"I won't text and drive if it is against the law"..wow!

Distracted driving KILLS!!! Next up for the nanny state:

No listening to the radio or music while driving....it's distracting.
All passengers will be required to be blindfolded and gagged while in a car....it's a distraction.
Children will be required to be knocked unconscious while in a car....they can be a distraction.
Fast food restaurants will be forced to close all drive through windows...eating while driving is a distraction
Auto Manufacturers will be required to eliminate cup holders from all cars....drinking any liquid while driving can be a distraction.

Welcome to the "Nanny State"....

Thank you!
AGAIN my point exactly is where does the Nanny state end?
Is it so difficult for people to LEARN about common sense?
Rather then spending trillions of "global warming",etc. why not teach our young from the beginning.. use common sense for example don't text and drive because.. YOU can't stop the car!
Simple advertising for example of a kid texting and running into the car in front repeated as frequently as nauseating car commercials would for example pound home the message!
If advertising is good for businesses to spend Billions then we should take a portion of the wasted money on rules and regulations and pound our youths with common sense!
I was rear ended by a driver texting last April. While no one was hurt there was considerable damage to both vehicles. Yup, we need a law banning this extremely dangerous distraction!

That's why I don't mind banning the texting thing, my nephew won't walk again because of being plowed into by a young girl texting.

I'm usually the last one to ask for more regs, but this one hit real close to home.
Do you honestly think the young girl would have stopped texting if it was against the law?
Also.. didn't the girl get charged with any negligence?
I mean in Fl. the law is pretty clear. I mean the whole reason current discussion about text while driving is because a truck driver here in Fl
was charged with vehicular homicide and reckless driving!
Texting Truck Driver Arresting After Hitting School Bus | InjuryBoard Jacksonville

My point is what MORE should be done.. i.e. this driver was charged with HOMICIDE and reckless driving..wasn't the girl in your nephew's accident?
AND what good would ADDITIONAL laws do?
It's like "HATE" crime laws. I never understood that.
If you beat someone up why is it different if it was done for "hate" or stupidity or what?
You hurt someone you have to pay!
Same with the young texting girl and your nephew!
SHE's paying for reckless driving!
What would adding "texting" do?

My reasoning is selfish and completely because of my nephew, I know that. I can acknowledge that I think with emotion playing a role at times, and this is one of them.
Check my posts here, I am far far from supporting the "nanny state" but this is one I see everywhere and hope maybe a few fines, or friends/family receiving fines, before killing or maiming someone might hopefully save even a few lives.

It really is ok to disagree with people at times, even those who share the same ideology. It's incredibly fucking arrogant to expect everyone to agree with you(or anyone) all the time.
I just dont understand the hands free thing.

Its just like talking to someone sitting in the car next to you

I too think hands free should be ok and it makes no sense to make that illegal.

I do agree with outlawing texting though.

Texting while driving is like posting on a message board while driving. Just common sense. My grandson's preschool teacher died that way. :(
I just dont understand the hands free thing.

Its just like talking to someone sitting in the car next to you

I too think hands free should be ok and it makes no sense to make that illegal.

I do agree with outlawing texting though.

Texting while driving is like posting on a message board while driving. Just common sense. My grandson's preschool teacher died that way. :(

I agree it is! but so is not drinking and driving, do we let them keep doing it until someone gets maimed or killed, then deal with it?
You could spend God knows how much money attempting to educate people and pass laws with severe punishments for texting while driving and guess what? People will still text while they drive and some folks will be injured or die as a result.
You could spend God knows how much money attempting to educate people and pass laws with severe punishments for texting while driving and guess what? People will still text while they drive and some folks will be injured or die as a result.

But if it lessens the number of people doing it AT ALL, then it's worth it.

I don't wear my seatbelt for any other reason than I don't want a ticket. (meaning I wear it, b/c it's the law). Maybe that law will-have saved my life one day. Maybe the people who will not do it simply because of the law, despite it already being common-sense which is irrelevant b/c they KNOW it's dangerous and STILL do it, will save a couple of lives sheerly b/c they abide by the law? Novel idea.

I don't see why anyone needs for it to be *legal,* do you?
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I was rear ended by a driver texting last April. While no one was hurt there was considerable damage to both vehicles. Yup, we need a law banning this extremely dangerous distraction!

