I Wonder Who They Voted For

Another example of the violent fascist Bully Left denouncing violence and fascism as they burn, destroy, bully and silence critics because they haven't the maturity to stand and face their critics with calm objective discussion and rational arguments for their own positions. Half the people in that video and their professors should have been arrested in jail, but all the university cares about is getting the tuition money and inciting hatred.

Some day we are going to have a serious disagreement with them.
In effect, the conservatives at Berkeley have no voice, are not allowed to invite speakers and have their functions shut down by the Left. If the Berkeley Radicals were so sure of their veracity, they would stand there, listen to Milo (who seemed the only reasonable person in the video) present his case, and then counter his statements with facts.

In essence, the university is not given them what they paid for and should get either a 50% reduction in tuition or leave.
We need to fucking bring back the draft!

Only an idiot and/or a dinosaur would be for bringing back the draft.

So - with the unemployment rate at 3.8% and there is already a shortage of qualified people for many jobs...you want to rob the economy of people who are leading productive lives helping the economy...and throw them in the armed forces. This will raise the deficit by hundreds of billions in added military costs PLUS rob the federal coffers of hundreds of millions in tax revenue as the money these people were making will now go bye bye.

What a completely shortsighted and ridiculous suggestion.

And before you say it - I did serve (in the reserves).
We need the draft. When they make it through basic maybe then they will have the humility to not say “fuck America” they are morons!
Interesting experiment. Sad, but not surprising where our "educated" (according to the left) stand.

Hundreds of hours of video edited down to under 3 minutes by an America-hating troll to fool retarded Trump sheep.

You base this on what evidence?

That is how all of these videos are made, from the left and right, sheep

I'm asking about this specific video and how you know how much it's been edited.
Interesting experiment. Sad, but not surprising where our "educated" (according to the left) stand.

Hundreds of hours of video edited down to under 3 minutes by an America-hating troll to fool retarded Trump sheep.

You base this on what evidence?

The guy is a fool. We KNOW where Berkley students fall. Most other colleges too.

And it's also a matter of policy and curriculum.
The guy is a fool. We KNOW where Berkley students fall. Most other colleges too.
And it's also a matter of policy and curriculum.
So how did we let it get this way and how do we fix it?
Marxist infiltration of academia took hold with a spoiled group of youth in the 1960’s (with legitimate anti-war rebellion aiding that effort).
That 1960’s generation are now the academic indoctrinators.
First step toward repair is acknowledging and exposing that reality. Next step is to provide more constitutionally oriented alternatives.
It’s gotta start on the Internet.

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