Icon of the Left: George Soros

Not lying, dear. Just pointing out facts.

The lie is in your OP.
It is untrue that I ever admired him. That is a fact.

Thus, you lied.

I am the foremost expert on knowing who I admire and who I don't. And, if I admired him, one would think I would actually recall his name.

Shall I lie about you, now?
For someone that didn't admire him, you sure were his butt buddy.
And, you lie again.

Lying is the playground for the intellectually weak and insecure.
The pound recovered. Those individuals who lost their life savings and their pensions... not so much. But trust you to completely miss that point.

But that part about you having read that... that made me laugh. :lol: Yea, course you did. You just didn't post it.

Facts remain.... I didn't talk about the pound.... that was never the issue. The issue was... and remains.... he damaged the lives of ordinary people all over the world... and he did it to make money.

Icon of the left. Amoral bastard.

Toro already told you that you are wrong and why...

That aside, why do you think there is an OWS movement. Wall st is full of people who do what you are alleging - and they ain't Dem voters....
Using this rationale, I suppose Enron is good. Because of Enron, policies changed for the better.

It is untrue that I ever admired him. That is a fact.

Thus, you lied.

I am the foremost expert on knowing who I admire and who I don't. And, if I admired him, one would think I would actually recall his name.

Shall I lie about you, now?
For someone that didn't admire him, you sure were his butt buddy.
And, you lie again.

Lying is the playground for the intellectually weak and insecure.

And you are their poster child.
Soros is the man who pulls the strings for the left. And no amount of denial will change that.

And all of Soros' wealth and power pales in comparison to those that fleeced the wealth of normal Americans and write legislation that allow them to keep doing it.

To the applauds and cheers of the very people who cheer executions, boo gay soldiers and want people without insurance to die..and die quickly.

Good job boys.

And, somehow you think Soros doesn't use his money to influence government?
The pound recovered. Those individuals who lost their life savings and their pensions... not so much. But trust you to completely miss that point.

But that part about you having read that... that made me laugh. :lol: Yea, course you did. You just didn't post it.

Facts remain.... I didn't talk about the pound.... that was never the issue. The issue was... and remains.... he damaged the lives of ordinary people all over the world... and he did it to make money.

Icon of the left. Amoral bastard.

Toro already told you that you are wrong and why...

That aside, why do you think there is an OWS movement. Wall st is full of people who do what you are alleging - and they ain't Dem voters....
Using this rationale, I suppose Enron is good. Because of Enron, policies changed for the better.


Not at all. I have no time for Soros, but I find it hypocritical that CG starts a thread about one such person because he is somehow the 'darling' of the left. I have seen no left-leaning posters on this board support him.

Yet, what he is purporting to be doing, literally dozens if not hundreds, of people on the right do every day. Yet it seems fine with her, or else this is just another partisan hack thread. Shame on her…
yeah, soros should be a hero of capitalism.

but what do you know,

california brat "did a paper" on george soros.

Ironically, Soros is a big believer in government intervention in the economy.

I don't blame the Right was disliking him because he is a harsh critic of their policies, often unfairly IMHO. But he certainly knows markets better than most who purport to support the free market.

BTW, he is an asshole. I've never met him, but I know people who've worked for him. But he is extraordinarily good at what he does.

it is my personal opinion that you have to be a major asshole to be as successful as soros in any part of real life.

that goes for capitalists, politicians, scientists, artists. etc.

I'm not so sure.

I know some very rich guys. (I'm not one of them.) Some are very decent human beings who inspire great loyalty amongst those around them.
Toro already told you that you are wrong and why...

That aside, why do you think there is an OWS movement. Wall st is full of people who do what you are alleging - and they ain't Dem voters....
Using this rationale, I suppose Enron is good. Because of Enron, policies changed for the better.


Not at all. I have no time for Soros, but I find it hypocritical that CG starts a thread about one such person because he is somehow the 'darling' of the left. I have seen no left-leaning posters on this board support him.

Yet, what he is purporting to be doing, literally dozens if not hundreds, of people on the right do every day. Yet it seems fine with her, or else this is just another partisan hack thread. Shame on her…
I have seen the left call him "An American patriot" then a few posts later say the rich are evil, or something similarly inane. (Will be happy to provide the links to the posts.)

It's hard to reconcile that.

It's also hard to reconcile so many posters who have a hell of a lot to say about the Koch brothers and other donors to the GOP or Libertarians - both personally and politically - but can't say a word about Soros. Or they say the GOP is the party of the rich.

