Idaho Rejects Mike Lindell's Claim of Massive Fraud in State Trump Won by 30 Points

Unlike your delusions, there is hard evidence of the fraud Republicans committed in 2020.

How 'BOUT that!
Hard evidence? I bet you like that. Incest Joe told us they had built the biggest organized fraud ever and were ready to use it. I hope you have seen that video.
Only the smart people should be allowed to vote.
Citizens smart enough to own land.

But, notably..... no women even if smart enough to own land.
Nor negroes who were smart enough to own land.
Nor Natives who were smart enough to own land.

Is that the Nirvana you are pining for good poster Lenny?
A WhiteyRighty world?
My opinion is that their first mistake was listening to mike lindell.

But they did so they went and investigated the allegations.

Idaho found, to no one's surprise, that lindell was full of garbage.

The hand counts of ballots confirmed that lindell was full of garbage.

There should be real and serious consequences to repeating lies like this.

My opinion is that if anyone believes that voting in America is filled with fraud, cheating and it's all rigged DON'T VOTE. If you don't have faith in our voting system then don't participate in it.

In reading the OP's linked article, it seems all they did was prove Trump won those 2 counties and that Lindell was off about 58 votes.
A CEO of a corporation that employees people and pays taxes is accused of being a "drug addict" because lefties don't agree with his political opinion. Meanwhile you can't bring kids to day camp in blue cities without being assaulted by real degenerate drug users. WTF is going on in America?
Yes, Lindell was an addict, kicked it with the help of his religious faith and became wildly successful. Democrats hate that.
64% of the 100 people that care?
I noticed that OP's article just says people agreed the Jan 6 was planned. Lots of US believe it was planned by the Democrats, CIA and FBI and never Trumpers in D.C.
Unlike your delusions, there is hard evidence of the fraud Republicans committed in 2020.

How 'BOUT that!
There is hard evidence the Democrats committed fraud from 2016 until today. Fake dossier, lies about Russia, fake 'impeachment' and now a parade of liars in this one-sided Select Committee.
From post #49: (re: who should be eligible to vote)
".... notably..... no women even if smart enough to own land.
Nor negroes who were smart enough to own land.
Nor Natives who were smart enough to own land.
A WhiteyRighty world?"

Yes Chillicothe, the Founding Fathers got it right.

Ah, mein freund, Lenny.....please never leave this chatroom for, say, a QAnon chatroom, or Proud Boys or any of those type of blokes.
YOU.....are a 'value added' member here.
I look for your stuff.

So, be careful. Please do not leave voluntarily....or otherwise.
now a parade of liars in this one-sided Select Committee.

And notably, a one-side parade of upper echelon REPUBLICAN liars, if we are to give any credence whatsoever to posters of the caliber of the above.

Just sayin'.
And notably, a one-side parade of upper echelon REPUBLICAN liars, if we are to give any credence whatsoever to posters of the caliber of the above.

Just sayin'.
No, a parade of Trump haters which includes Republican Rinos (like Cheney) who hate Trump. Pelosi and Cheney made sure of that and, it IS a parade of sick clowns.
"No, a parade of Trump haters....................."

Umm, well that blows the Don Trump brag that he was gonna bring into his administration the 'very best people'.
After all, a great percentage of these folks testifying are folks that Don Trump hired, or Don Trump appointed.

So, if Don Trump only brought onto his staffs people who hate him, or came to hate him......well, that doesn't speak highly of his ability to judge people, or be a competent boss, or an able administrator.

In fact, if what the good poster 'Leo' asserts is true...that all these people are Trump's 'haters', well, it plays right into the wheel-house of the criticism of Don Trump as an incompetent and a loser.

Hell, as has been posted here a half-dozen times ---Don Trump's own hired pollster, Tony Fabrizio, told him post-election that his polling showed that one of the two main reasons* people didn't vote for him was their perception he was incompetent.

*BTW, the other reason was that voters perceived him to be "untrustworthy'

So there is that.
There is hard evidence the Democrats committed fraud from 2016 until today. Fake dossier, lies about Russia, fake 'impeachment' and now a parade of liars in this one-sided Select Committee.
Yeah, you go with that.

Trump lost, fair and square.

Get over it.

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