‘I’d be dead without Medicare!’: Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

Just more proof that Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest among us!

They truly are...They'd turn this country into a third world shit hole with the rich taking it all before they'll admit that maybe we're right. Yet, they have the nerve to call me dumb? hahahaha.


I suggest you look at South Africa today... It is a good example of the type of society the GOP will create... I lived there for a year and while the country was beautiful the people were very divided.
SA is a very right wing country internally when you actually look at policies, but they paper over it with ridiculous government intervention in areas.

And look at the leader Zumba, you will get a strange familiar feeling...
Mostly old fuckers who are funded by my tax dollars. Fuck them, they should have planned better just like it says to on the social security web site. Hopefully most of them are dead now.

Right. So you think someone is going to hire your barely literate ass when you're 65?
It's in his original plan not to "privatize Medicare".

Since (as we know) you don't know how the Medicare/Medicare Advantage/Medicare Supplement system works, you wouldn't understand.

Both the right wing and the left wing just LOVE their imagined, hysterical conspiracy theories, don't you?

The behaviors are so damn similar.

Again, guy, you haven't had an insurance company fuck up your life because you busted your knee. I've had that happen.

I'm reminded of the girl who trusts a viper and is bitten. "You knew what I was when you picked me up."

We know what the Insurance Industry in the country is. "Please don't have single payer or a public option. Just pass the ACA,a nd we'll be good!" and when we did, they proceeded to fuck people over at every turn. Even socked everyone with big increases the week before the election to help Trump.

"Let us have more of the Medicare Pie, we'll be good."

How does the Insurance Industry say, "Fuck you?" "Trust me!"
Nah. I mean the part where they took the money people put into that system and used it to fund the ACA. That money was put in by every working American to pay for THEIR healthcare, not the freeloaders on the ACA.

strollingbones answered your Fake News lies about how the ACA raided medicare.
They're not going to, it's not even in Ryan's plan to do so.

Just the standard partisan contrived hysteria here.

Or a realization is you stop the camel before he gets his nose into the tent.

Hey, remember in 2005, when Bush (after he fooled all the bubba rednecks into thinking he'd stop gay marriage from happening) tried to privatize social security. Well, thankfully, people screamed loudly about that and puta stop to it. Which means Granny wasn't wiped out when 2008 happened.

Same thing here.

Mostly old fuckers who are funded by my tax dollars. Fuck them, they should have planned better just like it says to on the social security web site. Hopefully most of them are dead now.
You got yours, fuck everybody else.

Good stuff there.

I wonder how you would feel after spending a few hours in a shit hole apartment with an ailing elderly woman who has nothing through no fault of her own. I've done quite a bit of that. Volunteer for a non-profit that serves seniors, change a few beds, hold a few hands, and see how that goes for you.

An effective, efficient, comprehensive health care system is good economics as well as being the sign of a more advanced, decent civilization. This isn't the Old West.

Argeed, Obamacare should have been Medicall, a basic health insurance (plastic seats and waiting list on non emergency) for all people with everyone having the option to buy a private top up insurance.

Cost savings in preventive care is huge, simply.
They're not going to, it's not even in Ryan's plan to do so.

Just the standard partisan contrived hysteria here.

Or a realization is you stop the camel before he gets his nose into the tent.

Hey, remember in 2005, when Bush (after he fooled all the bubba rednecks into thinking he'd stop gay marriage from happening) tried to privatize social security. Well, thankfully, people screamed loudly about that and puta stop to it. Which means Granny wasn't wiped out when 2008 happened.

Same thing here.

Mostly old fuckers who are funded by my tax dollars. Fuck them, they should have planned better just like it says to on the social security web site. Hopefully most of them are dead now.
You got yours, fuck everybody else.

Good stuff there.

I wonder how you would feel after spending a few hours in a shit hole apartment with an ailing elderly woman who has nothing through no fault of her own. I've done quite a bit of that. Volunteer for a non-profit that serves seniors, change a few beds, hold a few hands, and see how that goes for you.

An effective, efficient, comprehensive health care system is good economics as well as being the sign of a more advanced, decent civilization. This isn't the Old West.

Argeed, Obamacare should have been Medicall, a basic health insurance (plastic seats and waiting list on non emergency) for all people with everyone having the option to buy a private top up insurance.

Cost savings in preventive care is huge, simply.
It's already in place, it already works. Just expand it.

The biggest potential weakness is that reimbursement schedules & contracts will need to be improved for providers. In the grand scheme of things, that ain't much.
Nah. I mean the part where they took the money people put into that system and used it to fund the ACA. That money was put in by every working American to pay for THEIR healthcare, not the freeloaders on the ACA.

strollingbones answered your Fake News lies about how the ACA raided medicare.

