ID law found discriminatory

Why do the obama and holder keep insisting minorities are not competent enough to attain an id? Do they have that little confidence in minorities?

Because they truly believe minorities are that incompetent. Holder and Obama also believe that minorities are too incompetent to find and keep jobs on their own, too incompetent to negotiate their own wages, too incompetent to choose their own food, housing, schools, or healthcare, among numerous other life choices. That's why we're supposed to need, even long for, Big Brother Government to form our lives for us.
South Carolina voter ID law rejected by Justice Department -

Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration's civil rights office is stepping up its fight with the Southern states over voting rights, announcing it will block a new South Carolina law that would require voters to show a government-issued photo identification before casting a ballot.

The Justice Department invoked the Voting Rights Act on Friday and said the new photo-identification rule could deny the right to vote for tens of thousands of blacks and other minorities.

"According to the state's statistics, there are 81,938 minority citizens who are already registered to vote and who lack DMV-issued identification," Thomas E. Perez, the chief of the department's civil rights division, said in a letter to South Carolina officials. He referred to a driver's license issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, the most common form of photo identification.

excellent - so now we no longer need id cards to own a gun.
Liberals salespitch in court....voter IDs are illegal and immoral for blacks because...blacks are:

1) too stupid to get a FREE ID
2) too lazy to get a FREE ID
3) too poor to get a FREE ID

Yet....most blacks keep following their plantation owners....
Their main "victim" group for voter ID laws is....blacks.

That is why they say Jim Crow/poll tax over and over and over.

Liberals don't give a shit about white people living in the sticks that don't have an ID for whatever reason.

It is time for some attorney defending voter IDs to get the scumbag liberals to admit "blacks are too stupid, lazy, poor, etc" to get an ID card....they will say it and the game will be over for democraps. Call it the Col Jessup moment on the stand moment.....

Liberals salespitch in court....voter IDs are illegal and immoral for blacks because...blacks are:

1) too stupid to get a FREE ID
2) too lazy to get a FREE ID
3) too poor to get a FREE ID

Yet....most blacks keep following their plantation owners....
It's more than blacks...I think I'd stow that talk...seriously.
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When will the category designated by the plantation left as "Blacks" stand up for itself and tell democrats that they no longer live in the LBJ 60's. Everybody needs a photo I.D. . Why would the radical left single out Blacks as if they were ignorant slaves?
Folks this thread is 2 years old, the portion of the VRA cited in the OP was struck down by the supremes and as far as I know the SC ID law, like the ID law in TX, is alive and well and in full force. TM is a freak hung up on one losing subject.
Folks this thread is 2 years old, the portion of the VRA cited in the OP was struck down by the supremes and as far as I know the SC ID law, like the ID law in TX, is alive and well and in full force. TM is a freak hung up on one losing subject.

Asking Democrat voters for identification is unfair.
I guess Democrat voters are too stupid to get an ID.. we must cut them slack.... come to think of it, they're too stupid to do very much of anything.
vote ID laws do not prevent the kind of election fraud that has been proven to exist.

why do you want to see tax dollars wasted on a failed idea?
vote ID laws do not prevent the kind of election fraud that has been proven to exist.

why do you want to see tax dollars wasted on a failed idea?

Unfounded statement...

And a prog like you complaining about wasted tax dollars while supporting ever increasing government spending on things never in the constitution.. laughable

Go kill your yourself troll.. and make the world a better place
we always have been you just lie about it all the time.
So why do a law that fixes nothing?
because it keeps poor people from voting so the right can win elections they cant win in a clean democracy
vote ID laws do not prevent the kind of election fraud that has been proven to exist.

why do you want to see tax dollars wasted on a failed idea?

Unfounded statement...

And a prog like you complaining about wasted tax dollars while supporting ever increasing government spending on things never in the constitution.. laughable

Go kill your yourself troll.. and make the world a better place


your lies are hitting up against facts

that is why you offered only insult instead of any facts
vote ID laws do not prevent the kind of election fraud that has been proven to exist.

why do you want to see tax dollars wasted on a failed idea?

Unfounded statement...

And a prog like you complaining about wasted tax dollars while supporting ever increasing government spending on things never in the constitution.. laughable

Go kill your yourself troll.. and make the world a better place


your lies are hitting up against facts

that is why you offered only insult instead of any facts

Again.. you made an unfounded statement without any support to back up your assumption.. and you, dear troll bitch twatwaffle, then have the nerve to claim your idiotic statement to be fact and call for 'facts' from others

again.. this world will be much better when you and those like you simply kill yourselves for the betterment of society.. stop procrastinating and get to it
South Carolina voter ID law rejected by Justice Department -

Reporting from Washington— The Obama administration's civil rights office is stepping up its fight with the Southern states over voting rights, announcing it will block a new South Carolina law that would require voters to show a government-issued photo identification before casting a ballot.

The Justice Department invoked the Voting Rights Act on Friday and said the new photo-identification rule could deny the right to vote for tens of thousands of blacks and other minorities.

"According to the state's statistics, there are 81,938 minority citizens who are already registered to vote and who lack DMV-issued identification," Thomas E. Perez, the chief of the department's civil rights division, said in a letter to South Carolina officials. He referred to a driver's license issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles, the most common form of photo identification.
If 10s of thousands of blacks and minorities could be impacted if they have to provide an ID to vote, what are the liberals doing to help these people in providing ID to qualify for government programs, enter government buildings, enter DNC events or march in an NAACP protest?

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