I Won't Root For US World Cup Women Trump Haters

Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'

Good for them! Why should one respect a man who warrants no respect?
Perhaps because they are playing on the world stage representing the US.

Trump was in Japan, representing the US on the world stage, when he gave Kim Jong Un a verbal handjob for saying Joe Biden was low-IQ. Trump was in Helsinki representing the US (on the world stage again), when he disavowed the work of US intel agencies, and clung to Putin's "very strong denial".

Trump doesn't respect himself, or he would behave with a little class.
Patriotism and love for America do not require respect for whoever is serving as President. In fact, showing public disrespect for an American President by Americans shows the world just how American freedom works and differentiates us from many other countries. Imagine if Russian or North Korean athletes showed disrespect.
Try reading the OP. Helps to have you know what your talking about.

Hint: national anthem.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'

Good for them! Why should one respect a man who warrants no respect?
Perhaps because they are playing on the world stage representing the US.

Trump was in Japan, representing the US on the world stage, when he gave Kim Jong Un a verbal handjob for saying Joe Biden was low-IQ. Trump was in Helsinki representing the US (on the world stage again), when he disavowed the work of US intel agencies, and clung to Putin's "very strong denial".

Trump doesn't respect himself, or he would behave with a little class.
So, because Trump acts like an ass we should all follow suit?
Uh huh.

Did you even comprehend what I wrote? Unlikely?
Yeah, You're a traitor just like Rapinoe, Morgan and Kreiger. And you're just a dumb as the referee. Uh huh.
One cannot be a traitor to a little boy playing president. You've shown us that you are a cultist tied body and soul to donnie and you could give a shit about the United States of America.
You want hundreds of millions of illegals here and you are clamoring for patriotism and love for the U.S.A. Sports stopped being a blue collar relief for the fans many years ago and became and adulation fest to the players. This is why you see crazy things like women's soccer and other sports at this level today. They are obviously funded by us for the extortion we pay in cable rates and money from the globalists to weaken us. Again many of those women are beasts. When broads start to age, they age....
Trump was in Japan, representing the US on the world stage, when he gave Kim Jong Un a verbal handjob for saying Joe Biden was low-IQ. Trump was in Helsinki representing the US (on the world stage again), when he disavowed the work of US intel agencies, and clung to Putin's "very strong denial".

Trump doesn't respect himself, or he would behave with a little class.
Nothing low class about telling the truth. 4 more years.

PS - Trump was talking about OBAMA intelligence agencies.
Trump was in Japan, representing the US on the world stage, when he gave Kim Jong Un a verbal handjob for saying Joe Biden was low-IQ. Trump was in Helsinki representing the US (on the world stage again), when he disavowed the work of US intel agencies, and clung to Putin's "very strong denial".

Trump doesn't respect himself, or he would behave with a little class.
Nothing low class about telling the truth. 4 more years.

PS - Trump was talking about OBAMA intelligence agencies.
Oh? The fix is in?
One cannot be a traitor to a little boy playing president. You've shown us that you are a cultist tied body and soul to donnie and you could give a shit about the United States of America.
That is what YOU have shown, as a Trump-hater cultist, and globalist illegal alien loving traitor.
I am sure that Team USA is positively beside themselves that some whiny honky on the internet doesn’t have their support.
They are entertainers. While entertaining, they are not at all important in the scope of all things.
One cannot be a traitor to a little boy playing president. You've shown us that you are a cultist tied body and soul to donnie and you could give a shit about the United States of America.
That is what YOU have shown, as a Trump-hater cultist, and globalist illegal alien loving traitor.
I am not the one stating that AMERICANS (real Americans) are traitors if they don't like donnie. It's not about the United States with such as you.....it's the fat donnie cult.
I am sure that Team USA is positively beside themselves that some whiny honky on the internet doesn’t have their support.
I am sure that YOU are beside yourself, that you and your leftist nutjobs don't have the support of the AMERICAN people, and you have to resort to importing foreigners to keep afloat.
I am not the one stating that AMERICANS (real Americans) are traitors if they don't like donnie. It's not about the United States with such as you.....it's the fat donnie cult.
So you didn't read the OP either, huh ? Or the thread. Making a fool out of yourself.
Right now, I'm watching the womens' world cup championship soccer game. Originally, I felt pretty good that, representing the USA, these women had beaten a lot of good teams to make all the way to the final game.

That was before I found out about the despicable nasty comments that at least 3 of the women on this team (maybe more) said about President Trump. Apparently these women (Ali Kreiger, Alex Morgan, and team co-captain Megan Rapinoe) are NOT representing the USA. They are representing THEMSELVES, and nothing more.

Rapnioe even used profanity when she said she wasn’t going to the White House if the team wins the Women’s World Cup. Morgan likewise said she’s prepared to decline a possible invitation to visit President Trump at the White House.

Rapinoe started kneeling during the anthem in 2016, to show solidarity with former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who did it before NFL games, to protest social and racial injustice(so he thinks). But the United States Soccer Federation then adopted a policy that requires players to stand. Now she stands, but she has been criticized for not singing and putting her hand over her heart like other players.

Kreiger stated >> "'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect"

No respect is exactly what these 3 stooges warrant, and they won't get it from me, and probably millions of other Americans as well. I hate to say it but I'd actually rather see the Netherlands win this championship, rather than have it go to these traitors.


US soccer star Alex Morgan plans to decline any White House invite after World Cup

Trump calls out Rapinoe for comments about White House visit | WTOP

Team USA star Ali Krieger rips Trump: 'I refuse to respect a man that warrants no respect'
Their comments are disgusting, but they have a right to them. Hank Williams JR. slammed Obama.
The USA have won the women’s 2019 FIFA World Cup after beating Netherlands 2-0!

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