Oh so they didn't take money out of Medicare and roll it into the ACA??
Holy cow boi, you want to compare the Clinton crime foundation with its hundreds of millions to the trump foundation loose change Lent Box. That's like comparing someone stealing bubble gum to a bank robber. Your own link shows the difference in magnitude.

Except several states have banned the Trump Foundation for Fraud, and the Clinton Foundation, not so much.

But, yeah, just like Hillary got more votes, she also ran a more successful foundation. ONe people would actually want to donate to because it does good work.

Just can't let the popular vote go, can you? Hysterically funny that you Trump deniers never said a word about the pop vote versus the electoral vote before the election. Nobody said we should do away with it within months of the election. Now you little snowflakes are shocked that your bulldyke lost so weeks latter you still whine that it isn't fair. I love it!
It's no surprise that the radical left found some poor elderly Vet (or invented some poor elderly Vet) to claim that he would lose his Medicare and blames Trump before he is even sworn in. That's how lefties spread "fake-news". After Trump's rescue of the Carrier factory I bet there are plenty of factory workers who have "deep regrets" about voting for Hillary.
Yo, do I sense "PANIC?" You and I should be in "PANIC MODE." Major entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program, Obamacare) will increase from 44 percent of federal spending in 2012 to 57 percent in 2022.

Entitlement programs and net interest costs will reach 67 percent of federal spending in 2022, crowding out spending on national defense and all other programs. You IDIOTS on the LEFT need to stop giving Money away for Votes, by starting a new giveaway goodies in the form of a Entitlement! It`s not going to be you who suffers in the future, if you are middle aged, it`s your Children, you know how the "Socialist Democrats" always say, it`s the Children, the Children belong to all parents, not just their own, BULL-SHIT TALK!

I hope "The President Elect Donald J. Trump (R)" starts chopping all that he can from every Entitlement the "Socialist Democrats" have concocted, from "Fraud" in Food Stamps to Obamacare! We need a "REAL CHANGE" in this Country, and it`s damn sure not the "Socialist Democrats" who will do it!!! It`s pastime Trump does this as a hobby, and to HELL with the "Socialist Democrats" going on the Lying CNN or MSNBC, and the N.Y.T., and spewing more Lies, they love to scare the Dummies out in La-La-Land who believe everything they hear, instead of doing their homework, and finding the "REAL TRUTH!!!"


Just can't let the popular vote go, can you? Hysterically funny that you Trump deniers never said a word about the pop vote versus the electoral vote before the election. Nobody said we should do away with it within months of the election. Now you little snowflakes are shocked that your bulldyke lost so weeks latter you still whine that it isn't fair. I love it!

Hey, we aren't going to let it go because WHEN (not if) Trump fucks it all up, we need to remind everyone that we didn't vote for this. That a bad system let it happen.

If the Electoral College worked the way the Founding Slave Rapists meant it to, those electors, all much smarter people than most of us, would say, "Shit, Trump's a fucking game show host! And a Nazi! We can't make him president when the people clearly said no!

And this has been the problem with Trump all along. Everyone knows its a bad idea, but no one is willing to stop it. The electoral college could reject him. So could Congress. They won't. Because they think they can get some kind of advantage out of it.

So again and again, we should remind ourselves- We didn't choose this. We didn't want this. We don't own this.

And then we can figure out how to fix it.
Yo, do I sense "PANIC?" You and I should be in "PANIC MODE." Major entitlements (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Children's Health Insurance Program, Obamacare) will increase from 44 percent of federal spending in 2012 to 57 percent in 2022.

So what? Then you cut other things like the bloated military budget or you make the rich pay their fair share or you find ways to make those programs less expensive.

I hope "The President Elect Donald J. Trump (R)" starts chopping all that he can from every Entitlement the "Socialist Democrats" have concocted, from "Fraud" in Food Stamps to Obamacare! We need a "REAL CHANGE" in this Country, and it`s damn sure not the "Socialist Democrats" who will do it!!! It`s pastime Trump does this as a hobby, and to HELL with the "Socialist Democrats" going on the Lying CNN or MSNBC, and the N.Y.T., and spewing more Lies, they love to scare the Dummies out in La-La-Land who believe everything they hear, instead of doing their homework, and finding the "REAL TRUTH!!!"

Okay, here's the thing. Let's take food stamps. It's a relatively small part of the puzzle compared to MediCare and Social Security, the really big ticket items REpublicans won't dare ever touch.

So we cut food stamps, who actually suffers? Big hint, who runs the Food Stamp program. (Actually, it's called SNAP and they haven't used stamps since the 1990's) It's actually the farmers. Food Stamps are designed to keep demand for food high enough so that it's worth it to grow food.
'I'd be dead without Medicare!': Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

As it turns out, one of the biggest fears from Trump supporters is losing their Medicare benefits. Trump has so far not publicly opposed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system for private health insurance plans. Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter’s tweet bashing Trump’s Medicare plan brought out lots of Trumpgrets:


A Republican state senator in West Virginia said she hoped the person she elected president wouldn’t kick some 200,000 impoverished West Virginians off of the state’s Medicaid rolls.

