I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

looking at weather radar for mobile now...there is rain from the mouth of the Miss. up thru new orleans and the northshore of the lake...then east to hattiesburg and over to monroeville Al.....seems to be clear from pensacola all the way to the La. border..

EDIT...LMAO...i said "border"..I meant state line
I just signed the petition to make sure Trump gets on the ballot. Lots of great friendly people here.
And further back down the line...


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You hate him because he is black, you racist nig$er.
You hate him because he is black, you racist nig$er.
So I also hate my family you dumb cracka, Bring back herman 9.99 cain that your crackas loved last time as he danced for you crackas
Another well respected black man. Obama doesn't have enough integrity to wipe his ass.

Just for the record, I like Ben Carson. In his field, he has done some awesome things. My respect to him. I don't think, however, that he is presidential material.
I have to disagree, he is a very smart man, with common sense. I think he would find the best people in their field to give him the best advice to deal with the things he lacks experience in. That is very important, Obama hired left leaning radicals that lacked experience. Except in community organizing. They only react to social issues.

Look at that woman he put in charge of getting his OinsuranceScam up and running. Look at the dingbat running the EPA, Tyrants in the BLM. The majority of them were HIS Cronies like Hillary, Kerry, and Many of his appointments in these agencies were just as Incompetent as he was and just as thuggish nasty.
With this picture representing the liberal mind. I wonder if they can use the bathroom on their own.
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and Thisbesties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

This coming from a man, who's party has spent the last 8 years disrespecting a black man in the white house, pot meet a old friend, called kettle or better still toilet paper, meet my ****
Why do you refer to your president as a black man?
Trump in Alabama seems fitting. He and Judge Roy can exchange numbers and Thisbesties.

You people on the left are insufferable human beings. You are nasty when you win and even more nasty when you are LOSING. Are you born that way? or is it acquired when you become a cult member of the nasty Democrat party? just curious

This coming from a man, who's party has spent the last 8 years disrespecting a black man in the white house, pot meet a old friend, called kettle or better still toilet paper, meet my ****
Why do you refer to your president as a black man?

Why? Because he's being portrayed here quite often, not as president, but as some trader terrorist...I point out quite often, that he's a black man that some people here can not see past.
That tribble head is speaking for a narrow band of dopes on the right. I'll bet you thought Sarah Palin did too back when she was 'relevant'.
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Oh I'm not saying its a necessary quality to be a good president, but I think its a damn good quality to have as one, don't you think so to?

I'm actually enjoying the hell out of Trump. he's got both parties running scared. I do like his Straight forward talking. NOT talking DOWN on us with stupid stuff like how they are: going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet...He even looks like a LIAR in the video

that why I liked Sarah Palin on top the fact she was a Governor and MY Governor when I lived in Alaska.

so for now: go TRUMP

LOLOL!!! OMG! You mean until she QUIT to go on the road & hawk her book?
That was awesome! Now for dinner and beer. Hope y'all enjoyed the pics...
Well the food's here... Maybe I'll post some more pics later.
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I'm seeing whole sections empty. I guess that meant it wasn't a full house & that there weren't more people requesting seats than the stadium had huh? :oops-28:

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