ID law found discriminatory

Hey Republicans couldnt get on the ballot in Virginia but lets feel sorry for them...but these poor folks deserve no sympathy right, repubs?

The people who couldn't get on the ballot in Virginia deserve no sympathy.

If they weren't competent enough or didn't have enough supporters to get on the ballot in Virginia, then they have an uphill climb to demonstrate that they deserve the White House.

It is what it is.

Tell that to the half dozen threads crying about it. Which includes sympathy from the same bunch that have no sympathy for challenges that the poor face but find a surprisingly level headed response to repubs who couldnt get on the ballot. Did you know that NOT ONE republican said they didnt get on the ballot from laziness or being entitled or wanting a handout? Did you also know those same republicans attributed all those charateristics to the poor? See the pattern?

I bet you dont...

Hmmm ... if I don't see a pattern, perhaps it is because your post is gibberish. I don't want to try to figure it out.

Bottom line: If people aren't competent enough to get a free ID, then I am not sad if they aren't voting. And if people aren't competent enough to get their name on the ballot, then they don't deserve to win.

I was pissed off at the Republican John Nygren here in Wisconsin for not getting enough signatures to get his name on the ballot during the Senate recalls. He had enough support that he could have unseated the Democrat Dave Hansen but in the end he was disqualified by his own incompetence and we had to live with that. It doesn't matter if Gingrich is brilliant ... if he can't even organize well enough to get on the ballot then he is disqualifying himself. And if people don't get around to getting free ID's with a year's notice that they'll need it to vote then they are disenfranchising themselves.
Hey Republicans couldnt get on the ballot in Virginia but lets feel sorry for them...but these poor folks deserve no sympathy right, repubs?

The people who couldn't get on the ballot in Virginia deserve no sympathy.

If they weren't competent enough or didn't have enough supporters to get on the ballot in Virginia, then they have an uphill climb to demonstrate that they deserve the White House.

It is what it is.

Tell that to the half dozen threads crying about it. Which includes sympathy from the same bunch that have no sympathy for challenges that the poor face but find a surprisingly level headed response to repubs who couldnt get on the ballot. Did you know that NOT ONE republican said they didnt get on the ballot from laziness or being entitled or wanting a handout? Did you also know those same republicans attributed all those charateristics to the poor? See the pattern?

I bet you dont...

You should really warm up before strecthing that far. You could pull something.
Some of the more obtuse here seem to missing the salient points:
1. How are "tens of thousands" going to be denied the vote if they are required to present positive identification? As others have observed, they still have almost a year to obtain the required documentation.
2. Most Americans who reach the age of 18 have some type of photo ID, whether a driver's license or other state-issued ID, or school IDs required by many school districts and universities nationwide.
3. It is beneficial to both sides (libs vs. cons), both of which claim fraud on the part of the other, to ensure that each vote cast is legitimate. The only reason I can see for not requiring positive ID is that those who are undocumented are viewed as potential supporters for one side, or the other.
4. That more minorities do not recognize the implied belief that they are too stupid, lazy, incompetent, or otherwise unable to acquire the documentation required to vote.
5. Anyone that interested in having their vote count should be motivated enough to acquire whatever is necessary to do so.

I do agree that if a state should require photo ID, they should be provided at low cost to any who can produce proper documentation. $5.00 is the cost of a can of Pringles and a Coke.

I totally agree with everything you've said. It's not rocket science. Even elderly and disabled in nursing homes can easily be assisted. As long as a person is here legally, there shouldn't be any issue.

I have to believe it's a matter of protecting the illegals that vote and there is an estimated 20 million of them here. They could have hundreds of millions of children, who are eligible to vote, though it's unfair that people can sneak in and drop anchor and we end up with a large population that is largely bitter towards Americans because the majority don't approve of open borders and illegal immigration. When politicians talk about immigration reform, they simply mean amnesty. They want the votes from that big crowd of people who more or less invaded us because our laws aren't enforced. Among that crowd are people who believe that part or all of the U.S. belongs to Mexico and they want it back. Of course, they'll vote for candidates who call people who demand border security "enemies."

