I Wish We Had A President Who Could Lead Like Abdullah

You missed one but I found it for you.
That's the Conservative Adulteress, right?
Is that an attempt to troll with the live of an American who went there to offer aid to the refugees of the WAR who is either now dead, or being tortured by ISIS....................

If so, you and that Painter dude can kiss my REBEL ASS.
There are reasons why Sunni nations like Turkey and Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have not committed more openly and decisively to the war on ISIS
Regarding Türkiye, it's the same reason why we will never invade Mexico no matter how corrupt and dangerous it becomes: there are too many Mexicans here who could launch lone-wolf attacks throughout America.

The Turks have the same problem - there are radical fanatics who have infiltrated the country.
Well, this thread is interesting but I'm not too sure it makes any sense.
First of all ISIS now has a real threat from an Arab country. King Abdullah (and his closest advisors) has quite the history of being an enemy of radical Islam and the terror it breeds. That's good. The claims of him being a pussy because Saudi Arabia is dropping bombs is interesting. Isn't that what Obama is doing? I say bomb the fuck out of ISIS.
As I mentioned, Obama is using a bombing campaign. He actually led the campaign of internationals to get involved in fighting ISIS. That would be "led" as in being leader. How long has the US been bombing ISIS? And now Abdullah is a hero because Saudia Arabia is finally getting involved?
As for Israel and Netanyahu not doing anything because they haven't been attack,,,,who does Bibi think he is Neville Chamberlain? The ISIS is Israel's biggest threat..
Anyway, I see a lot of irony by both sides posts in this thread.
A fierce warrior like Abdullah getting involved is good.
Obama leading the coalition against ISIS is good.
And Israel lack of action is pretty friggen confusing.
That's my take on this whole thing.
You would have to be "comfortably numb" to not be able to see the consequences of Israeli action. The Israelis did not even react militarily when SCUD missles were being hurled at them by Saddam ffs!

So Israel gets some sort of bizarre pass when comes to honoring their supposed alliance with the US?

lol, then why do we call Israel an ally.?
Because their enemies are ours. It goes back to WWII. We helped found the Jewish state which has been a strategic buffer from its inception to the Islamic vermin the rest of the world is in conflict with.

Nonsense. Israel is a dependent, not an ally.
Yes, in the name of Christianity, you moron. They justified slavery based on text in the Bible. They believed they were superior human beings and that blacks were subhuman. They believed that because black Africans were not Christian, they were heathens and not worthy of life except to serve the Christians. How ignorant are you anyway? Did you skip school, or do you just have selective memory?
The Bible is the story of the people of Israel. The New Testiment is the story of the Messiah which is what Christianity is based on. I think you need to quit preaching and learn the difference. There is nothing in Jesus teachings that says you can take slaves against their will or kill in the name of God.

Maybe if you people who choose to use the Bible as a reference would crack one once in awhile you'd know this.u

You want to take the word of a compulsive liar like Obama, who said that George Washington made beer in the White House, even though George Washington never lived in the White House because it wasn't even built then.
Are you fucking serious? Do you people actually think you are fooling anyone by pretending that Christians don't consider the Old Testament. I went to Sunday school; I went to church. The Old Testament and the New Testament are both Christian religion. What you are trying to say is that the people who owned slaves and all the European imperialists who decimated so many non-white, non-Christian cultures and murdered millions of people, were not Christians and didn't think of themselves as Christians: your entire premise is ludicrous and pathetic. It is just unbelievable that you think anyone would buy your nonsense. You are completely and totally ignorant of history, or you are trying to twist it into something it isn't. Pathetic.

You're generalizing. Jesus said that the old ways were over. The Old Testiment is a series of books on the history of Israel. It was a lesson on what to do and not to do. Not a reference on how to murder our brothers. The one doing the twisting is the critics of Christianity.

Is throwing the Old Testament under the bus the best you fake Christians have now?


Every time you lie it's time to chug a beer.

Now you're denying you threw the old Testament under the bus when it's right there in black and white.

Fuckinay you are a fucking drunk.
That photo gives you a boner, doesn't it?
DAMN SKIPPY...........