There are already laws againt reckless driving, as well as reckless endangerment of another person, as well as countless other charges that could be charged if there was serious injury inflicted.

This is purely a money making scheme. Another way to separate money from civilians.

Those who do this now won't stop because a law is passed. It's absurd to think they will. Not to mention Ive driven in states where the law is passed and people still do it.

We live in a society of disobedient people. They dont obey laws. a law wont solve the problem. Convincing people to look out for their own self interest will though.
In fact there is no shortage of clinical evidence that supports the notion that talking on a cell phone (and obviously texting, too) is QUALATATIVELY MORE DISTRACTING than:

1. talking to another person who is also in the car
2. drinking non alcohic liquids while driving
3. Smoking or eating while driving.
4 Listening to the radio or a tape while driving

Basically when speaking to somebody on a phone your mind must devote much more attention to the conversation than when talking to somebody who in sitting right next to you.

So YES making cell phones calls (or texting) is in fact a very dangerous thing to do.

I support the laws that make that illegal for the same reason I support drunk driving laws... because I shre the road with these idiots who apparently don't know any better.
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You could spend God knows how much money attempting to educate people and pass laws with severe punishments for texting while driving and guess what? People will still text while they drive and some folks will be injured or die as a result.

But if it lessens the number of people doing it AT ALL, then it's worth it.

I don't wear my seatbelt for any other reason than I don't want a ticket. Maybe that law will-have saved my life one day. Maybe the people who will not do it simply because of the law, despite it already being common-sense which is irrelevant b/c they KNOW it's dangerous and STILL do it, will save a couple of lives sheerly b/c they abide by the law? Novel idea.

I don't see why anyone needs for it to be *legal,* do you?

Good point. I still don't use my seat belt for the most part because I don't think of it. Only do it on trips. My bad.
Texting AND talking on cell phones while driving (hands-free or not) should never, ever be done. Period. It's just asking for trouble.

In May 2008, Good and her parents were heading home from her college graduation when a young man chatting on his cell phone ran a red light. At that moment, a tractor trailer on the opposite side of the road swerved, hitting her family's car head-on. Her parents did not survive the crash.

"I was barely alive," said Good, who spent two months in a coma after the tragic accident. She now walks with a cane and has only one functioning arm.
Say Yes To The Dress: Bride Jacy Good Talks About Her Tragic Accident

Brief video of Jacy talking about the accident at link.

Did you know that talking to passengers results in more deaths than talking and texting combined? Should we outlaw passengers in cars?

Yeah? Tell that to Jacy Good.

Where did I say that it should be outlawed? Driving and talking on the phone is distracted driving and should be treated as such. Texting while driving is on par with driving while drunk.
I just dont understand the hands free thing.

Its just like talking to someone sitting in the car next to you

No it isn't.

Driving is one of the most cognitively complex activities. To drive safely, we have to concentrate, observe and process information quickly and correctly. We have to respond to all sorts of information that is constantly bombarding us from all directions as we drive. We have to be able to estimate speed and distance quickly and correctly. Driving really requires 100% of our attention.

When we speak on the cell phone while we are driving, we may think we are multi tasking. In fact, our brains do not really “multi task”. Our attention is divided between activities, and our brain switches quickly from one activity to the other.

The danger of talking on a cell phone while driving lies in the fact that the brain can’t process separate streams of information efficiently. Furthermore, it is “hard-wired” to prioritize attention to the cell phone conversation. Since words spoken during a cell phone conversation “disappear” once they are spoken, the brain must attend closely to the audio information to be sure it captures the conversation.

The visual view of the road or highway does not change as rapidly as the audio information, so the brain periodically ignores some of the visual information. Also, when people are talking on the phone, they are not just talking; they are seeing all kinds of images in their mind. This visualization may be harmless most of the time, but it can be a real tragedy when a pedestrian steps into traffic or a car swerves into another lane. When we are talking on the phone, the brain lacks the processing power to react quickly enough to these changing situations.

Conversely, driving and talking to a passenger in the car is not dangerous because adult riders help keep the driver alert and can also point out dangerous conditions, and are quieter in heavy traffic or hazardous weather.