Having voter ID laws would stop those community organizers, like ACORN, from cheating the system. We know illegals vote, we know dead people have cast votes and we know people have voted more than once. We don't know the extent of it and it's hard to catch people when the Dems fight against updating voter rolls. We don't know where we're at and it's impossible to verify each vote cast in the past. Of course, Dems believe that illegals need to be represented and strive to ensure that they have a say in things. I disagree with that. The illegals have a voice - in their home country and they need to go back and help change their homeland, not come to ours and make demands.

The best we can do is ensure that from now on, each voter is actually qualified to vote.

Undocumented workers as a general rule do not vote and prefer to stay off the radar as much as possible. The idea that they are illegally voting en masse is frankly - absurd.You've obviously never met an undocumented worker. My step-father worked undocumented in this nation for many years and voting illegally in an election is the absolute last thing he would have done. He did everything possible to avoid all encounters with government officials, and to voluntarily walk into a voting office to commit a felony just to cast one vote would have been the dumbest thing imaginable for him or any undocumented worker to do.
Illegals don't seem to mind encountering government officials when they illegally get drivers licenses.
As if that move wasn’t outrageous enough, Washington State and New Mexico have taken it a step further by continuing their reckless policies. Washington’s bill, designed to stop identification fraud, was narrowly defeated in the Senate. The measure would have required driver’s license applicants to provide proof of residency and a Social Security number. The Democrat who sponsored the law says there are 300,000 more driver’s licenses in her sate than there are drivers, indicating widespread fraud in the system.

Do you really think they'd be too scared to vote? This Justice Department has made it quite clear that it will not prosecute voter fraud that benefits Democrats.
Some of the more obtuse here seem to missing the salient points:
1. How are "tens of thousands" going to be denied the vote if they are required to present positive identification? As others have observed, they still have almost a year to obtain the required documentation.
2. Most Americans who reach the age of 18 have some type of photo ID, whether a driver's license or other state-issued ID, or school IDs required by many school districts and universities nationwide.
3. It is beneficial to both sides (libs vs. cons), both of which claim fraud on the part of the other, to ensure that each vote cast is legitimate. The only reason I can see for not requiring positive ID is that those who are undocumented are viewed as potential supporters for one side, or the other.
4. That more minorities do not recognize the implied belief that they are too stupid, lazy, incompetent, or otherwise unable to acquire the documentation required to vote.
5. Anyone that interested in having their vote count should be motivated enough to acquire whatever is necessary to do so.

I do agree that if a state should require photo ID, they should be provided at low cost to any who can produce proper documentation. $5.00 is the cost of a can of Pringles and a Coke.

I totally agree with everything you've said. It's not rocket science. Even elderly and disabled in nursing homes can easily be assisted. As long as a person is here legally, there shouldn't be any issue.

I have to believe it's a matter of protecting the illegals that vote and there is an estimated 20 million of them here. They could have hundreds of millions of children, who are eligible to vote, though it's unfair that people can sneak in and drop anchor and we end up with a large population that is largely bitter towards Americans because the majority don't approve of open borders and illegal immigration. When politicians talk about immigration reform, they simply mean amnesty. They want the votes from that big crowd of people who more or less invaded us because our laws aren't enforced. Among that crowd are people who believe that part or all of the U.S. belongs to Mexico and they want it back. Of course, they'll vote for candidates who call people who demand border security "enemies."

Having voter ID laws would stop those community organizers, like ACORN, from cheating the system. We know illegals vote, we know dead people have cast votes and we know people have voted more than once. We don't know the extent of it and it's hard to catch people when the Dems fight against updating voter rolls. We don't know where we're at and it's impossible to verify each vote cast in the past. Of course, Dems believe that illegals need to be represented and strive to ensure that they have a say in things. I disagree with that. The illegals have a voice - in their home country and they need to go back and help change their homeland, not come to ours and make demands.

