Icon of the Left: George Soros

My 'interpretation' of what happened to ordinary British people is not incorrect. It is accurate. They lost their life savings because of what happened. They lost their homes, their pensions, everything. The economy bounced back... but those people's lives were ruined. They are real people, they're aren't statistics or an economy. You should know that.

I don't understand the causal linkage between the Bank of England losing a billion dollars and people being thrown out of work, losing their life savings, etc. CG. The Bank of England doesn't take deposits from individuals so the BoE losing a billion dollars doesn't cause any depositors to lose their life savings. No bank went under because the UK left the ERM. And as much as a billion dollars sounds a like a lot, for a central bank, it's not crippling. I can't remember the exact amount, but I thought the balance sheet of the BoE was something like £10-£12 billion at the time. (Today it is £250 billion.) I don't know how a lower pound causes people to lose their homes or their jobs when it makes the British economy more competitive. A lower currency is a good thing for the economy when monetary policy is too tight because it is stimulative.
I am not at all surprised that, instead of attacking the points, the left choose to pretend it's not true. I would too... if my party was benefiting from a relationship with one of the most evil and amoral individuals on the earth.

No, you wouldn't...you'd call the fuckers out on the carpet.:thup:

Confession: I have not read past page 3, and not sure that I will catch up on all of it.:D
No, she wouldn't. Ask her about the Koch Brothers.

Which brings us back to the topic of hypocritical trolls who use a moniker that purports a loyal American..while living in England.

The irony meter is on overwhelm.
It is untrue that I ever admired him. That is a fact.

Thus, you lied.

I am the foremost expert on knowing who I admire and who I don't. And, if I admired him, one would think I would actually recall his name.

Shall I lie about you, now?
For someone that didn't admire him, you sure were his butt buddy.

wasn't rich iott the icon of california girl and si modo?

yes, i think he was.
:lol: I do believe you are correct.
I expect that kind of pathetic bullshit from lowlifes like shallow. Not from you. It's beneath you to say such things, Ravi. We should be able to discuss - or even mock each other - without lowering ourselves to mocking the victims of the Holocaust for point scoring. Shame on you.

You have yet to admit that Soros did no wrong as a Jewish teen under the Nazi boot.

I don't remember being asked for my opinion of that period of his life. In point of fact, I wouldn't have an issue with what he did. I do have an issue with what he has said about that period since... in that he feels no guilt. I think, if it had been me, I would feel some guilt about it. But that is me. And he is an amoral bastard so I am not surprised that he feels no guilt.

But... I have never mocked those victims for political point scoring. Shame that you cannot say likewise.
You did it in this thread.

So you're better than Soros because he felt no guilt over being a Jewish boy trapped in a Nazi country.

I have seen the left call him "An American patriot" then a few posts later say the rich are evil, or something similarly inane. (Will be happy to provide the links to the posts.)

It's hard to reconcile that.

It's also hard to reconcile so many posters who have a hell of a lot to say about the Koch brothers and other donors to the GOP or Libertarians - both personally and politically - but can't say a word about Soros. Or they say the GOP is the party of the rich.

In reality, BOTH parties are. That kind of money buys political influence. If we want that sort of unbalanced influence out, we push for campaign reform. The problem is, those who reform have to cut their flow of money. Hmmm.

It's all so fascinating to watch.

I have not seen the left call him that...they might have, but even then, doesn't mean every leftie supports him.

That aside, just because he gives money to the Dem party, doesn't mean Dems like him....
Of course it doesn't mean that.

As I said, I have seen not a single poster criticize this rich man, yet there is plenty of criticism for other rich persons. Especially by the OWS. Of course, just because I haven't seen any criticism of him, does not mean there hasn't been any.

But, there is zero criticism of him here by the posters who have plenty to say about other rich person.

Very funny stuff.

When are you going to criticize CG for her strawman OP and title?
Toro already told you that you are wrong and why...

That aside, why do you think there is an OWS movement. Wall st is full of people who do what you are alleging - and they ain't Dem voters....
Using this rationale, I suppose Enron is good. Because of Enron, policies changed for the better.


Not at all. I have no time for Soros, but I find it hypocritical that CG starts a thread about one such person because he is somehow the 'darling' of the left. I have seen no left-leaning posters on this board support him.