Thinking about that pay load landing on ISIS'S heads gives me a tingling sensation..............Not quite as much as people like you get when you hear Obama.....................

I've already stated that's what I'd be dropping on their asses..............which part don't you understand.
I'm not in charge now or then...................

You would have not liked what I'd have done after 9/11.........I wouldn't have done what Bush did...........I'd have taken the gloves off...........I would not have fought a Politically correct War..............I would not have been there to build nations out of the rubble...........................

It would be fought as a WAR...............not another Police Action............
War against who? Just one guy was pretty much responsible for 9/11. Who were you going to go to war with, bin Laden?
If you think were only at War with one person after 9/11 you are a NAIVE FOOL.............of course a TROLL OF A FOOL....................

After 9/11, what would you have done............thrown flowers at them.............................What is your strategy for stopping these TERRORIST without all your normal BS.
I'd have put bin Laden's head on a pike, in front of the White House. I would not have gone to war with a nation that had nothing to do with it, and I would have spared no expense to get him. As a nation you have to be able to kill your enemies, but first you have to figure out who they actually are, something we don't do.
Easy to say that..................Would you have invaded Pakistan to get him...............would you have entered Afghanistan to do so..............and how many troops would you have sent into the mission......................

If the Taliban protected him, would you have hit them too.............would you have hit his minions the AL Quada in places like Sudan..............

Or would you think it's a fair trade after ONE MAN Osama is finally killed................and after you killed him would the War with Radical Islam be over.
No country needed to be invaded to get bin Laden. And I'd have used whatever it took and let as many American soldiers die in the process as required until I had him.
Bush could have gotten bin Laden in December 2001 if he wanted to, at Bora Bora - he didn't.

That would have shut down the whole War Machine before they got to fulfill their real dream of getting Saddam.
King Abdullah is the kind of Muslim the President was praising at the prayer breakfast.

And then hung out to dry by not supporting him with arms and equipment.

lol, you don't believe moderate Muslims even exist, you idiot.

Oh, and I can prove it:

This is what boedicca said 6 months ago:

'I believe that when I see massive uprisings of the Mythical Moderate Muslims against the Extremists.'

Bill Maher Absolutely Crushes Charlie Rose For Comparing Islam To Christianity Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Can we put you down as an egg faced believer now?


That's funny. On the one hand, you loons dismiss Jordan as being a small, insignificant country, and now you are using it as an example of of Massive Uprising of Moderate Muslims against extremists.

I'm encouraged that they are taking a stand. I hope, for the sake of humanity, that we see more of this throughout the entire world.

99% of Muslims reject this sort of violence.

You've been had in this thread. Make yourself useful. Go back to bed.
King Abdullah is the kind of Muslim the President was praising at the prayer breakfast.

And then hung out to dry by not supporting him with arms and equipment.

lol, you don't believe moderate Muslims even exist, you idiot.

Oh, and I can prove it:

This is what boedicca said 6 months ago:

'I believe that when I see massive uprisings of the Mythical Moderate Muslims against the Extremists.'

Bill Maher Absolutely Crushes Charlie Rose For Comparing Islam To Christianity Page 12 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Can we put you down as an egg faced believer now?


That's funny. On the one hand, you loons dismiss Jordan as being a small, insignificant country, and now you are using it as an example of of Massive Uprising of Moderate Muslims against extremists.

I'm encouraged that they are taking a stand. I hope, for the sake of humanity, that we see more of this throughout the entire world.

Quote me ONCE ever saying that Jordan was insignificant.
Sounds like you have some sort of obsessive need for a leader.

Life fail #6, in a world full of followers, dare to be a leader.

"I Wish We Had A President Who Could Lead Like Abdullah"

I wish RWW idiots would move to a Muslim country and STFU.

Too funny. You moonbats are thoroughly programmed with the same banal talking points.
You're the moron who is revering the man who oppresses women and treats them as property. The man who funds terrorists with one hand while shaking U.S. presidents' hands with the other.

Can you possibly sink any lower?
King Abdullah is the kind of Muslim the President was praising at the prayer breakfast.
I don't think he was worthy of praise. Very few Mideast leaders are. And it's not because they're Muslims, it's because they are double-dealers.

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