I Wish We Had A President Who Could Lead Like Abdullah

Is that the King?
You know that is the king of Jordan.................
I wasn't sure - he looks different (and older) without the headdress.
Her fate was sealed the moment she got captured.
There is credible speculation that she was married off to an ISIL fighter.
I read it from a MidEast analyst somewhere on the web. Sounds right. What better way to humiliate an American woman than to make her a Muslim wife. And they have done this with other women they capture.
And does this make you happy or something........................

For what purpose other than to harass on this thread have you chosen to say this.......................
King Abdullah is the kind of Muslim the President was praising at the prayer breakfast.

And then hung out to dry by not supporting him with arms and equipment.
We don't support Saudi Arabia with arms and equipment?
You ready to catch up with the title......................

I let it slide on one of your other posts...........as you don't even know we are talking about JORDAN...........

The recently deceased King of Saudi Arabia was King Abdullah.

The King of Jordon is Abdullah II. The OP doesn't mention Abdullah II.

Her fate was sealed the moment she got captured.
There is credible speculation that she was married off to an ISIL fighter.
I read it from a MidEast analyst somewhere on the web. Sounds right. What better way to humiliate an American woman than to make her a Muslim wife. And they have done this with other women they capture.
And does this make you happy or something........................

For what purpose other than to harass on this thread have you chosen to say this.......................
No, it doesn't make me happy, but it makes me believe she might still be alive.
King Abdullah is the kind of Muslim the President was praising at the prayer breakfast.

And then hung out to dry by not supporting him with arms and equipment.
We don't support Saudi Arabia with arms and equipment?
You ready to catch up with the title......................

I let it slide on one of your other posts...........as you don't even know we are talking about JORDAN...........

The recently deceased King of Saudi Arabia was King Abdullah.

The King of Jordon is Abdullah II. The OP doesn't mention Abdullah II.


Well, if you had actually bothered to read the OP, you would know that the thread is about Abdullah of Jordan. I suppose it is rather unfair to expect a limited intellect such as you to read for comprehension and retention.
King Abdullah is the kind of Muslim the President was praising at the prayer breakfast.

And then hung out to dry by not supporting him with arms and equipment.
We don't support Saudi Arabia with arms and equipment?
You ready to catch up with the title......................

I let it slide on one of your other posts...........as you don't even know we are talking about JORDAN...........

The recently deceased King of Saudi Arabia was King Abdullah.

The King of Jordon is Abdullah II. The OP doesn't mention Abdullah II.


Well, if you had actually bothered to read the OP, you would know that the thread is about Abdullah of Jordan. I suppose it is rather unfair to expect a limited intellect such as you to read for comprehension and retention.
He or she is trolling............with bait that is questionable at best............considering this is a fellow American who may be dead...............or worse.
Well, if you had actually bothered to read the OP, you would know that the thread is about Abdullah of Jordan. I suppose it is rather unfair to expect a limited intellect such as you to read for comprehension and retention.
No, it's unfair for you to think I'd actually read one of your OPs. They are always a combination of mental diarrhea and hyper-partisan wingnuttery.

Your thread titles are usually enough to mock.

But you are correct that I thought you were talking about King Abdullah, since he just died and has been in the news.
Now, this is what a really leader does. Too bad we have Squire Trelane in the White House. Contrast Abdullah's actions below with Obama trading five terrorists for a deserter and calling out the Crusades as a reason why we are no better than ISIS.

In less than a week, Jordan has transformed itself from a bit player in the war on terror to a moral beacon of why we fight — because it's ultimately a struggle of good versus evil, and good must win.

It began with King Abdullah's fiery vow to make the "earth shake" against terrorists who'd just murdered a 26-year-old Jordanian pilot from a prominent tribal family, as the king's red and white Bedouin tribal attire reminded Jordan's mourning citizens.

The king also morally delegitimized the terrorists, saying they had zero claim to the name Muslim — powerful, given that the king is a direct descendant of Muhammad. He was buttressed by Jordanian officials, who called the terrorists "daesh" — a derogatory word in Arabic that's as nasty as it sounds, and one that IS hates.

Then there was the swift execution of two death row terrorists that IS had sought in bad-faith negotiations for the pilot they had already murdered, done swiftly, just as Jordan had warned would happen.

There were also photos of the king suited up in his pilot's uniform, giving an unmistakable impression of medieval single combat unlike anything seen since the Middle Ages (even if the king didn't fly on the mission).

There was the king's moving expression of compassion for the grieving family in their humble Jordan village, with the king and Queen Rania offering comfort and assuring them that their son's death wasn't in vain.

As bombing missions took off, with the warning to the terrorists that they were now "meeting the Jordanians for the first time," half of Jordan's air force flew over the humble village of the murdered pilot to assure it what the mission was about.

And, matching the terrorists' propaganda-film tactics, the Jordanians also released a film — theirs, of IS targets being blown away by Jordanian forces, which at last count left 55 terrorists dead on the desert floor.

There's a word for this: victory. As the West dithers under the weak leadership and wavering resolve of the Obama administration, the Jordanians, however small and threatened they are as a nation, have injected the force multiplier of moral passion into their war effort....[/]

Jordan s King Gets Medieval On Them - Investors.com

What are you talking about? We did have an Abdullah in the White House. Two of them, to be exact.

And they invaded Afghanistan and Iraq and ran up a bill of over $4,000,000,000,000 doing it.

And aren't you glad? Because the Iraqis welcomed us as liberators and now their land is safe once again and they are free.

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