Yet, what he is purporting to be doing, literally dozens if not hundreds, of people on the right do every day. Yet it seems fine with her, or else this is just another partisan hack thread. Shame on her…

Not a partisan hack thread. It was meant to challenge the left about their general acceptance - by the fact that the left do not criticize the man - of someone who made his money by destroying the lives of ordinary hard working people. He did that. The facts are there for anyone who cares to inform themselves about him. People just like us lost everything because of him. Not once, not twice, not even three times, but time and time again.

Personally, I think the few countries that have taken him on... like the French.... are admirable for that. But that's me, I have morals and I apply them equally to everyone - no matter what their politics.

You have yet to admit that Soros did no wrong as a Jewish teen under the Nazi boot.

I don't remember being asked for my opinion of that period of his life. In point of fact, I wouldn't have an issue with what he did. I do have an issue with what he has said about that period since... in that he feels no guilt. I think, if it had been me, I would feel some guilt about it. But that is me. And he is an amoral bastard so I am not surprised that he feels no guilt.

But... I have never mocked those victims for political point scoring. Shame that you cannot say likewise.
You did it in this thread.

So you're better than Soros because he felt no guilt over being a Jewish boy trapped in a Nazi country.


No, dear. I think a moral human being would feel some kind of guilt for what he had to do as a 14 year old. I think you would. I know I would. But he has no morals.
I don't remember being asked for my opinion of that period of his life. In point of fact, I wouldn't have an issue with what he did. I do have an issue with what he has said about that period since... in that he feels no guilt. I think, if it had been me, I would feel some guilt about it. But that is me. And he is an amoral bastard so I am not surprised that he feels no guilt.

But... I have never mocked those victims for political point scoring. Shame that you cannot say likewise.
You did it in this thread.

So you're better than Soros because he felt no guilt over being a Jewish boy trapped in a Nazi country.


No, dear. I think a moral human being would feel some kind of guilt for what he had to do as a 14 year old. I think you would. I know I would. But he has no morals.
I would NOT feel the least bit of guilt if I were him. The ones that should feel guilt are the Nazis. Not the victims.

Your mind is messed up.
You did it in this thread.

So you're better than Soros because he felt no guilt over being a Jewish boy trapped in a Nazi country.


No, dear. I think a moral human being would feel some kind of guilt for what he had to do as a 14 year old. I think you would. I know I would. But he has no morals.
I would NOT feel the least bit of guilt if I were him. The ones that should feel guilt are the Nazis. Not the victims.

Your mind is messed up.

No, my mind is perfectly rational. Guilt is not a rational feeling, nor is it delegated by others. Of course, the Nazis should feel guilty.... because they are guilty. But, even if you did what he did to survive, a normal person would have - at some time in their adult life - felt some remorse for how they survived. That's if one has any morals.

I notice, however, that you're still stuck on the Nazi thing. I'm not. I am far more interested in his behavior as an adult. So, tell me, given that he made his fortune by profiting off of the destruction of the well being of ordinary people, do you think that's ok?
No, dear. I think a moral human being would feel some kind of guilt for what he had to do as a 14 year old. I think you would. I know I would. But he has no morals.
I would NOT feel the least bit of guilt if I were him. The ones that should feel guilt are the Nazis. Not the victims.

Your mind is messed up.

No, my mind is perfectly rational. Guilt is not a rational feeling, nor is it delegated by others. Of course, the Nazis should feel guilty.... because they are guilty. But, even if you did what he did to survive, a normal person would have - at some time in their adult life - felt some remorse for how they survived. That's if one has any morals.

I notice, however, that you're still stuck on the Nazi thing. I'm not. I am far more interested in his behavior as an adult. So, tell me, given that he made his fortune by profiting off of the destruction of the well being of ordinary people, do you think that's ok?
He did nothing at all that would cause anyone to feel guilty. Nothing. That you keep pretending he did is disgusting.

And Toro pretty well put to bed your accusation that he destroyed the lives of millions of people.

No, dear. I think a moral human being would feel some kind of guilt for what he had to do as a 14 year old. I think you would. I know I would. But he has no morals.
I would NOT feel the least bit of guilt if I were him. The ones that should feel guilt are the Nazis. Not the victims.

Your mind is messed up.

No, my mind is perfectly rational. Guilt is not a rational feeling, nor is it delegated by others. Of course, the Nazis should feel guilty.... because they are guilty. But, even if you did what he did to survive, a normal person would have - at some time in their adult life - felt some remorse for how they survived. That's if one has any morals.

I notice, however, that you're still stuck on the Nazi thing. I'm not. I am far more interested in his behavior as an adult. So, tell me, given that he made his fortune by profiting off of the destruction of the well being of ordinary people, do you think that's ok?