The best we can do is ensure that from now on, each voter is actually qualified to vote.

Undocumented workers as a general rule do not vote and prefer to stay off the radar as much as possible. The idea that they are illegally voting en masse is frankly - absurd.You've obviously never met an undocumented worker. My step-father worked undocumented in this nation for many years and voting illegally in an election is the absolute last thing he would have done. He did everything possible to avoid all encounters with government officials, and to voluntarily walk into a voting office to commit a felony just to cast one vote would have been the dumbest thing imaginable for him or any undocumented worker to do.

Really? John DeStefano, New Haven, Connecticut Mayor Seeks To Let Undocumented Immigrants Vote
I totally agree with everything you've said. It's not rocket science. Even elderly and disabled in nursing homes can easily be assisted. As long as a person is here legally, there shouldn't be any issue.

I have to believe it's a matter of protecting the illegals that vote and there is an estimated 20 million of them here. They could have hundreds of millions of children, who are eligible to vote, though it's unfair that people can sneak in and drop anchor and we end up with a large population that is largely bitter towards Americans because the majority don't approve of open borders and illegal immigration. When politicians talk about immigration reform, they simply mean amnesty. They want the votes from that big crowd of people who more or less invaded us because our laws aren't enforced. Among that crowd are people who believe that part or all of the U.S. belongs to Mexico and they want it back. Of course, they'll vote for candidates who call people who demand border security "enemies."

Having voter ID laws would stop those community organizers, like ACORN, from cheating the system. We know illegals vote, we know dead people have cast votes and we know people have voted more than once. We don't know the extent of it and it's hard to catch people when the Dems fight against updating voter rolls. We don't know where we're at and it's impossible to verify each vote cast in the past. Of course, Dems believe that illegals need to be represented and strive to ensure that they have a say in things. I disagree with that. The illegals have a voice - in their home country and they need to go back and help change their homeland, not come to ours and make demands.

The best we can do is ensure that from now on, each voter is actually qualified to vote.

Undocumented workers as a general rule do not vote and prefer to stay off the radar as much as possible. The idea that they are illegally voting en masse is frankly - absurd.You've obviously never met an undocumented worker. My step-father worked undocumented in this nation for many years and voting illegally in an election is the absolute last thing he would have done. He did everything possible to avoid all encounters with government officials, and to voluntarily walk into a voting office to commit a felony just to cast one vote would have been the dumbest thing imaginable for him or any undocumented worker to do.
Illegals don't seem to mind encountering government officials when they illegally get drivers licenses.
As if that move wasn’t outrageous enough, Washington State and New Mexico have taken it a step further by continuing their reckless policies. Washington’s bill, designed to stop identification fraud, was narrowly defeated in the Senate. The measure would have required driver’s license applicants to provide proof of residency and a Social Security number. The Democrat who sponsored the law says there are 300,000 more driver’s licenses in her sate than there are drivers, indicating widespread fraud in the system.

Do you really think they'd be too scared to vote? This Justice Department has made it quite clear that it will not prosecute voter fraud that benefits Democrats.

They have no qualms about stealing people's identities or using a fake social security number to get a job. They aren't afraid to take to the streets to make demands and burn our flags. I see no shyness. And I fully believe that they are aware that some politicians on both sides of the aisle have all but declared them a protected group. The push for amnesty continues, as well as states being sued for trying to protect their borders. Then we have Obama telling them that those who want border security are the enemy and he joked about us wanting a moat with alligators.