In reality, BOTH parties are. That kind of money buys political influence. If we want that sort of unbalanced influence out, we push for campaign reform. The problem is, those who reform have to cut their flow of money. Hmmm.

It's all so fascinating to watch.
Actually, I'm not. Everything I say about Soros is based on my own study of the man. Unlike those who use the media to get their information, I tend to avoid the media reports about him. I've studied him for a long time. I have no idea what the 'talking heads' say about Soros - left or right - because I have no interest in their opinions. I have informed myself and I do not like what I have found.

The French got him bang to rights. Most Governments are afraid of him. But not the French.

Now, pig ignorant assholes can bitch and whine about me as an individual rather than having an honest discussion about the topic.... I don't care. You, I respect. But you need to look further into George. He is a dangerous man.... amoral and with a global agenda that does not suit this nation.

I'm a trader and an investor. I've done a lot of study of economic and financial market history. I'm a boring man. It's all I do. It's my formal education, and it is what I've done for the past 20 years of my career. I left living in England in 1991 just before it happened. Margaret Thatcher is my hero. I lived in Finchley. (Sadly, I was there when she drove away from Parliament after resigning. :()

I've studied this. I followed it closely when it happened. And the interpretation you have given, at least regarding the Bank of England and the British economy, is incorrect.
You aren't the least bit boring.

Trust me, I am.
Right, the posts are here for all to see so no need to characterize anything.

I suggest you read the thread.

Or, just lie some more. :rolleyes:

:lol: I've read the thread.
Then you have comprehension issues.

And, I am not the topic.

You want to make me the topic, feel free to do so in a thread.

I prefer to stay on topic, but apparently you have unresolved issues with me. Unfortunately, they have little to do with Soros.

Using this rationale, I suppose Enron is good. Because of Enron, policies changed for the better.


Not at all. I have no time for Soros, but I find it hypocritical that CG starts a thread about one such person because he is somehow the 'darling' of the left. I have seen no left-leaning posters on this board support him.

Yet, what he is purporting to be doing, literally dozens if not hundreds, of people on the right do every day. Yet it seems fine with her, or else this is just another partisan hack thread. Shame on her…
I have seen the left call him "An American patriot" then a few posts later say the rich are evil, or something similarly inane. (Will be happy to provide the links to the posts.)

It's hard to reconcile that.

It's also hard to reconcile so many posters who have a hell of a lot to say about the Koch brothers and other donors to the GOP or Libertarians - both personally and politically - but can't say a word about Soros. Or they say the GOP is the party of the rich.

In reality, BOTH parties are. That kind of money buys political influence. If we want that sort of unbalanced influence out, we push for campaign reform. The problem is, those who reform have to cut their flow of money. Hmmm.

It's all so fascinating to watch.

I have not seen the left call him that...they might have, but even then, doesn't mean every leftie supports him.

That aside, just because he gives money to the Dem party, doesn't mean Dems like him....
Not at all. I have no time for Soros, but I find it hypocritical that CG starts a thread about one such person because he is somehow the 'darling' of the left. I have seen no left-leaning posters on this board support him.

Yet, what he is purporting to be doing, literally dozens if not hundreds, of people on the right do every day. Yet it seems fine with her, or else this is just another partisan hack thread. Shame on her…
I have seen the left call him "An American patriot" then a few posts later say the rich are evil, or something similarly inane. (Will be happy to provide the links to the posts.)

It's hard to reconcile that.

It's also hard to reconcile so many posters who have a hell of a lot to say about the Koch brothers and other donors to the GOP or Libertarians - both personally and politically - but can't say a word about Soros. Or they say the GOP is the party of the rich.

In reality, BOTH parties are. That kind of money buys political influence. If we want that sort of unbalanced influence out, we push for campaign reform. The problem is, those who reform have to cut their flow of money. Hmmm.

It's all so fascinating to watch.

I have not seen the left call him that...they might have, but even then, doesn't mean every leftie supports him.

That aside, just because he gives money to the Dem party, doesn't mean Dems like him....
Of course it doesn't mean that.

As I said, I have seen not a single poster criticize this rich man, yet there is plenty of criticism for other rich persons. Especially by the OWS. Of course, just because I haven't seen any criticism of him, does not mean there hasn't been any.

But, there is zero criticism of him here by the posters who have plenty to say about other rich person.

Very funny stuff.

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