Seriously Cali..? WHO thinks the destruction of ordinary people is A OK? :cuckoo:

I have seen several posters deny he is their ICON and your OP has been shown to have several falsehoods. WTF is wrong with you constantly needing to pretend you are the only one with any morals around here...?
I would NOT feel the least bit of guilt if I were him. The ones that should feel guilt are the Nazis. Not the victims.

Your mind is messed up.

No, my mind is perfectly rational. Guilt is not a rational feeling, nor is it delegated by others. Of course, the Nazis should feel guilty.... because they are guilty. But, even if you did what he did to survive, a normal person would have - at some time in their adult life - felt some remorse for how they survived. That's if one has any morals.

I notice, however, that you're still stuck on the Nazi thing. I'm not. I am far more interested in his behavior as an adult. So, tell me, given that he made his fortune by profiting off of the destruction of the well being of ordinary people, do you think that's ok?

Seriously Cali..? WHO thinks the destruction of ordinary people is A OK? :cuckoo:

I have seen several posters deny he is their ICON and your OP has been shown to have several falsehoods. WTF is wrong with you constantly needing to pretend you are the only one with any morals around here...?

I do it for the same reason that the left claim Rush Limbaugh is the 'icon' of the right. Because it is true. I may not as an individual have any respect for Rush, but that does not make the accusation any less valid. It's a valid comment, far too many on the right take a lead from Rush. Equally, with Soros and the left. He is part and parcel of left wing politics not just in the US but around the world. That is why I say it. Because it is true.

And.... as for my comments about who thinks the destruction of ordinary people is ok.... I say that because not one of you.... not fucking one person.... has commented that it is not ok. Not one. This thread is jammed with personal attacks and strawmen about his childhood. Interesting that you don't call those people out on that. No. You choose to call me out for wondering why people cannot bring themselves to criticize Soros for what he has done.
I have not seen the left call him that...they might have, but even then, doesn't mean every leftie supports him.

That aside, just because he gives money to the Dem party, doesn't mean Dems like him....
Of course it doesn't mean that.

As I said, I have seen not a single poster criticize this rich man, yet there is plenty of criticism for other rich persons. Especially by the OWS. Of course, just because I haven't seen any criticism of him, does not mean there hasn't been any.

But, there is zero criticism of him here by the posters who have plenty to say about other rich person.

Very funny stuff.

When are you going to criticize CG for her strawman OP and title?
As I said before, when I see a single post of someone on the left criticizing Soros.

I haven't seen any.

This thread provides plenty of support that he is an icon of the left, though.

So, prove me wrong.

You just KNOW you want to.

But, just as valuable is it will shut idiots up whenever they think the Koch brothers or any donor to ANY party is relevant to much of anything.
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No, my mind is perfectly rational. Guilt is not a rational feeling, nor is it delegated by others. Of course, the Nazis should feel guilty.... because they are guilty. But, even if you did what he did to survive, a normal person would have - at some time in their adult life - felt some remorse for how they survived. That's if one has any morals.

I notice, however, that you're still stuck on the Nazi thing. I'm not. I am far more interested in his behavior as an adult. So, tell me, given that he made his fortune by profiting off of the destruction of the well being of ordinary people, do you think that's ok?

Seriously Cali..? WHO thinks the destruction of ordinary people is A OK? :cuckoo:

I have seen several posters deny he is their ICON and your OP has been shown to have several falsehoods. WTF is wrong with you constantly needing to pretend you are the only one with any morals around here...?

I do it for the same reason that the left claim Rush Limbaugh is the 'icon' of the right. Because it is true. I may not as an individual have any respect for Rush, but that does not make the accusation any less valid. It's a valid comment, far too many on the right take a lead from Rush. Equally, with Soros and the left. He is part and parcel of left wing politics not just in the US but around the world. That is why I say it. Because it is true.

And.... as for my comments about who thinks the destruction of ordinary people is ok.... I say that because not one of you.... not fucking one person.... has commented that it is not ok. Not one. This thread is jammed with personal attacks and strawmen about his childhood. Interesting that you don't call those people out on that. No. You choose to call me out for wondering why people cannot bring themselves to criticize Soros for what he has done.

The topic itself is a strawman and this thread is filled with obnoxious hyperbolic dishonesty. :thup:
I would challenge anyone to actually research Soros and make up their minds from that.

If you cannot do that honestly, there is no use in attacking someone who has.

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