I Will Be At the Trump Rally Tomorrow.

Why? Because he's being portrayed here quite often, not as president, but as some trader terrorist...I point out quite often, that he's a black man that some people here can not see past.
First and foremost, Obama is a Muslim socialist. That is our beef with him. The only ones with an issue of his race are the national socialists who post here for balance, which I appreciate although I don't agree with them. Get it straight, conservatives and republicans don't have racial issues. Race conscienciousness is owned by democrats and liberals.

lol, THE blacks. :thanks:

oh save it. You people have call black republicans worse names. we are sick of you Leftwingers race baiting
It was said earlier that imminent threat of bad weather plus the hot humidity changed peoples minds of attending at the last minute. I can see that happening.
I haven't looked very hard but I see a couple of sources trying to downplay the attendance by saying the stadium was "half full"...considering that most of the crowd was on the field where the podium was set up, that seems a little dishonest...
My daughters ticket issue was the original venues that filled up, so they decided to watch on TV instead of going to the stadium. She says Trump has the democrats excited. Looks like he's stealing votes from Hillary perhaps.
Silly nutters. I'm guessing that you just witnessed Trump's peak in terms of crowd size at a campaign event.
Wait for his inauguration and the crowds on the Mall. People are so sick of democrat and ObamaNation, we are going to rejoice by inaugural balls all over this nation. Finally we are free Of the corruption.
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Silly nutters. I'm guessing that you just witnessed Trump's peak in terms of crowd size at a campaign event.
Wait for his inauguration and the crowds on the Mall. People are so sick of democrat and ObamaNation, we are going to rejoice by inaugural balls all over this nation? Finally we are free Of the corruption.

there will be DANCING in the streets getting rid of that NASTY Progressive/commie party of the United States and that Thug named Barry "Obama"

A racist presidential candidate shows up in cracker land and draws a big crowd. Yawn....

LMMFAO..."racist"...that word doesn't work any more...you guys used it up..No effect. White people are waking up.

post ONE SINGLE "racist" thing trump ever said.
These idiot liberals think it's racist using the. Words " you people". One already made an issue of the words"the blacks". That's why their yelling "racist" falls on deaf ears. These people are radicals to the core of their black soul.
A racist presidential candidate shows up in cracker land and draws a big crowd. Yawn....

LMMFAO..."racist"...that word doesn't work any more...you guys used it up..No effect. White people are waking up.

post ONE SINGLE "racist" thing trump ever said.
These idiot liberals think it's racist using the. Words " you people". One already made an issue of the words"the blacks". That's why their yelling "racist" falls on deaf ears. These people are radicals to the core of their black soul.

As with everything else the Left uses, the word "racist" is now MEANINGLESS. Serving no purpose whatsoever.

lol, THE blacks. :thanks:

What?..they don't like "colored"..they don't like "negro". What should they be called?.."the protected class"?

I tried 'The Primates' and MAN... that really seems to piss'em off.

they are so hard up and pathetic all rolled into one. AND if my only choices were those old nobody Fogies who has done Nothing outstanding but be CAREER politicians who's only claim to FAME is sucking a living off us taxpayers, I'd be embarrassed and feel USED. they don't think they need choices. It's take one out of those four OR tough shit
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Do you realize that your post proves he doesn't hate Mexicans?
I do not believe I said anything about him "hating Mexicans" have I? If so, please produce that post por favor. What I said was he was a HYPOCRITE. He's an entrepreneur, yes? Has clothing line, yes? "I'll be the greatest jobs President God ever created; I'll take them from china, from Japan, from Mexico..." What makes you actually think that will happen, when he has full control right now with his own merch; to be made right HERE, right NOW. In America. By Americans? But he hasn't, has he? And why does he want to bring in foreign workers to work for him when he can hire Americans?
Donald Trump: I'll take jobs from China, Mexico
Do you realize that your post proves he doesn't hate Mexicans?
I do not believe I said anything about him "hating Mexicans" have I? If so, please produce that post por favor. What I said was he was a HYPOCRITE. He's an entrepreneur, yes? Has clothing line, yes? "I'll be the greatest jobs President God ever created; I'll take them from china, from Japan, from Mexico..." What makes you actually think that will happen, when he has full control right now with his own merch; to be made right HERE, right NOW. In America. By Americans? But he hasn't, has he? And why does he want to bring in foreign workers to work for him when he can hire Americans?
Donald Trump: I'll take jobs from China, Mexico

You're quite confused about the whole thing...
You'll do better just saying you don't like him, rather than wandering into territory you don't understand and pontificating about theoretical situations..
Well... That would be a shrewd way to begin fulfilling his campaign promise. So I wouldn't put it past him to bring his home first.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

lol, THE blacks. :thanks:

What?..they don't like "colored"..they don't like "negro". What should they be called?.."the protected class"?

