ID law found discriminatory

If they're legal American citizens, then they should have no problem obtaining a legally issued photo ID to vote.

Now STFU you incredibly stupid, ignorant, steaming pile of dog shit leftist hack.

Exactly.... you need a vaild ID to do almost everything from cash a check to get a library card.

So now you should have to not only rent movies at Blockbuster and buy beer - but have a checking account and a library card in order to vote?

Do you think more people check books out and return them overdue than vote illegally?

Al I am saying is that a valid ID is required for damn near everything... I gurantee you if you told people if they got a valid ID we'd give them $100 it would be no problem whatsoever.
If they're legal American citizens, then they should have no problem obtaining a legally issued photo ID to vote.
Why should they have no problem?

Why wouldn't they?

As I've already pointed out, if you have no ID and no birth certificate or social security card, its very hard to get those documents. Its easy to get a BC and SS card if you have an ID - and easy to get an ID if you have a BC and SS card - but if you have none, you may be fucked. If your name on your BC and SS card do not match, you may also be fucked.
Exactly.... you need a vaild ID to do almost everything from cash a check to get a library card.

So now you should have to not only rent movies at Blockbuster and buy beer - but have a checking account and a library card in order to vote?

Do you think more people check books out and return them overdue than vote illegally?

Al I am saying is that a valid ID is required for damn near everything... I gurantee you if you told people if they got a valid ID we'd give them $100 it would be no problem whatsoever.

Money is required for damn near everything, too, so I guess that means we should charge people to vote.

And this whole id required for everything bit is BS. I hardly ever take mine out of the wallet.

As I've already pointed out - there are ways to keep people from voting twice without requiring they submit ID. Or you could use a hybrid system - where you can either put down your fingerprint OR show ID.
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The issue has nothing to do with the ability to obtain an ID, or access a database, or being ‘too stupid or lazy’ to vote.

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

There is no such evidence in this regard to ‘voter fraud.’
So now you should have to not only rent movies at Blockbuster and buy beer - but have a checking account and a library card in order to vote?

Do you think more people check books out and return them overdue than vote illegally?

Al I am saying is that a valid ID is required for damn near everything... I gurantee you if you told people if they got a valid ID we'd give them $100 it would be no problem whatsoever.

Money is required for damn near everything, too, so I guess that means we should charge people to vote.

And this whole id required for everything bit is BS. I hardly ever take mine out of the wallet.

As I've already pointed out - there are ways to keep people from voting twice without requiring they submit ID.

Obvious stupidity highlighted.
So, why is it you cannot get an ID?

All this fuss about what is essentially a non-issue, unless you intend to break the law, or to encourage others to do so?
(EDIT: sorry if I accidentally re-formated your quote - I didn't mean to)

I can. I've got a birth certificate and social security card and the names match - and I'm already in the DMV's system and know my license # - so it'd be pretty easy for me to get an id.

Good for you!

Why? You'd fail the test yourself, as you obviously aren't familiar with federal law that makes it illegal to require a literacy test.
Really? You think so? I expressed my personal opinion because I work with many people who have become legal citizens. It's amazing how ignorant Americans are of their own system, laws, etc. I do feel that it would better serve this Nation as a whole to have an informed electorate. Not a bunch of sheeple who vote based on some popularity contest.

Administer it the last year of high school. I guarantee you, most of your favored constituency would fail flat out because they are so abysmally ignorant of their own system of government and history.

Great. Lets ensure that the poor get shitty educations, and when they wind up dumb, we can deny them the vote.

The liberals/progressives have had a lock on the public education system for many years now. So if the poor get shitty educations, the blame lies quite squarely on the shoulders of the socialists who run the education system. So if public school graduates are too stoopid to pass a simple civics test, well...I guess you'll tell us it's Bush's fault.

And the test is a lot more challenging then trotting their stupid, lazy azzes down to the DMV for and ID.
But wait, here's an idea! Each polling place should have a link into the DMV databases. If someone shows up to vote without an ID, just check the database. The cops do it all the time. If a valid ID has been issued, it can be viewed online. If the prospective "voter" is not in any identification database, they don't vote, period. Hell, that's a lot more inclusive and efficient than checking fingerprint databases.

??? They already have such a system, its called the voter rolls. If you aren't on them when you show up to vote - you can't vote.

You're the one whose proposing an alternative means of identification by using fingerprints. My proposal is already in place and is far more inclusive.
The issue has nothing to do with the ability to obtain an ID, or access a database, or being ‘too stupid or lazy’ to vote.

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

There is no such evidence in this regard to ‘voter fraud.’

You put it better than me. Its actually as simple as you've put it - if the law causes a protected class to be disproportionately under-represented at the polls, and the state cannot demonstrate an actual need for the law - its not a valid law.
So, why is it you cannot get an ID?