(This next one is fucking hilarious!)

Bizarrely, one woman who voted for Trump claimed she did so to close the gender pay gap. Making sure women earned equal pay to their male counterparts was a primary plank of Hillary Clinton’s campaign platform, though Twitter user Sandi Haynes either didn’t know that, or assumed Trump would do the same.



Do a search "Trump voters regret vote" and it's totally hilarious. Very funny reading.
As it turns out, this is just another lib lie.
Just can't let the popular vote go, can you? Hysterically funny that you Trump deniers never said a word about the pop vote versus the electoral vote before the election. Nobody said we should do away with it within months of the election. Now you little snowflakes are shocked that your bulldyke lost so weeks latter you still whine that it isn't fair. I love it!

Hey, we aren't going to let it go because WHEN (not if) Trump fucks it all up, we need to remind everyone that we didn't vote for this. That a bad system let it happen.

If the Electoral College worked the way the Founding Slave Rapists meant it to, those electors, all much smarter people than most of us, would say, "Shit, Trump's a fucking game show host! And a Nazi! We can't make him president when the people clearly said no!

And this has been the problem with Trump all along. Everyone knows its a bad idea, but no one is willing to stop it. The electoral college could reject him. So could Congress. They won't. Because they think they can get some kind of advantage out of it.

So again and again, we should remind ourselves- We didn't choose this. We didn't want this. We don't own this.

And then we can figure out how to fix it.

Cry Joey, cry. Waaaawaaaawaa. Bwhahahahha. I fricken love it. The anger I sense from you lifts me up, it makes me happy knowing you are stewing, boiling. You have probably started drinking more, maybe started smoking, or perhaps even using hard drugs. You just can't deal with it any other way. It's beautiful! You are melting down and it is a joy to watch.
'I'd be dead without Medicare!': Trump voters are already sharing their deep regrets

As it turns out, one of the biggest fears from Trump supporters is losing their Medicare benefits. Trump has so far not publicly opposed House Speaker Paul Ryan’s plans to dismantle Medicare and turn it into a voucher system for private health insurance plans. Right-wing commentator Ann Coulter’s tweet bashing Trump’s Medicare plan brought out lots of Trumpgrets:


A Republican state senator in West Virginia said she hoped the person she elected president wouldn’t kick some 200,000 impoverished West Virginians off of the state’s Medicaid rolls.

(This next one is fucking hilarious!)

Bizarrely, one woman who voted for Trump claimed she did so to close the gender pay gap. Making sure women earned equal pay to their male counterparts was a primary plank of Hillary Clinton’s campaign platform, though Twitter user Sandi Haynes either didn’t know that, or assumed Trump would do the same.



Do a search "Trump voters regret vote" and it's totally hilarious. Very funny reading.

Damn, that butt hurt is still flaming, huh? Poor guy
Just more proof that Trump supporters are the absolute dumbest among us!

Still can't figure out why they didn't vote for your girl, huh, charmer? Talk about the absolute dumbest among us ...
Ann Coulter's #Trumpgret :laugh2:


Yes, Ann, it is your fault for being so fucking stupid. Trump made it crystal clear exactly who and what he was - a lying flimflammer. A chameleon constantly changing colors. Now you have some idea how the Germans felt after electing Adolf Hitler.

Gotcha, Adolph. You are obsessed with Nazis. There's a mic in your room you know, they follow you all day tracking you. A Nazi is in your closet right now
Cry Joey, cry. Waaaawaaaawaa. Bwhahahahha. I fricken love it. The anger I sense from you lifts me up, it makes me happy knowing you are stewing, boiling. You have probably started drinking more, maybe started smoking, or perhaps even using hard drugs. You just can't deal with it any other way. It's beautiful! You are melting down and it is a joy to watch.

The meltdown will come when Trump fucks up everything and you guys get the blame for it.

You see, here's the thing, Willy-White Trash. I'm going to be fine. I have a good job with a college education and even if that goes away, I have a side business that would probably triple if Trump jacks up the unemployment rate, as he probably will. So I am going to do well, no matter how this all turns out.

But the dumb, uneducated white Trash who voted for Trump because he promised to bring back jobs that no longer exist and the economy has no need for because a Robot or Chinaman does that now... they are the ones who are going to get it when even the crappy retail job they have now is replaced by automation, like the Carl's Jr. guy wants to do.

Yes, that's the ticket. Appoint a Labor Secretary who hates working people.

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