IBD Editorial: The IRS Dots Already Lead To Obama


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[During the Wannsee Conference, which the head Nazis, Hitler, Goering, Bormann, Eichman, Himmler, Heydrich, and Goebbels, convened to formulate the outlines of their plans for the Final Solution, they left exquisitely little in writing and spoke of their plans exclusively only in code. So why should we, today, when dealing with the recent escapades of the practitioners of the Chicago Way, these first Twentyfirst Century reincarnations of Hitler and Stalin, equally motivated and determined to impose their shackles on the American People, expect to find anything in writing or on tape as well. When Comrade Barack's mouth be movin, he be lyin'. The nonsensical statements he spouts can only be believable to his loyal followers "I only learned about the IG's report when I read about it in the newspapers".
The seizure of Fox's phone records was a Justice Department fishing expedition, just Eric & Company diving into the waters to get a peek at what the folks at Fox were up to, under the guise of pursuing a National Security Leak investigation involving Fox's James Rosen. There's more to it than originally meets the eye. Justice's AP phone records seizure was undertaken as cover for the Fox probe as well. "No, we're not singlin you out, Fox, over here at Justice. See, we did it to the AP, too" If you believe Justice's feigned innocence, I've got a half dozen bridges to sell you. If not, shake hands with the Obama version of the KGB/Gestapo. If Fox News commentators start suddenly and mysteriously vanishing, Hannity, Judge Jeanine, Megan Kelly, or Roger Ailes turns up dead "Shot while resisting arrest", those of us who don't vote the Perv, Slug, and Thug ticket in either local, state, and federal elections would be well advised to lock and load, for this criminal enterprise that calls itself the Federal government will soon be coming for you.

"Power Corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely" There's no clearer demonstration of the veracity of that statement than the Obama Administration. Laughingly, they try to hide the evil the have committed and they nefariously intend to commit in the future under the pretense of "Just being a bunch of buffoons running around aimelssly trying to run a government" like Sargeant Schultz from the "Hogan's Heroes" comedy series "I know notheenk!" ]

"Abuse Of Power: Any scandal investigation that expects a "Eureka!" moment, a White House e-mail, or Oval Office smoking gun will be misguided. In fact, the dots are already connected directly to the president.

Barack Obama is not foolish enough to have a tape recording system hidden in his desk. And his administration staff are not careless enough to send one another incriminating e-mails.

If the president was behind the IRS unlawfully harassing conservative groups seeking tax-exempt status, we can be sure the communications were all sotto voce and in persona, like any good Chicago political operator.

But as the Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel reminds us, Obama's 2008 campaign was demanding the Justice Department criminally prosecute conservative groups with 501(c)4 tax-exempt status. Then, last year, President Obama's re-election campaign "targeted private citizens who had donated to Romney groups."

The chief operative? Longtime Democratic Party lawyer Robert Bauer, general counsel for Obama's presidential campaigns, White House general counsel during Obama's first term, Democratic National Committee general counsel, and the Democrats' counsel in President Bill Clinton's Senate impeachment trial. And, not least, husband of Democratic political strategist Anita Dunn, White House communications director in Obama's first term, and now an MSNBC contributor.

Bauer is author of "Soft Money, Hard Law: A Guide to the New Campaign Finance Law," and serves on the American Bar Association's Advisory Commission on Election Law.

When you've got a legal Rottweiler like Bauer setting the cutthroat example to one and all within the Obama administration regarding the wishes of the president, does anyone really think he - or others in the administration - needed marching orders when it comes to the government's attitude toward opponents of Obama's ideology who were seeking tax-exempt status?

Does anyone really think Obama had to tell Bauer - or anyone else in the administration - if it was OK to, as John Dean once indelicately put it, "use the available federal machinery to screw our political enemies"?

The climate of hate for Obama's political enemies was well established among those around him even before he became president.

It's clear the president, without having to utter a word, approved all along the idea of going after them."

RealClearMarkets - The Dots Already Lead To Obama In The IRS Scandal

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