ICE removes illegals from Bus!

I love the liberal medias phony outrage at INS or ICE enforcement of immigration laws. Were is the outrage when cops bust a shoplifter, a speeder or a murderer? Busting Immigration scofflaws is right up there, given the numbers and the sheer egregiousness. End the madness...
It depends on how they do it. If cops randomly searched me because I happened to be in a state that contains supermarkets, I'd be upset, too.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?

I think if a cop asks you for ID you better give it to him.

If you choose not to he will hold onto you until he can determine who you are.

Your choice.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?

I think if a cop asks you for ID you better give it to him.

If you choose not to he will hold onto you until he can determine who you are.

Your choice.
That's not what I asked.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?

I think if a cop asks you for ID you better give it to him.

If you choose not to he will hold onto you until he can determine who you are.

Your choice.
That's not what I asked.

No, but that's what will happen.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?

I think if a cop asks you for ID you better give it to him.

If you choose not to he will hold onto you until he can determine who you are.

Your choice.
That's not what I asked.

No, but that's what will happen.
So do you have an answer to the question or not?
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?

I think if a cop asks you for ID you better give it to him.

If you choose not to he will hold onto you until he can determine who you are.

Your choice.
That's not what I asked.

No, but that's what will happen.
So do you have an answer to the question or not?

I have answered it. Whether or not to your satisfaction is of little interest.
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?

I think if a cop asks you for ID you better give it to him.

If you choose not to he will hold onto you until he can determine who you are.

Your choice.
That's not what I asked.

No, but that's what will happen.
So do you have an answer to the question or not?

I have answered it. Whether or not to your satisfaction is of little interest.
You can break it down and they still do not understand.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Do you think US citizens should be required to give identification to the cops for no other reason than that they happen to live in one of the 100-miles-from-the-border states?
-------------------------------------------------------------- NOPE ,------------- course this is the way the USA is going under 'dems' and 'repubs' , 'bush conservatives as they imported millions of diverse problem people from all over the world so the problem needs to be controlled . Trump and ICE are trying to control and as i said in an earlier post , i don't like it based on American Principles that i grew up believing . Course the USA is not the country i grew up in . ------------------ yep , give me the good old days of lighter population numbers and Homogenous population and polite police , less laws and rules BGrouse .
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guess that these show me your papers moments are the intended [i believe] or unintended consequence of the way the USA has been run these last 40 years or so BGrouse .
Papers Please!

And you dumbasses love it.

How about we go door to door & stop at your house & search it in case you are harboring illegals.

Found that handgun you didn't register? Found that roach in your ashtray? OMG OMG

This is America. We are supposed to be able to walk down the street & not get harassed by police asking to see my papers.

Not only is your orange POS a Hitler mimic but you assholes are turning America into Nazi Germany.
Papers Please!

And you dumbasses love it.

How about we go door to door & stop at your house & search it in case you are harboring illegals.

Found that handgun you didn't register? Found that roach in your ashtray? OMG OMG

This is America. We are supposed to be able to walk down the street & not get harassed by police asking to see my papers.

Not only is your orange POS a Hitler mimic but you assholes are turning America into Nazi Germany.
--------------------------------------------------------------- its YOU libs , dems , 'bush' conservatives that caused the Problem as you pushed for diversity and increasing population in the USA RDave . I am FORCED , forced i tell you :afro: to agree with these 'euro peon' style tactics . This is what YOU , YOU Millenials , hip hoppers , your kids , your libs , dems , bush type conservatives and diverse imports DESERVE RDave ,
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This shit kills me. The lefties want the government to control your healthcare. They want the government to control all the money you make and decide, when they're done spending, how much you're allowed to keep. They want the government to have all of the guns so that the irrational citizenry doesn't make mischief with them. They want the government to control offensive things that you say on the internet. But cops demanding ID to enforce immigration? NAZI GERMANY! LMFAO!

I don't like the idea of cops detaining citizens for not showing ID when there's no probable cause that they've done anything wrong, either, but holy shit. . . stop playing libertarian constitutionalist when it suits you, and start being fucking consistent.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Then get your ass beat. :badgrin:
Then I sue....funny how those who act so tough about not giving up their guns are so willing to roll over for this.
------------------------------- i don't think that they'll beat you , they know the law as they perhaps politely overwhelm you , cuff you and wipe yer tears . Anyway , go ahead and SUE then Bode . Anyway , you libs want 'euro style' and DIVERSITY well looks like YOU are getting it Bodecea !!
Papers Please!

And you dumbasses love it.

How about we go door to door & stop at your house & search it in case you are harboring illegals.

Found that handgun you didn't register? Found that roach in your ashtray? OMG OMG

This is America. We are supposed to be able to walk down the street & not get harassed by police asking to see my papers.

Not only is your orange POS a Hitler mimic but you assholes are turning America into Nazi Germany.
--------------------------------------------------------------- its YOU libs , dems , 'bush' conservatives that caused the Problem as you pushed for diversity and increasing population in the USA RDave . I am FORCED , forced i tell you :afro: to agree with these 'euro peon' style tactics . This is what YOU , YOU Millenials , hip hoppers , your kids , your libs , dems , bush type conservatives and diverse imports DESERVE RDave ,

Stupidity run in your family?

Corporate America created the draw for illegals. No jobs, not so many illegals. When Bush pushed his crackdown, his plan was to pass out temporary work permits as if that solved anything.

Your hero, Trump, imports foreign labor., You love him.

So really, cut the bullshit. You voted for a Hitler wannabe & now you favor a paper please society.

But hey, I like the way you blame everyone as if you don't vote Republican.
This shit kills me. The lefties want the government to control your healthcare. They want the government to control all the money you make and decide, when they're done spending, how much you're allowed to keep. They want the government to have all of the guns so that the irrational citizenry doesn't make mischief with them. They want the government to control offensive things that you say on the internet. But cops demanding ID to enforce immigration? NAZI GERMANY! LMFAO!

I don't like the idea of cops detaining citizens for not showing ID when there's no probable cause that they've done anything wrong, either, but holy shit. . . stop playing libertarian constitutionalist when it suits you, and start being fucking consistent.
Well, dipstick, There is no one controlling your healthcare. You're a fucking idiot if you believe that crock of shit.

OMG helping people buy an insurance policy of their choice, from a private insurance company to get care in a private healthcare provider under the care of a private doctor,

Where in that is controlling your fucking healthcare? Please, enlighten us with your genius.

If the government is dictating how much you make, quit your government job.

Yep, we have a graduated income tax. Deal with it & wquit whining about supporting your country.

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