I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

While there were empty seats not all seating was available. But between those seated, and those standing on the field; it was probably close.
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?

the subversives and DNC operatives are starting to come out .
I'm seeing whole sections empty. I guess that meant it wasn't a full house & that there weren't more people requesting seats than the stadium had huh? :oops-28:

it was originally scheduled for a few hundred in a hotel ballroom...they had to find another place because of demand....they planned on the convention center for a couple thousand...the demand kept growing and they finally had to get the football stadium...NO one EVER said they were expecting 40,000...The stadium might HOLD 40k....but no one ever predicted 40k.
So..the event grew to 50 times its' original size...spin that if you can
I'm seeing whole sections empty. I guess that meant it wasn't a full house & that there weren't more people requesting seats than the stadium had huh? :oops-28:

it was originally scheduled for a few hundred in a hotel ballroom...they had to find another place because of demand....they planned on the convention center for a couple thousand...the demand kept growing and they finally had to get the football stadium...NO one EVER said they were expecting 40,000...The stadium might HOLD 40k....but no one ever predicted 40k.
So..the event grew to 50 times its' original size...spin that if you can
If you are looking at pictures taken while people were being seated, sure whole sections were empty.
It was said earlier that imminent threat of bad weather plus the hot humidity changed peoples minds of attending at the last minute. I can see that happening.
It was said earlier that imminent threat of bad weather plus the hot humidity changed peoples minds of attending at the last minute. I can see that happening.
I haven't looked very hard but I see a couple of sources trying to downplay the attendance by saying the stadium was "half full"...considering that most of the crowd was on the field where the podium was set up, that seems a little dishonest...
Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?

man you're a bitter and Nasty little human being
Oh I'm not saying its a necessary quality to be a good president, but I think its a damn good quality to have as one, don't you think so to?

I'm actually enjoying the hell out of Trump. he's got both parties running scared. I do like his Straight forward talking. NOT talking DOWN on us with stupid stuff like how they are: going to stop the seas rising and heal thy planet...He even looks like a LIAR in the video

that why I liked Sarah Palin on top the fact she was a Governor and MY Governor when I lived in Alaska.

so for now: go TRUMP

LOLOL!!! OMG! You mean until she QUIT to go on the road & hawk her book?

go vote for the old gray mare Hillary who you all KICKED to curb once before and MADE HER A QUITTER.
Silly nutters. I'm guessing that you just witnessed Trump's peak in terms of crowd size at a campaign event.
I think that guess may be a bit premature... It's just too early; and his crowds just keep getting bigger.
I'm hearing around 30, 000 showed up. As we can see it has the left shaken up that they are more nasty then ever. tsk tsk tsk

Even your old 100 year Socialist/democrat isn't pulling in those numbers...:lmao:
Go Trump, VOTE out those nasty progressives like Obama, Hillary, and old Bernie baby

Gallup: 61% Disapprove of Obama’s Handling of Immigration
By Terence P. Jeffrey | August 21, 2015 | 1:39 PM EDT
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(CNSNews.com) - Sixty-one percent of Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama’s handling of immigration, according to a survey conducted by Gallup.

From Aug. 4-9, Gallup asked a random sample of 1,011 U.S. residents 18 and older this question: “Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling immigration?”

Sixty-one said they disapprove, and only 36 percent said they approve.

The trend in the Gallup survey on this question shows that Obama has failed to move people in his direction on the immigration issue in the wake of his efforts to unilaterally grant legal status to aliens illegally in the United States.

In a Gallup surveys conducted Aug. 9-12, 2012 and Aug. 7-11, 2013, 55 percent said they disapproved of the way Obama was handling immigration and 39 percent said they approved. But the percentage who disapproved of Obama’s handling of immigration jumped to 65 percent in a June 2014 Gallup survey, was 62 percent in an August 2014 survey, and was 61 percent in the latest survey.


ALL of it here:}
Gallup: 61% Disapprove of Obama’s Handling of Immigration
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and you wonder why Trump is so Popular. the people are FED UP with these Career Politicians who it seems their only goal is to SAVE their Ass and their JOBS sucking a living OFF US taxpayers

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Anyone else liking Trump more and more?

And remember, unlike Obama, he's actually accomplished things in his life, like successfully running businesses and earning him billions in profits. Obama was elected Senator for one reason, he's black. He had no accomplishments in his background, so it surely wasn't that. If it wasn't because he was black in a primarily black area of Chicago and the state of Illinois in general, I'd sure like to know what it was. He made president with 98% of the black vote.

What companies has Obama run and made money with? That's right, Obama never worked a private sector job in his life, much less owned a business that was profitable.

McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?

Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?

man you're a bitter and Nasty little human being

New poster with an obvious agenda....smells like DNC disinformation operative

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