IanC caught on the subway in NYC

how are blacks ever going to improve black culture when every black conservative gets attacked for demanding personal responsibility? black children are getting the message when self reliance is considered traitorous and begging for (or demanding) more unearned largesse is considered saintly.
crazy black behaviour in public is considered unextraordinary. another case of the 'racism of low expectations'.
crazy black behaviour in public is considered unextraordinary. another case of the 'racism of low expectations'.

Thats obviously not true because if it was you wouldn't be talking about it everyt 5 minutes.
crazy black behaviour in public is considered unextraordinary. another case of the 'racism of low expectations'.

Thats obviously not true because if it was you wouldn't be talking about it everyt 5 minutes.

you must have me confused with someone else. I prefer to explore the general trends of average low performance for blacks rather than focus on individual black failures.
crazy black behaviour in public is considered unextraordinary. another case of the 'racism of low expectations'.

Thats obviously not true because if it was you wouldn't be talking about it everyt 5 minutes.

you must have me confused with someone else. I prefer to explore the general trends of average low performance for blacks rather than focus on individual black failures.

why? there are lots of reasons. the main one is because it is significant part of 'the truth'. there are lots of advocates for giving everyone an equal opportunity, me included. but there have been a lot of exaggerations and illogical conclusions put forth to explain the presence of disparities. racism and poor conditions were legitimate excuses 50 years ago but as overt racism was diminished and conditions improved it became obvious that other factors were also involved. children of well-off black parents performed worse than children of poor white parents ( always on average of course). I think the difference in average IQ is real and explains a large portion of the disparities. We are far into the range of diminishing returns for looking into areas of overt and covert racism as THE excuse. That leaves black culture and the principles of personal responsibility. Blacks are playing a losing strategy of waiting for whites to 'fix' them. Better to accept what nature has given you and make the best of it. An IQ85 individual has less opportunities open to them than an IQ100 individual, who has less opportunities than an IQ115 individual. Reality sucks for some but it is not someone else's fault. Blacks would get more benefit by focusing on being better citizens and parents than by blaming outside sources for the obvious cognitive and behavioural differences. Know what? A lot of whites would be willing to help but we cant make it happen for low performing blacks anymore than we can 'fix' low performing whites.
why? there are lots of reasons. the main one is because it is significant part of 'the truth'. there are lots of advocates for giving everyone an equal opportunity, me included. but there have been a lot of exaggerations and illogical conclusions put forth to explain the presence of disparities. racism and poor conditions were legitimate excuses 50 years ago but as overt racism was diminished and conditions improved it became obvious that other factors were also involved. children of well-off black parents performed worse than children of poor white parents ( always on average of course). I think the difference in average IQ is real and explains a large portion of the disparities. We are far into the range of diminishing returns for looking into areas of overt and covert racism as THE excuse. That leaves black culture and the principles of personal responsibility. Blacks are playing a losing strategy of waiting for whites to 'fix' them. Better to accept what nature has given you and make the best of it. An IQ85 individual has less opportunities open to them than an IQ100 individual, who has less opportunities than an IQ115 individual. Reality sucks for some but it is not someone else's fault. Blacks would get more benefit by focusing on being better citizens and parents than by blaming outside sources for the obvious cognitive and behavioural differences. Know what? A lot of whites would be willing to help but we cant make it happen for low performing blacks anymore than we can 'fix' low performing whites.

Are you serious about that part?
The perception of the white community is that Blacks regard the lies of OJ Simpson and ICE T to be heros, and Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain and Condi Rice are traitors.

I would be grateful to have this prejudice corrected.
why? there are lots of reasons. the main one is because it is significant part of 'the truth'. there are lots of advocates for giving everyone an equal opportunity, me included. but there have been a lot of exaggerations and illogical conclusions put forth to explain the presence of disparities. racism and poor conditions were legitimate excuses 50 years ago but as overt racism was diminished and conditions improved it became obvious that other factors were also involved. children of well-off black parents performed worse than children of poor white parents ( always on average of course). I think the difference in average IQ is real and explains a large portion of the disparities. We are far into the range of diminishing returns for looking into areas of overt and covert racism as THE excuse. That leaves black culture and the principles of personal responsibility. Blacks are playing a losing strategy of waiting for whites to 'fix' them. Better to accept what nature has given you and make the best of it. An IQ85 individual has less opportunities open to them than an IQ100 individual, who has less opportunities than an IQ115 individual. Reality sucks for some but it is not someone else's fault. Blacks would get more benefit by focusing on being better citizens and parents than by blaming outside sources for the obvious cognitive and behavioural differences. Know what? A lot of whites would be willing to help but we cant make it happen for low performing blacks anymore than we can 'fix' low performing whites.

Are you serious about that part?

yes. California school stats show it. SAT scores show it. Surveys of SES mobility show it.

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