I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

A racist presidential candidate shows up in cracker land and draws a big crowd. Yawn....

LMMFAO..."racist"...that word doesn't work any more...you guys used it up..No effect. White people are waking up.

post ONE SINGLE "racist" thing trump ever said.
lol- how many did he pay to be there? he's certainly 'very very rich' & it's not like he hasn't done it b4:

Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement
by Aaron Couch, Emmet McDermott
6/17/2015 2:53pm PDT
A casting call was sent out last week "looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement."
Donald Trump's big presidential announcement Tuesday was made a little bigger with help from paid actors — at $50 a pop.

New York-based Extra Mile Casting sent an email last Friday to its client list of background actors, seeking extras to beef up attendance at Trump's event.

The pay was listed as $50 for less than three hours of work. According to the email, Extra Mile was reaching out to potential extras in partnership with Gotham Government Relations and Communications, a New York-Based political consulting group that has worked with Trump in the past. Gotham GR had no comment.

Questions as to whether the Trump campaign had hired extras were first raised Wednesday by anti-Trump activist Angelo Carusone, who came across an Instagram photo showing a man he recognized as a background actor posing at the Trump event. Carusone screengrabbed the photo of the actor, Domenico Del Giacco, and published it in a blog post. The photo shows Del Giacco with a woman, identified in the now-deleted Instagram post as actress Courtney Klotz. (Del Giacco has since deleted his entire Instagram account.)


When reached for comment about the Trump casting call, a person who answered the phone at Extra Mile said, "We don't know anything about that." When pressed about whether this response was a denial of the story, the person said she couldn't comment further and hung up. Additional calls to Extra Mile went unanswered.

Asked if Trump paid anyone to attend the event, campaign manager Corey Lewandowski said "no," and that he had never heard of Extra Mile or Gotham GR.

"Mr. Trump draws record crowds at almost every venue at which he is a featured speaker," Lewandowski told The Hollywood Reporter. "The crowds are large, often record-setting and enthusiastic, often with standing ovations. Mr. Trump's message is, 'Make America great again.' "

Del Giacco and Klotz did not respond to a request for comment.

In politics, "astroturfing" is when people are hired to attend a rally or event in order to lend the appearance of grassroots support. They are typically contracted out to political consulting firms, much like Gotham GR. The practice is unsurprisingly considered bad form.

Here's the full email from Extra Mile, with contact information redacted.

Hi there—

We are working helping one of are [sic] associates out at Gotham GR -
http://gothamgr.com/ with a big event happening on TUESDAY 6/16/15.

This is an event in support of Donald Trump and an upcoming exciting announcement he will be making at this event.

This event is called “People for a Stronger America.” The entire group is a pro-small business group that is dedicated to encouraging Donald Trump and his latest ventures. This event will be televised.

We are looking to cast people for the event to wear t-shirts and carry signs and help cheer him in support of his announcement.

We understand this is not a traditional “background job,” but we believe acting comes in all forms and this is inclusive of that school of thought.

This event is happening LIVE and will be from 8:45AM-11:30AM. LESS THAN 3 HOURS

This will take place inside / interior.

The rate for this is: $50 CASH at the end of the event.

We would love to book you if you are interested and still available.

Please let us know and we will get back to you with confirmation.

Donald Trump Campaign Offered Actors $50 to Cheer for Him at Presidential Announcement

While there were empty seats not all seating was available. But between those seated, and those standing on the field; it was probably close.

I'm seeing whole sections empty. I guess that meant it wasn't a full house & that there weren't more people requesting seats than the stadium had huh? :oops-28:

it was originally scheduled for a few hundred in a hotel ballroom...they had to find another place because of demand....they planned on the convention center for a couple thousand...the demand kept growing and they finally had to get the football stadium...NO one EVER said they were expecting 40,000...The stadium might HOLD 40k....but no one ever predicted 40k.
So..the event grew to 50 times its' original size...spin that if you can

Somebody was saying earlier in the this thread ( I think) that the stadium had some 30K seats but 40+K tix were requested. And the pic I saw, Trump was already speaking with empty seats, so it wasn't b4 the spectacle even started.
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?

man you're a bitter and Nasty little human being

Oh now that is funny. BITTER? NASTY? I see you didn't actually dispute any of that. What? Truth hurts don't it?

Oh I'm not saying its a necessary quality to be a good president, but I think its a damn good quality to have as one, don't you think so to?

I'm actually enjoying the hell out of Trump. he's got both parties running scared. I do like his Straight forward talking. NOT talking DOWN on us with stupid stuff like how they are: going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet...He even looks like a LIAR in the video

that why I liked Sarah Palin on top the fact she was a Governor and MY Governor when I lived in Alaska.

so for now: go TRUMP

LOLOL!!! OMG! You mean until she QUIT to go on the road & hawk her book?

go vote for the old gray mare Hillary who you all KICKED to curb once before and MADE HER A QUITTER.

I am not a Hillary fan dearie. So you failed at what you think is true more than once. <wink-wink oh you betcha>
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?

man you're a bitter and Nasty little human being

New poster with an obvious agenda....smells like DNC disinformation operative

Yes, That MUST be it. Every bit of what I said is fact. It's hard to accept, I know.
I am not a Hillary fan dearie. So you failed at what you think is true more than once. <wink-wink oh you betcha>

Oh! Another retread... How nice. Anyone else wondering which one it is?

retread? Like I'm from the DNC???? hahahahaaaaaaa.....

I didn't even vote for Slick Willy- I voted for Nader. In the 2008 primary I voted for Edwards & unlike a lot of people, I admit when I made the wrong choice, thank GOD that scumbag didn't make it to the Whitehouse.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?

man you're a bitter and Nasty little human being

New poster with an obvious agenda....smells like DNC disinformation operative

They join and regurgitate the same old leftwing crap we've already heard over 100 times because they out of anything else. and they have nothing to be happy about with the four all white old Fogies running for the Democrats

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