Idaho candidate: "Keep the queens out of the Marines". Oh, it gets better (worse)


Since 2010™
Jan 4, 2010
Take a gander at the latest Republican congressional candidate:

Anyways, one of his key stances is to "demand" Obama show his birth certificate:
Via Idaho Congressman | Harley D. Brown For Idaho Congressman
The first thing that I’d like to do when elected and on behalf of the ½ million American citizens of my district, I promise to scream like a F-4 Jet fighter at full war emergency after burner take off power and demand he produce his birth certificate. If that doesn’t work, I’ll make louder noises and get a lot more aggressive. In fact this is “DO OR DIE” They will have to kill me to get me to shut up.
If it is proven Obama is not the legitimate president, then everything he has done while in office and all the people he has appointed and everything they have done will be nullified.

This would really dump hot coals into the shorts of those communist liberal progressive politicians.

It would be like Luke Skywalker dropping his bomb into the ventilation shaft of the Death Star in “Star Wars.

This would be hilarious if it was a joke.
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Another day another outrage over what someone says.

Of course. The Statist Dems will shut this guy's speech down for being a Rascist bigoted homophobe that should have his rights stripped from him.

Who are these fruitcakes that spend their entire lives being offended? I mean, what kind of disfunctional adult let's others' statements affect them so?


Another day another outrage over what someone says.

Of course. The Statist Dems will shut this guy's speech down for being a Rascist bigoted homophobe that should have his rights stripped from him.


No, we WANT you people to speak up. Show America how American you really are.

tough shit ain't it. I don't have a right to tell you or "this guy" what to say. what makes you think you do, little lefty fascist jackbooted brown-shit.
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Didn't their parents give them basic life-lessons on not allowing stupidity such as this affect them?

Guess not.
Of course. The Statist Dems will shut this guy's speech down for being a Rascist bigoted homophobe that should have his rights stripped from him.


No, we WANT you people to speak up. Show America how American you really are.

tough shit ain't it. I don't have a right to tell you or "this guy" what to say. what makes you think you do, little lefty fascist jackbooted brown-shit.

You too. We want you to speak your tiny mind. We want all of America to hear every word you have to say. Through you, Americans will judge the Republican Party.
No, we WANT you people to speak up. Show America how American you really are.

tough shit ain't it. I don't have a right to tell you or "this guy" what to say. what makes you think you do, little lefty fascist jackbooted brown-shit.

You too. We want you to speak your tiny mind. We want all of America to hear every word you have to say. Through you, Americans will judge the Republican Party.

ah yes, you lefties hate that thing called Freedom of Speech when it one of your own as President.

have you seen the Democrats APPROVAL ratings? in the shitter dear. but you just keep on dreaming on that the American people care about what a bunch of whiny little Liberals have to say on our Freedom of Speech and how we all speak it..:lol:
Take a gander at the latest Republican congressional candidate:
Anyways, one of his key stances is to "demand" Obama show his birth certificate:
Via Idaho Congressman | Harley D. Brown For Idaho Congressman
The first thing that I’d like to do when elected and on behalf of the ½ million American citizens of my district, I promise to scream like a F-4 Jet fighter at full war emergency after burner take off power and demand he produce his birth certificate. If that doesn’t work, I’ll make louder noises and get a lot more aggressive. In fact this is “DO OR DIE” They will have to kill me to get me to shut up.
If it is proven Obama is not the legitimate president, then everything he has done while in office and all the people he has appointed and everything they have done will be nullified.

This would really dump hot coals into the shorts of those communist liberal progressive politicians.

It would be like Luke Skywalker dropping his bomb into the ventilation shaft of the Death Star in “Star Wars.

This would be hilarious if it was a joke.

Somebody please tell me this guy has no chance in hell. What a loon. :lol::lol:
Take a gander at the latest Republican congressional candidate:
Anyways, one of his key stances is to "demand" Obama show his birth certificate:
Via Idaho Congressman | Harley D. Brown For Idaho Congressman
The first thing that I’d like to do when elected and on behalf of the ½ million American citizens of my district, I promise to scream like a F-4 Jet fighter at full war emergency after burner take off power and demand he produce his birth certificate. If that doesn’t work, I’ll make louder noises and get a lot more aggressive. In fact this is “DO OR DIE” They will have to kill me to get me to shut up.
If it is proven Obama is not the legitimate president, then everything he has done while in office and all the people he has appointed and everything they have done will be nullified.

This would really dump hot coals into the shorts of those communist liberal progressive politicians.

It would be like Luke Skywalker dropping his bomb into the ventilation shaft of the Death Star in “Star Wars.

This would be hilarious if it was a joke.

Somebody please tell me this guy has no chance in hell. What a loon. :lol::lol:

He has the same chance Michele Bachmann has.
It used to be these clowns ran as Democrats because they tolerated this kind of shit.
Everyone has a right to say what they want.
And every Republican elected official has a right to either stand up and condemn this kook or say nothing.
I am old enough to know which route they will take.
It just shows the greatness of the American political system

Any idiot is allowed to run for office
Of course. The Statist Dems will shut this guy's speech down for being a Rascist bigoted homophobe that should have his rights stripped from him.


No, we WANT you people to speak up. Show America how American you really are.

Like the guy's discourse or NOT...He is allowed to speak is he not?

Of course he's allowed to speak. He's doing it, isn't he? Without getting arrested or anything. What a shocker. :rolleyes:

And if this is the idiocy he's spouting, rational people everywhere have the right to point and laugh. Some folks might even get offended. Or pissed. Do THEY have no right to speak?

A whole bunch of people around here need a crash course on the First Amendment.
No, we WANT you people to speak up. Show America how American you really are.

Like the guy's discourse or NOT...He is allowed to speak is he not?

Of course he's allowed to speak. He's doing it, isn't he? Without getting arrested or anything. What a shocker. :rolleyes:

And if this is the idiocy he's spouting, rational people everywhere have the right to point and laugh. Some folks might even get offended. Or pissed. Do THEY have no right to speak?

A whole bunch of people around here need a crash course on the First Amendment.

You need to redirect @ rdean. Rdean has the problem

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