Okay, the illegals got the message loud and clear. They can sneak in, steal identities, break more laws and no one will do a damn thing other than give them a place to live and a welfare check and impugn anyone who speaks against these practices. Why on earth would any of them be shy about voting for those who will keep this situation permanent? It's crazy for some to claim that illegals are hiding in the shadows, afraid of deportation. That is the last thing they have to fear and they know it. They are bold and pretty damn loud when I see them protesting about their rights in this country and burning the American flags. They are downright nasty sometimes when groups claim that America belongs to them.

The argument that they won't try to participate in electing politicians who favor them just doesn't hold water.
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The issue has nothing to do with the ability to obtain an ID, or access a database, or being ‘too stupid or lazy’ to vote.

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

There is no such evidence in this regard to ‘voter fraud.’

You put it better than me. Its actually as simple as you've put it - if the law causes a protected class to be disproportionately under-represented at the polls, and the state cannot demonstrate an actual need for the law - its not a valid law.

A "protected class?" There should even be any such "protected class." The law should treat everyone equally. Striking down one law because it affects some "protected class" and leaving others because they don't affect this class is a clear violation of the Constitution.

Every law affects different groups of people. Do you want to make stealing legal because most of the people who are arrested for stealing are black or Hispanic?

That dog don't hunt.
The only class that should be protected here is American citizens.

But that wouldn't help Democrats much. So they oppose this whole thing.
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

Yet, all these desperate, oppressed, helpless people who so desperately want an ID but can't get one..........when offered a FREE ride to the DMV by the SC Gov't, for a FREE ID card, of the 81,000 SC people without an ID, only 25...yes, 25...bothered to take them up on the offer. Guess 80,975 of that 81,000 didn't give a shit about the ID law.
Holder will lose the case. It's not a cumbersome burden for anyone to prove their identity. Why are Democrats in favor of voter fraud?

They aren't suing over a right to drive, buy booze, buy cigarettes, see R rated movies, rent movies, buy NyQuil, use a credit card........all of which a person cannot do without an ID.

Some reason, the voting thing they sue over though. Hmm.
??? They already have such a system, its called the voter rolls. If you aren't on them when you show up to vote - you can't vote.
But what process confirms a voter is a citizen and therefore a legal voter?

You want to accept the voter's say-so. That's simply not good enough.

Several states have foolishly decided to give driver's liceneses to illegals and they are registered to vote at the same time. I read a pamphlet at the DMV where it stated there is a wide spread problem with some dishonest DMV workers (who take the job there for one reason) and they use vaild state documents to make fake IDs. They make a lot more money on the side than they do at their jobs. Cheating is rampant, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. It isn't random and what we hear aren't isolated events. We are just now starting to realize the extent of it and that is why Dems have stepped up to stop any scrutiny of the voting process. Purging the rolls needs to be done prior to the election and we need to go after states who treat illegals like valid citizens. It's like giving tickets to stowaways and then looking the other way when they steal things from the other passengers.
Undocumented workers as a general rule do not vote and prefer to stay off the radar as much as possible. The idea that they are illegally voting en masse is frankly - absurd.You've obviously never met an undocumented worker. My step-father worked undocumented in this nation for many years and voting illegally in an election is the absolute last thing he would have done. He did everything possible to avoid all encounters with government officials, and to voluntarily walk into a voting office to commit a felony just to cast one vote would have been the dumbest thing imaginable for him or any undocumented worker to do.
Illegals don't seem to mind encountering government officials when they illegally get drivers licenses.
As if that move wasn’t outrageous enough, Washington State and New Mexico have taken it a step further by continuing their reckless policies. Washington’s bill, designed to stop identification fraud, was narrowly defeated in the Senate. The measure would have required driver’s license applicants to provide proof of residency and a Social Security number. The Democrat who sponsored the law says there are 300,000 more driver’s licenses in her sate than there are drivers, indicating widespread fraud in the system.

Do you really think they'd be too scared to vote? This Justice Department has made it quite clear that it will not prosecute voter fraud that benefits Democrats.