All this fuss about what is essentially a non-issue, unless you intend to break the law, or to encourage others to do so?
(EDIT: sorry if I accidentally re-formated your quote - I didn't mean to)

I can. I've got a birth certificate and social security card and the names match - and I'm already in the DMV's system and know my license # - so it'd be pretty easy for me to get an id.

Good for you!

Why? You'd fail the test yourself, as you obviously aren't familiar with federal law that makes it illegal to require a literacy test.

Great. Lets ensure that the poor get shitty educations, and when they wind up dumb, we can deny them the vote.

The liberals/progressives have had a lock on the public education system for many years now. So if the poor get shitty educations, the blame lies quite squarely on the shoulders of the socialists who run the education system. So if public school graduates are too stoopid to pass a simple civics test, well...I guess you'll tell us it's Bush's fault.

So its OK to deny people the vote so long as they have been made stupid as a result of Democratic policies
. Got it. That makes perfect Constitutional sense.

And the test is a lot more challenging then trotting their stupid, lazy azzes down to the DMV for and ID.
But wait, here's an idea! Each polling place should have a link into the DMV databases. If someone shows up to vote without an ID, just check the database. The cops do it all the time. If a valid ID has been issued, it can be viewed online. If the prospective "voter" is not in any identification database, they don't vote, period. Hell, that's a lot more inclusive and efficient than checking fingerprint databases.

??? They already have such a system, its called the voter rolls. If you aren't on them when you show up to vote - you can't vote.

You're the one whose proposing an alternative means of identification by using fingerprints. My proposal is already in place and is far more inclusive.

How is it more inclusive? My proposal would allow everyone registered to vote to vote, only once, and not only that - it would enable any votes illegally cast to be identified and removed from the vote totals!

Under a picture Id based system, all one needs to do is make fake Id's for each one of their fake voting identities!
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So now you should have to not only rent movies at Blockbuster and buy beer - but have a checking account and a library card in order to vote?

Do you think more people check books out and return them overdue than vote illegally?

Al I am saying is that a valid ID is required for damn near everything... I gurantee you if you told people if they got a valid ID we'd give them $100 it would be no problem whatsoever.

Money is required for damn near everything, too, so I guess that means we should charge people to vote.

And this whole id required for everything bit is BS. I hardly ever take mine out of the wallet.

As I've already pointed out - there are ways to keep people from voting twice without requiring they submit ID. Or you could use a hybrid system - where you can either put down your fingerprint OR show ID.

That's ridiculous.... Ok, throw your ID away and tell me how life goes for you.

Al I am saying is that a valid ID is required for damn near everything... I gurantee you if you told people if they got a valid ID we'd give them $100 it would be no problem whatsoever.

Money is required for damn near everything, too, so I guess that means we should charge people to vote.

And this whole id required for everything bit is BS. I hardly ever take mine out of the wallet.

As I've already pointed out - there are ways to keep people from voting twice without requiring they submit ID. Or you could use a hybrid system - where you can either put down your fingerprint OR show ID.

That's ridiculous.... Ok, throw your ID away and tell me how life goes for you.


Last time I took mine out of the wallet was for a traffic accident I was involved in. I'm 34. No one hardly ever Id's me for alcohol. Fuck, you live in NOLA, you should know that not everyone gets ID'ed!
I didn't say it was.

That's good, because using the "Blackstone formulation" to justify illegal voting has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Glad to hear that you're not that stupid.
You misunderstand what the formulation means. It doesn't justify any illegal act.

So you didn't mean that "It is actually MORE important that ten illegal votes are cast than it is to inconvenience one legal voter"?
Why should they have no problem?

Why wouldn't they?

As I've already pointed out, if you have no ID and no birth certificate or social security card, its very hard to get those documents. Its easy to get a BC and SS card if you have an ID - and easy to get an ID if you have a BC and SS card - but if you have none, you may be fucked. If your name on your BC and SS card do not match, you may also be fucked.

"if you have no ID and no birth certificate or social security card, its very hard to get those documents"

Which American citizens don't have those or cannot get them?
The issue has nothing to do with the ability to obtain an ID, or access a database, or being ‘too stupid or lazy’ to vote.

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

There is no such evidence in this regard to ‘voter fraud.’

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

Obviously an ID requirement discriminates against minorities.

And just as obviously, the state has no compelling reason to prevent vote fraud. :cuckoo:
81,938 voters

in north carolina.

These people exsist and your team wants their voting rights stripped to protect a non exsistant problem.

The facts a very clear.

You just ignore the facts

The state of SC provides FREE transportation for ANY person without an ID. Gov Haley already had this and had the vehicles and drivers ready to pick up any person, and guess what? Less than 100 of those 81,000 bothered to take the free ride to get the free ID.

If you lack a birth certificate and a social security card having transportation to the ID office won't help you. It also won't help you if you aren't aware the assistance is available.

