I wonder why Conservatives don't focus on real issues, instead of trying to get books out of libraries?

The point is that a gop governor gave them a free requested ride to another gop governor's state.....To me that's a act of aggression.
Are you serious? Who aggressed against whom?

If sending illegals to someone's state is aggression, then Biden is the most aggressive toward states president in the history of the country, with the exception of Lincoln.
Why don't 'liberals' focus on real stuff instead of stuff like ghost guns?
Ghost guns and menthol cigarettes are important don'tcha know. Like $33B more for Ukraine's war while they sell off Russian oligarch's yachts to pay for rebuilding Ukraine? How about paying back some of the money we've sent for Ukraine's defense. Fuck Ukraine--not a US ally. Not my country--not my war. What happened to all of the uproar that "We are not the world's police force?" Meanwhile, American taxpayers are expected to support unbridled immigration, record inflation, fuel prices, getting back to normal from covid, and shortages in the retail markets...SMFH.
I agree completely, except that I'm not sure the boy was confused. I think the default assumption when a guy puts on a dress to go into the girls restroom and rape a female is that he was being very purposeful.

But, anyway, the idea that conservatives shouldn't focus on that, and should instead join the left in increasing welfare would be the Democratic Party/Liberal media dream.

Won't happen, people love their kids, their freedom and their ability to take care of their kids and pass on that freedom too much to stand by and liberals hopelessly screw it up.
The original post questions the "conservative focus on real issues" while kids are getting raped by perverts. It's impossible to know the motivation of a boy in a dress but the point is that the municipality placed the father of the girl who was molested under arrest for daring to challenge the system.
The original post questions the "conservative focus on real issues" while kids are getting raped by perverts. It's impossible to know the motivation of a boy in a dress but the point is that the municipality placed the father of the girl who was molested under arrest for daring to challenge the system.
Yes, that is the point. I plead guilty to nit-picking; my apologies.
Like, what about dealing with stuff like poverty or the growing homeless epidemic?
We do. We try to get people off government programs and back on their feet, rather than looking for bigger government programs!

I see in my city a lot of homeless are popping up
All victims of progressive agendas and ideologies.
We do. We try to get people off government programs and back on their feet, rather than looking for bigger government programs!

All victims of progressive agendas and ideologies.

That in a nutshell is the difference in ideology.

The left judges success by how many people they can get on a program to provide a meager existence.
The right judges success by how many people we can get to a point that they will never again have to live a meager existence.
Like, what about dealing with stuff like poverty or the growing homeless epidemic?
I see in my city a lot of homeless are popping up, when i never seen them at the places before.

Why aren't Conservatives instead, pushing to build homeless shelters?
Why should I be concerned with something the democrat party created and maintains?
Like, what about dealing with stuff like poverty or the growing homeless epidemic?

I see in my city a lot of homeless are popping up, when i never seen them at the places before.

Why aren't Conservatives instead, pushing to build homeless shelters?

This is a real issue

THis is destroying our children.
That in a nutshell is the difference in ideology.

The left judges success by how many people they can get on a program to provide a meager existence.
The right judges success by how many people we can get to a point that they will never again have to live a meager existence.

Put simply, BJ, the fundamental difference which separates the Left from the right is that true conservatism is based on rugged individualism, while the far left is all about collectivism.

While the radical leftwing moonats are telling us it takes a community (them) to do anything, ie, dependency, the conservative wants the freedom to act alone, the privacy to be left alone, and the durability to deal with adversity and overcome--- alone, ie., independency and self-actualized autonomy.

Our desire to work, think and act alone has been the only thing which has allowed the radical left to grow to the terrible extent they already have.

Even a wild animal in a cage would much rather hunt for and kill its own food than to be locked up being given chopped, cooked meat to eat by a captor in a cage.

It is all about spirit. American spirit. The Left needs us badly, they need our work, our tax money and our votes, but the truth is that we don't need them, and it is that independence, that lack of total control and uncertainty over us that scares the bejesus out of them.
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Put simply, BJ, the fundamental difference which separates the Left from the right is that true conservatism is based on rugged individualism, while the far left is all about collectivism.

While the radical leftwing moonats are telling us it takes a community (them) to do anything, ie, dependency, the conservative wants the freedom to act alone, the privacy to be left alone, and the durability to deal with adversity and overcome--- alone, ie., independency and self-actualized autonomy.

Our desire to work, think and act alone has been the only thing which has allowed the radical left to grow to the terrible extent they already have.

Even a wild animal in a cage would much rather hunt for and kill its own food than to be locked up being given chopped, cooked meat to eat by a captor in a cage.

It is all about spirit. American spirit. The Left needs us badly, they need our work, our tax money and our votes, but the truth is that we don't need them, and it is that independence, that lack of total control and uncertainty over us that scares the bejesus out of them.

In theory the first paragraph is true.

But there is of course grey.

Hillary was ridiculed. for "it takes a village"
When I was a kid - we all knew our neighbors, if we were doing something down the street that was wrong, the barber, the gas station attendant, or the butcher would not have hesitated to walk down to our house and tell our dad.

Sometimes it is in the packaging.
Like, what about dealing with stuff like poverty or the growing homeless epidemic?

I see in my city a lot of homeless are popping up, when i never seen them at the places before.

Why aren't Conservatives instead, pushing to build homeless shelters?
While you idiots TALK about the homeless, conservatives work the food kitchens and homeless shelters while also personally funding BOTH.

Fuck off troll
When I was a kid - we all knew our neighbors, if we were doing something down the street that was wrong, the barber, the gas station attendant, or the butcher would not have hesitated to walk down to our house and tell our dad.
Difference being that our parents would listen to the neighbor, gas station attendant, butcher or barber and take action whereas today, they would be berated because "little Johnny can do no wrong." Also, the neighbor may actually be a degenerate pedophile today where it was less likely during our time.
Books glorifying gay sex are the liberal solution to poverty?

dont make me laugh

Liberal concerns:
1. Keep killing unborn babies by any and all means possible,
2. Keep gaslighting voters by racial divisiveness, class warfare, and endless lies glorifying your dogmas and berating traditional values and personal freedom,
3. Badmouth Trump to take the focus away from:
a. Rampant inflation and food prices,
b. Ridiculous gasoline prices, especially in California, over $5 per gallon,
c. Your promotion of homosexual perversion, transversion
4. Gimme, gimme, gimme
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