ICE removes illegals from Bus!

see the actions of ICE as we are nailing you and your imported 'fifth column' now RealDave .
just stay away from the Borders and Greyhound Buses . Borders areas and GeryHound are 'no bueno' for YOU 'Dave-ito' [chuckle] ..
see the actions of ICE as we are nailing you and your imported 'fifth column' now RealDave .

Wow the "fifth column" . Is that like the "deep state"?

BTW, the only person I know importing labor is your buddy Trump.

Who else would be no stupid as run an "America First" campaign while importing his products & labor? Who else to be dumb enough to like it other than his base.
Let’s vote on how long before some liberals start calling it racist to enforce the immigration laws.

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Where have you been? They've been saying that for over a decade now.
see the actions of ICE as we are nailing you and your imported 'fifth column' now RealDave .

Wow the "fifth column" . Is that like the "deep state"?

BTW, the only person I know importing labor is your buddy Trump.

Who else would be no stupid as run an "America First" campaign while importing his products & labor? Who else to be dumb enough to like it other than his base.
------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FiFTH column definition for you RDave . --- the definition of fifth column --- it describe YOU and YOUR diverse and imported third worlders RDave .
Papers Please!

And you dumbasses love it.

How about we go door to door & stop at your house & search it in case you are harboring illegals.

Found that handgun you didn't register? Found that roach in your ashtray? OMG OMG

This is America. We are supposed to be able to walk down the street & not get harassed by police asking to see my papers.

Not only is your orange POS a Hitler mimic but you assholes are turning America into Nazi Germany.

Crossing the border on a bus is a far cry from going house to house searching for illegals.
Oh...and I have plenty of unregistered handguns and long guns which of course are not illegal.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Why are you trying to make law enforcement hard for them?
Why are you trying to make America like Nazi Germany?
If you think that checking people's immigration status is like Nazi Germany, then you are woefully ignorant of history.

Here in America, police are not supposed to stop us citizens & demand to see their papers.
Papers Please!

And you dumbasses love it.

How about we go door to door & stop at your house & search it in case you are harboring illegals.

Found that handgun you didn't register? Found that roach in your ashtray? OMG OMG

This is America. We are supposed to be able to walk down the street & not get harassed by police asking to see my papers.

Not only is your orange POS a Hitler mimic but you assholes are turning America into Nazi Germany.

Crossing the border on a bus is a far cry from going house to house searching for illegals.
Oh...and I have plenty of unregistered handguns and long guns which of course are not illegal.

These instances are not just at the border crossings.
Why are you trying to make America like Nazi Germany?
Open borders with no limits is your goal. We understand that.

Lying fuck.ou assholes really are this fuckiung stupid. Take a trip top one of the border crossings with Mexico.

See the fences
See the border patriol.
see the crossing gates.

Maybe then you won't be such a fucking dick

We do not have open borders.
They get on a bus and ask for my papers, I'll tell them to get stuffed.
Why are you trying to make law enforcement hard for them?
Why are you trying to make America like Nazi Germany?
If you think that checking people's immigration status is like Nazi Germany, then you are woefully ignorant of history.

Here in America, police are not supposed to stop us citizens & demand to see their papers.
------------------------------------------- looks like things may be changing for YOU and yours Real Daveito .
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as i have said , i don't like this checking of 'id' or checking papers because it might be me that gets checked . But something has got to be done with you Enemies and your imported people and ilk plus i ASSUME that ICE is following the law RealDaveito .
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i mean 210 million Americans in the USA in the 1970 Census and in 2010 we have 310 million in the USA Census and that doesn't count illegals and thats not good for American kids and my American kids 'Real Davito' !!
and according to the article , anyone within 100 miles of a BORDER can be checked Real Daveito .
as i have said , i don't like this checking of 'id' or checking papers because it might be me that gets checked . But something has got to be done with you Enemies and your imported people and ilk plus i ASSUME that ICE is following the law RealDaveito .
I didn't import anyone. You must be thinking of your orange buddy.
and according to the article , anyone within 100 miles of a BORDER can be checked Real Daveito .

How many Americans live near a border?

Why should they have fewer rights than other US citizens?

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