ICE Prevented From Arresting Migrant

Now why would a terrorist form Somali be trying to take down ICE oh I wonder.rrrrrrr


Fact Sheets

When you are an asshole who doesn't live in reality.
It looks like even in a red state people aren't supporting the government just arresting people and taking them away for being undocumented.

This story is very interesting.

ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them

I read this earlier. Madness. How many "righteous" martyr for the "cause" American Citizens stand up for fellow citizen bank robbers or shoplifters or murderers when law enforcement catches up with them? The answer is zero. Astonishing the impact of radical left brainwashing on the otherwise upstanding individual. Next they'll be directly engaging LEOs when they roll up to any crime scene.

It was an "immigrant community" according to the article. Illegals standing up for other illegals - foreign agents waging war on the US Government, and the Communist democrats cheer it.
--------------------------------- yep , so illegals standing up for illegals . Course , the ILLEGAL's are on notice now and have probably be identified . Maybe they will self deport eh .
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It looks like even in a red state people aren't supporting the government just arresting people and taking them away for being undocumented.

This story is very interesting.

ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them

Advocates argue that ICE warrants aren't the same as the warrants other law enforcement agencies get judges to approve in court, because they aren't reviewed by an independent body and don't give agents authority to conduct searches inside homes or vehicles without consent.​

If the person in question is not an American Citizen..... then yeah, they are not the same as other warrants. That's how this works. If you are a US citizen, you get the constitutional protections of a US citizen.

If you are not... then you don't. That's how that works.
It looks like even in a red state people aren't supporting the government just arresting people and taking them away for being undocumented.

This story is very interesting.

ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them

Advocates argue that ICE warrants aren't the same as the warrants other law enforcement agencies get judges to approve in court, because they aren't reviewed by an independent body and don't give agents authority to conduct searches inside homes or vehicles without consent.​

If the person in question is not an American Citizen..... then yeah, they are not the same as other warrants. That's how this works. If you are a US citizen, you get the constitutional protections of a US citizen.

If you are not... then you don't. That's how that works.

And you and Trump approve the shredding of the constitution by forbidding a man due process to demonstrate to a court that he is, in fact, a citizen. But, that is OK. We are all sure that your and ICE's decision that a person is not a citizen will be fair and impartial, so we trust you when you invalidate someone's constitutional rights.
It looks like even in a red state people aren't supporting the government just arresting people and taking them away for being undocumented.

This story is very interesting.

ICE officers came for a Tennessee man. His neighbors stepped in to stop them

Advocates argue that ICE warrants aren't the same as the warrants other law enforcement agencies get judges to approve in court, because they aren't reviewed by an independent body and don't give agents authority to conduct searches inside homes or vehicles without consent.​

If the person in question is not an American Citizen..... then yeah, they are not the same as other warrants. That's how this works. If you are a US citizen, you get the constitutional protections of a US citizen.

If you are not... then you don't. That's how that works.

And you and Trump approve the shredding of the constitution by forbidding a man due process to demonstrate to a court that he is, in fact, a citizen. But, that is OK. We are all sure that your and ICE's decision that a person is not a citizen will be fair and impartial, so we trust you when you invalidate someone's constitutional rights.

Can you provide evidence that ICE was denying constitutional rights to a US citizen? If so, then I agree we shouldn't do that.
What Dana won’t discuss is that people cannot she Sanctuary cities if an illegal kills a loved one. But that same illegal may sue ICE if they were perceived to be to rough with them. She is OK with this. A true American this Dana.
The man and his son didn't get much. They fled. Home gone. Job gone. On the run. They will be caught.
The OP say's she's for "responsible immigration".
Obviously, she is no Dimocrat of today.
------------------------------------------------ RESPONSIBLE immigration . What da heck is that as Opinions vary from my answer of NO Immigration ALLOWED . As info there was 320 million in the USA at the 2010 Census and then of course another 11 to 40 million illegal aliens in the USA .
And you and Trump approve the shredding of the constitution by forbidding a man due process to demonstrate to a court that he is, in fact, a citizen. But, that is OK. We are all sure that your and ICE's decision that a person is not a citizen will be fair and impartial, so we trust you when you invalidate someone's constitutional rights.


You absurd fucking liar.

Of course, as you know, the subject had already been to court and the judge ordered him removed.

You know this, but you're a fucking liar waging war against the United States.

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