THE blacks. Who talks like that? LOL.


so what's wrong with saying that?

THE whites...THE asians....THE blacks...oh the HORROR!

What would YOU have preferred?

Something like "The Possible Descendants of Some Africans Who Were Sold Into Slavery By Their Own Race to Evil Jewish Slave Traders Who Sold Them to White Colonialist Devils"? You like that better?
Do you realize that your post proves he doesn't hate Mexicans?
I do not believe I said anything about him "hating Mexicans" have I? If so, please produce that post por favor. What I said was he was a HYPOCRITE. He's an entrepreneur, yes? Has clothing line, yes? "I'll be the greatest jobs President God ever created; I'll take them from china, from Japan, from Mexico..." What makes you actually think that will happen, when he has full control right now with his own merch; to be made right HERE, right NOW. In America. By Americans? But he hasn't, has he? And why does he want to bring in foreign workers to work for him when he can hire Americans?
Donald Trump: I'll take jobs from China, Mexico

You're quite confused about the whole thing...
You'll do better just saying you don't like him, rather than wandering into territory you don't understand and pontificating about theoretical situations..

There's nothing confusing at all. Tell me why he cannot have his clothing line & other crap that he has his name on made right here. Could it possibly be because looking for that "union label" will cost to much? Because sweatshops are cheaper? Ya, it's not confusing at all. No, I do not like him, but his character sucks as far as being faithful while married- isn't adultery a Christian no no? How about trying to steal an old woman's home for his personal business? There's nothing 'confusing' about that.
For Rotagilla.

I see you thought it funny when I said all I claimed to be true & factual. Well, don't let it hurt you TOO much....
McCain & Gidget only had some 20% of the vote. That means a whole lot of (R) voted for Obama behind that curtain, or just simply stayed home instead of voting for the (R) disaster.
President Map - Election Results 2008 - The New York Times

You forgot to mention that Tribblehead declared bankruptcy 5x which included his casinos. Casinos by design WIN, How do they go belly up?

4 as of 2011
Trump's Companies Filed Bankruptcy 4 Times
& another one in 2014:
Trump Plaza files for bankruptcy

And a couple side notes- Obama has been married only once, to the same woman for 20 years. He isn't an adulterer like Trump is. That speaks of his character.

Trump seemed to want to get off the wedding topic, so Howard asked him what he felt was his single greatest accomplishment in life. Trump said when he was married to Ivana he took the family skiing and put his then mistress Marla Maples up at a nearby resort so he could be with both women. Trump had successfully spent the vacation shuttling back and forth between the two girls until they somehow bumped into each. Then all hell broke loose. Trump said it was a big mountain and he never expected that to happen. The girls ended up screaming and yelling at each other over Trump and Donald said it was the worst day of his life. He was completely miserable until a bald, fat guy who was standing nearby while Ivana and Marla were fighting over Trump said he could have worse problems. Trump agreed with that!

And speaking of character, did you know he tried to use eminent domain to force an old woman out of her home so he could level it & put in a parking lot for one of his casinos- a private business? Thankfully he lost that one.
Donald Trump's eminent-domain empire

How about the fact that sells his suits at ridiculous prices, but has them made in Mexico & China? Can you say HYPOCRISY?


Or the fact that he's had foreign workers come here on work visas to work in his casinos & golf courses? Can you say HYPOCRISY AGAIN?
Exclusive: Donald Trump's companies have sought visas to import at least 1,100 workers

Oh that was fun... for me to gather all the facts... for you. cheers :beer:

He said he will bring manufacturing back to the us...do you drive a foreign car?..do you own anything that wasn't made in america? You're supporting globalization over putting america first., then. He didn't create this situation, but he has to work within it and he said he will work to change it....

selective outrage...comical.

Why doesn't he have his own crap manufactured here then? If he hasn't yet, & it's not like he couldn't with "Trump Enterprises"- why do you think he will with any other manufactured goods?
& don't think I haven't noticed you addressed nothing else I mentioned & provided bona fide links to, particularly about his <cough cough> 'stellar' character.

Like I said..you don't understand how the real world works.
Go ask ford, nabisco, gm, and a hundred other AMERICAN companies that have moved AWAY from america because of a hostile business climate...save your faux outrage...no one is fooled, lefty
Well... That would be a shrewd way to begin fulfilling his campaign promise. So I wouldn't put it past him to bring his home first.

Why wait? Why even have those jobs go south or overseas to begin with? Cheap cheap cheap labor. Period.

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