They have no qualms about stealing people's identities or using a fake social security number to get a job. They aren't afraid to take to the streets to make demands and burn our flags. I see no shyness. And I fully believe that they are aware that some politicians on both sides of the aisle have all but declared them a protected group. The push for amnesty continues, as well as states being sued for trying to protect their borders. Then we have Obama telling them that those who want border security are the enemy and he joked about us wanting a moat with alligators.

Okay, the illegals got the message loud and clear. They can sneak in, steal identities, break more laws and no one will do a damn thing other than give them a place to live and a welfare check and impugn anyone who speaks against these practices. Why on earth would any of them be shy about voting for those who will keep this situation permanent? It's crazy for some to claim that illegals are hiding in the shadows, afraid of deportation. That is the last thing they have to fear and they know it. They are bold and pretty damn loud when I see them protesting about their rights in this country and burning the American flags. They are downright nasty sometimes when groups claim that America belongs to them.

The argument that they won't try to participate in electing politicians who favor them just doesn't hold water.
No, it doesn't. The objections are based on gaining and protecting political power, not respect for and maintaining the integrity of the electoral system.

Like I said: Party before country.
??? They already have such a system, its called the voter rolls. If you aren't on them when you show up to vote - you can't vote.
But what process confirms a voter is a citizen and therefore a legal voter?

You want to accept the voter's say-so. That's simply not good enough.

Several states have foolishly decided to give driver's liceneses to illegals and they are registered to vote at the same time. I read a pamphlet at the DMV where it stated there is a wide spread problem with some dishonest DMV workers (who take the job there for one reason) and they use vaild state documents to make fake IDs. They make a lot more money on the side than they do at their jobs. Cheating is rampant, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. It isn't random and what we hear aren't isolated events. We are just now starting to realize the extent of it and that is why Dems have stepped up to stop any scrutiny of the voting process. Purging the rolls needs to be done prior to the election and we need to go after states who treat illegals like valid citizens. It's like giving tickets to stowaways and then looking the other way when they steal things from the other passengers.
The objections to this post will contain many words, but distill down to "Nuh-UH!!"
Anyone who needs an ID to flash at a poll can get one at any local college campus for a few bucks. Just find a frat house, and ask who makes the fakes. Hell, get one for a few states, and vote Obama as much as you want under any name you want!!!
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

Yet, all these desperate, oppressed, helpless people who so desperately want an ID but can't get one..........when offered a FREE ride to the DMV by the SC Gov't, for a FREE ID card, of the 81,000 SC people without an ID, only 25...yes, 25...bothered to take them up on the offer. Guess 80,975 of that 81,000 didn't give a shit about the ID law.

Only 25 "bothered"? 81,000 knew about it but didn't care, correct?

Link or assumption?
Update: 25 To Get Free Photo ID Rides From South Carolina | WSPA

Yet, all these desperate, oppressed, helpless people who so desperately want an ID but can't get one..........when offered a FREE ride to the DMV by the SC Gov't, for a FREE ID card, of the 81,000 SC people without an ID, only 25...yes, 25...bothered to take them up on the offer. Guess 80,975 of that 81,000 didn't give a shit about the ID law.

Only 25 "bothered"? 81,000 knew about it but didn't care, correct?

Link or assumption?

These little twats know nothing, all they know is they get free money in the mail.. They have no fucking reason to get an ID...

If they're too lazy to get an ID they they shouldn't be allowed to vote....

Fuck them..... Their opinion is moot...

Then you have the welfare activist fucks that vote 10-15 times under pseudonyms - and that is EXACTLY what these democrats are counting on...

Racism my ass..... They may as well say its racist to have to provide a drivers license to drive a car, or provide an ID to buy some beer ... WTF.... Where the fuck is the DOJ then??? oh yeah - crying about how racist it is to show a fucking ID to vote..
Money, travel time and things like people being born at home.

You are the one who pretends its about being not good enough of an American to be allowed to vote

So how do you prove your legally entitled to vote with no birth certificate and no ID?

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