So which cognitive skills are most affected by cell phone use? Attention, visual scanning, information processing and decision making are the most affected cognitive skills. When you think about driving, you realize how much you need these cognitive skills, and how risky it could be to reduce the effectiveness of any of these functions when you’re driving.

The bottom line is that talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous. Safe driving is not just about keeping our eyes on the road and our hands on the wheel; it’s about focusing our brains on one of the most cognitively-challenging activities we routinely perform.

CogniFit's blog: Driving, Cell Phones And Cognitive Abilities

More here:

http://www.fnal.gov/pub/traffic_safety/files/NSC White Paper - Distracted Driving 3-10.pdf
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In fact there is no shortage of clinical evidence that supports the notion that talking on a cell phone (and obviously texting, too) is QUALATATIVELY MORE DISTRACTING than:

1. talking to another person who is also in the car
2. drinking non alcohic liquids while driving
3. Smoking or eating while driving.
4 Listening to the radio or a tape while driving

Basically when speaking to somebody on a phone your mind must devote much more attention to the conversation than when talking to somebody who in sitting right next to you.

So YES making cell phones calls (or texting) is in fact a very dangerous thing to do.

I support the laws that make that illegal for the same reason I support drunk driving laws... because I shre the road with these idiots who apparently don't know any better.

Maybe we should require an intelligence test before issuing cell phones? :lol: I spend a lot of time on the road talking on my bluetooth cell phone - I've never had a problem. I average 50,000 miles per year in LA Traffic and have not had an accident in over 30 years. It may be slightly more "complex" than listening to the radio or a tape, but I don't think talking on a hands free telephone while driving is "dangerous" unless the person is already an idiot.
You can't legislate common sense - because nobody seriously thinks that they will be involved in an accident while texting.
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In fact there is no shortage of clinical evidence that supports the notion that talking on a cell phone (and obviously texting, too) is QUALATATIVELY MORE DISTRACTING than:

1. talking to another person who is also in the car
2. drinking non alcohic liquids while driving
3. Smoking or eating while driving.
4 Listening to the radio or a tape while driving

Basically when speaking to somebody on a phone your mind must devote much more attention to the conversation than when talking to somebody who in sitting right next to you.

So YES making cell phones calls (or texting) is in fact a very dangerous thing to do.

I support the laws that make that illegal for the same reason I support drunk driving laws... because I shre the road with these idiots who apparently don't know any better.

There is clinical evidence that contradicts the fact that the NTSB says that talking to a passenger has killed more people than texting and talking combined? I sincerely doubt it, but I would be willing to look at your numbers if you can come up with them. Until then, I will trust the NTSB numbers that actually prove the opposite.
Distracted driving KILLS!!! Next up for the nanny state:

No listening to the radio or music while driving....it's distracting.
All passengers will be required to be blindfolded and gagged while in a car....it's a distraction.
Children will be required to be knocked unconscious while in a car....they can be a distraction.
Fast food restaurants will be forced to close all drive through windows...eating while driving is a distraction
Auto Manufacturers will be required to eliminate cup holders from all cars....drinking any liquid while driving can be a distraction.

Welcome to the "Nanny State"....
If that would take to make my wife to shut up... go for it. :eusa_whistle:
I just dont understand the hands free thing.

Its just like talking to someone sitting in the car next to you

Not it isn't.

Driving is one of the most cognitively complex activities. To drive safely, we have to concentrate, observe and process information quickly and correctly. We have to respond to all sorts of information that is constantly bombarding us from all directions as we drive. We have to be able to estimate speed and distance quickly and correctly. Driving really requires 100% of our attention.

When we speak on the cell phone while we are driving, we may think we are multi tasking. In fact, our brains do not really “multi task”. Our attention is divided between activities, and our brain switches quickly from one activity to the other.

The danger of talking on a cell phone while driving lies in the fact that the brain can’t process separate streams of information efficiently. Furthermore, it is “hard-wired” to prioritize attention to the cell phone conversation. Since words spoken during a cell phone conversation “disappear” once they are spoken, the brain must attend closely to the audio information to be sure it captures the conversation.