IF a person is so lazy, so incapable, so incompetent that they can't get a damn ID card, and pass on a free ride to get an ID card, then they are too fucking stupid to be voting anyway.

So you admit that this is a de-facto literacy test.
Its therefore not Constitutional.

Those same people also cannot drive without an ID, can't buy beer, can't buy cigarettes, or cough syrup, or rent a movie from Blockbuster, or use a credit card at a store. People without ID's are fucking lazy and incompetent. Screw 'em.

I don't see in the Constitution where you are required to rent movies from Blockbuster or to buy beer in order to vote.

Many poor folks simply do not have copies of their birth certificates. You can get one easily in most states - if you've already got an ID! Another common problem is names not matching on birth certificate and social security cards. But I guess if you or your parents are illiterate then - as you've said above - you shouldn't be able to vote.

Are you under the impression that there is a guaranteed right to vote in the constitution? There is not. There are amendments that say who can not be excluded to vote, but nothing that guarantees you the right. Look it up.
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The issue has nothing to do with the ability to obtain an ID, or access a database, or being ‘too stupid or lazy’ to vote.

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

There is no such evidence in this regard to ‘voter fraud.’

You put it better than me. Its actually as simple as you've put it - if the law causes a protected class to be disproportionately under-represented at the polls, and the state cannot demonstrate an actual need for the law - its not a valid law.

A "protected class?" There should even be any such "protected class." The law should treat everyone equally. Striking down one law because it affects some "protected class" and leaving others because they don't affect this class is a clear violation of the Constitution.

Every law affects different groups of people. Do you want to make stealing legal because most of the people who are arrested for stealing are black or Hispanic?

That dog don't hunt.
If you lack a birth certificate and a social security card having transportation to the ID office won't help you. It also won't help you if you aren't aware the assistance is available.

If you lack a birth certificate and a Social Security card, then you are almost certainly an illegal alien.

IF a person is so lazy, so incapable, so incompetent that they can't get a damn ID card, and pass on a free ride to get an ID card, then they are too fucking stupid to be voting anyway.

So you admit that this is a de-facto literacy test.
Its therefore not Constitutional.

You don't need to be literate to get a government issued ID. However, there's nothing in the constitution that bars states from requiring voters to be literate. That idea is the result of judicial activism, that is, of making things up that simply aren't in the document.

Those same people also cannot drive without an ID, can't buy beer, can't buy cigarettes, or cough syrup, or rent a movie from Blockbuster, or use a credit card at a store. People without ID's are fucking lazy and incompetent. Screw 'em.

I don't see in the Constitution where you are required to rent movies from Blockbuster or to buy beer in order to vote.

Many poor folks simply do not have copies of their birth certificates. You can get one easily in most states - if you've already got an ID! Another common problem is names not matching on birth certificate and social security cards. But I guess if you or your parents are illiterate then - as you've said above - you shouldn't be able to vote.

You don't need to have an ID to get a copy of your birth certificate. You can order it over the phone from the city where you were born. You just need to know your father's name and your mother's maiden name.

Any more idiotic objections?
The issue has nothing to do with the ability to obtain an ID, or access a database, or being ‘too stupid or lazy’ to vote.

The issue is jurisdictions may not enact potentially discriminatory measures without tangible, documented, factual evidence that the measure is necessary and the state has a compelling interest.

There is no such evidence in this regard to ‘voter fraud.’

There's nothing discriminatory about requiring ID, unless you call excluding those too stupid and lazy to get one to be "discriminatory." Of course, that's exactly how you define the term.

There's also plenty of evidence of voter fraud.
Hey Republicans couldnt get on the ballot in Virginia but lets feel sorry for them...but these poor folks deserve no sympathy right, repubs?
Hey Republicans couldnt get on the ballot in Virginia but lets feel sorry for them...but these poor folks deserve no sympathy right, repubs?

The people who couldn't get on the ballot in Virginia deserve no sympathy.

If they weren't competent enough or didn't have enough supporters to get on the ballot in Virginia, then they have an uphill climb to demonstrate that they deserve the White House.

It is what it is.
Hey Republicans couldnt get on the ballot in Virginia but lets feel sorry for them...but these poor folks deserve no sympathy right, repubs?

The people who couldn't get on the ballot in Virginia deserve no sympathy.

If they weren't competent enough or didn't have enough supporters to get on the ballot in Virginia, then they have an uphill climb to demonstrate that they deserve the White House.

It is what it is.

Tell that to the half dozen threads crying about it. Which includes sympathy from the same bunch that have no sympathy for challenges that the poor face but find a surprisingly level headed response to repubs who couldnt get on the ballot. Did you know that NOT ONE republican said they didnt get on the ballot from laziness or being entitled or wanting a handout? Did you also know those same republicans attributed all those charateristics to the poor? See the pattern?

I bet you dont...

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