40+K tix were requested. And the pic I saw, Trump was already speaking with empty seats, so it wasn't b4 the spectacle even started.
Trump speaking with empty seats? That reminds me of a senile old actor who once lost a debate to an empty seat at the GOP convention.

LOL!!!!! Poor Clint.

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