The visual view of the road or highway does not change as rapidly as the audio information, so the brain periodically ignores some of the visual information. Also, when people are talking on the phone, they are not just talking; they are seeing all kinds of images in their mind. This visualization may be harmless most of the time, but it can be a real tragedy when a pedestrian steps into traffic or a car swerves into another lane. When we are talking on the phone, the brain lacks the processing power to react quickly enough to these changing situations.

Conversely, driving and talking to a passenger in the car is not dangerous because adult riders help keep the driver alert and can also point out dangerous conditions, and are quieter in heavy traffic or hazardous weather.

So which cognitive skills are most affected by cell phone use? Attention, visual scanning, information processing and decision making are the most affected cognitive skills. When you think about driving, you realize how much you need these cognitive skills, and how risky it could be to reduce the effectiveness of any of these functions when you’re driving.

The bottom line is that talking on the cell phone while driving is dangerous. Safe driving is not just about keeping our eyes on the road and our hands on the wheel; it’s about focusing our brains on one of the most cognitively-challenging activities we routinely perform.
CogniFit's blog: Driving, Cell Phones And Cognitive Abilities

More here:

http://www.fnal.gov/pub/traffic_safety/files/NSC White Paper - Distracted Driving 3-10.pdf

Funny thing is that a ban on cell phones makes absolutely no difference in the accident rate.

I swear I heard a radio personality when news about the NHTSB suggested banning of text/driving.."
well if it becomes a law I won't do it"!

YES really.
What is it with truly ignorant people who IGNORE the more fundamental laws of nature like oh for example:

A car traveling at 30 mph travels in 44 feet on one second.
reaction time from lifting eyes from texting to braking: 1.5 seconds. (accident reconstructionists simply to use a standard reaction time number, such as 1.5 seconds, when analyzing a case.
Visual Expert Human Factors: Driver Reaction Time

That means by the time a normal driver
1) raises their eyes from their texting
2) slams on the brakes

They have traveled 66 feet.

Using driving rules 1 car length for every 10 miles per hour and
Average car length 13 feet that means at 30 mph means or
3 car lengths or ~ 40 feet.

So our texting driver travels 66 feet before seeing the car in front and slamming the brakes on!

Before slamming on the brakes.. ACCIDENT!!!
And that's assuming the driver is driving 1 car length/10 mph!

Laws of physics and physiology supercede laws of MAN every time!

BUT of course this radio personality LIKE almost all nanny state children KNOW that they don't want to get caught by a cop breaking the LAWS of Man!!

REALITY CHECK Yesterday I was driving 50 mph and young tattooed girl was driving next lane beside me side-by-side.. NOT 5 car lengths from car in front.. AND TEXTING WHILE DRIVING!
GEEZ... there ought to be a law!!!
DUH.. there IS... LAW of common SENSE and golden Rule!

If from pre-school and up, from 2 year old watching TV to advertising the same amount of time and money that was spent on "global warming" and "Greening" were spent on teaching people common sense.. i.e.
YOU don't TEXT and Drive at the same time!
You don't expect a cop on every corner to be as inexpensive as each of us having common sense i.e. don't text and drive...
If that were the meme of the day constantly beaten into all of us again like global warming/greening.. THERE wouldn't be the need of a "law against..."!
We'd be following "common SENSE" laws.. i.e. you can't stop your car fast enough if you are texting and driving for example!!!

Should I start classifying people with myth in their name the same way I classify people who use truth?

Are you aware that, despite the uproar about texting and driving and how everyone is doing it, highway fatalities are at their lowest level in decades?

I guess my point went way over your head!
Again.. why does it take a law of man to supposedly protect people when the law of physics supercedes man's law?

Or another way for you..
WHY doesn't common sense be taught at the same level and intensity as global warming or "greening"?

Why is it necessary to have more rules. More laws.
For example.. some one text while driving kills someone.
The sixth of the Ten commandments... "thou shalt not kill."
Pretty clear. Now we all agree different circumstances have different penalties but a driver is doing "reckless" driving if texting and not paying attention! Therefore some time must be served!

BUT to add another level of laws regarding "texting while driving"???

More importantly WHY not emphasize in school constantly the values of common sense and i.e. DON"T TEXT while Driving..common sense!

YET trillions are spent on useless educational courses when fundamentals of common sense are NOT!
Think about it.. if kids were taught the practical nature of WHY you can't text and drive???

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