IBEW Latest Union To Defect From Obama's Green Agenda


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Just love it when UNIONS find out that the leftist enviroNuts are going to cost them THOUSANDS of jobs!

Regulations: Well, well. Another big union has publicly declared that its members are the real front-line victims of the Obama administration's war on domestic energy production. The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers came out with guns blazing this week against the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed Clean Power Plan. In a press release, it warns what we've been saying about these economically masochistic carbon emission regulations from the start: "They will kill more than 150,000 good jobs while having a minimal effect on global greenhouse emissions." Their words, not ours — and driven home time and again in IBEW testimony at...

IBEW Latest Union To Defect From Obama Administration's Green Agenda - Investors.com

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