Idaho's ban on undercover animal abuse videos struck down by federal judge

Fetuses aren't sentient.

Foolish claim.

200 million? What the fuck are you talking about?

You Communists slaughtered about 200 million innocent, peace time civilians, between your killing fields, purges, planned famines, cultural revolutions, etc.

Just pointing out that the contempt you have for human life is a clear insight into just how that came about.

Do you want to apply the same standards to judging deaths caused by capitalism? (The highest estimates are 100 million on "communism" deaths by the way, fuckwad.)

You know that isn't true, fuckwad. I already made you eat the UOH study on democide.

Oh, and show me these death camps of the capitalists?

"You Communists slaughtered about 200"...

Are you all there? What the hell are you talking about. You are saying someone here in the U.S. somehow participated in some genocide on the other side of the world? WTF are you talking about.
Yeah, abortion is on your mind. The 20,000 children that died yesterday are not, nor are the 20,000 that will die today.

Because life isn't what you are concerned about. Its how you can use it for political gain.

My issues with the whole Abortion Debate are more about Roe V Wade being horrible Constitutional law, rather than abortion itself. I wouldn't push for abortion bans if Roe got overturned, but I have no issue with people in Alabama deciding they do want to push for them.

What I can't stand is abortion rights people trying to candy coat what is effectively killing off another organism, the debate over it's person-hood not withstanding.

It isn't a perfect world and never will be. I think most people would rather there were no abortions but you then have to step across that line and take control over women's bodies away from them. And the rape and incest issue has to then be addressed. There are many who say yes, even in case of rape or incest, the woman should be forced to carry the pregnancy to term.

Force a woman to carry a rapists baby to term. Step forward if you are for that. It isn't a perfect world and this is simply beyond human.

There is no simple solution to this. Real life is sometimes ugly and harsh and there is no easy way out of it. What I really don't like is this fake high ground people attempt to take because they are against abortion and therefore they are the holy defenders of life. 55 million abortions in the last 40 years. 92 million children died of hunger and disease between 2000-2010 THAT COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. It is hypocrisy on a galactic scale. How many have died in the last 40 years that could have been saved, 200 million? More?

No one can claim pro-life and ignore the 20,000 children that will die today, and tomorrow, and the next day. And if you watch, their way of excusing themselves of this responsibility is to demand someone else do something first.

There is no high ground until all the children already here are saved.
What an absurd twist of logic,these 20 k children die for many causes,not from a specific,easily preventable,just don't do it procedure.

What have you done today to help those children,your pretzel logic response will be interesting.

And there it is. The "I won't help unless someone else does first" argument.

You are pro-choice. You can choose whether to let 20,000 children die today. Stop waiting for someone else to do it. Choose.
These children die, mainly, because of capitalism. Don't see right tards caring about that.
Oh........that's the reason......liberals getting rich.......guess caring about the murders isn't enough for you.
"You Communists slaughtered about 200"...

Are you all there? What the hell are you talking about. You are saying someone here in the U.S. somehow participated in some genocide on the other side of the world? WTF are you talking about.

If you had an IQ above 50, this would be some much easier.

The various communist regimes in the 20th century slaughtered about 200 million people.

Watching the new breed of American Communists, with your hostility toward human life - one understands clearly how that happened.

I'm pointing out that your fellow Bolshevik has expressed direct contempt for human life - which appears a common feature for you of the extreme left.
"You Communists slaughtered about 200"...

Are you all there? What the hell are you talking about. You are saying someone here in the U.S. somehow participated in some genocide on the other side of the world? WTF are you talking about.

If you had an IQ above 50, this would be some much easier.

The various communist regimes in the 20th century slaughtered about 200 million people.

Watching the new breed of American Communists, with your hostility toward human life - one understands clearly how that happened.

I'm pointing out that your fellow Bolshevik has expressed direct contempt for human life - which appears a common feature for you of the extreme left.

Ahhh, so you don't rely on evidence or reality or proof. You just have wiring in your head that connects any various group of things that your anger center sees as your enemy and then you emote yourself into a stupor.

Yeah, the 'Bolsheviks' are coming. LOL WTF man. WTF century do you live in. You need to turn off the radio and go out the front door more than once a year.
Fetuses aren't sentient.

Foolish claim.

200 million? What the fuck are you talking about?

You Communists slaughtered about 200 million innocent, peace time civilians, between your killing fields, purges, planned famines, cultural revolutions, etc.

Just pointing out that the contempt you have for human life is a clear insight into just how that came about.

Do you want to apply the same standards to judging deaths caused by capitalism? (The highest estimates are 100 million on "communism" deaths by the way, fuckwad.)

You know that isn't true, fuckwad. I already made you eat the UOH study on democide.

Oh, and show me these death camps of the capitalists?
It's not a foolish claim about fetuses, it's a factual reality. Communists slaughtered 200 million people? You have nothing to back this up, it's idiotic fear mongering at it's finest, even the over estimated black book only gets 100 million, are you counting deaths by brave soviet soldiers in ww2 against the fascists? Uncontrollable deaths from disease and weather? Oh, you need to realize pol pot was simply an agrarian populist, not a communist, since the US backed him against vietnam, LOL. Idiot.
It is true, you gave me a horribly designed website full of factual errors and literal stupidity that no one bothers to reference apart from your own stupid ass, you have no interest in a comparative analysis because you know capitalism, using the moronic standards to judge deaths by "communism" would have a death toll higher then you can possibly imagine. Death camps of the capitalists? Oh, sure, a simple look at history. Nazi germany, pinochet, the slaugher of indonesian communists, the numerous US backed horrid oppressive states that did unspeakable things (sri lanka?) You don't have to specifically refer to death camps either, what about the war in vietnam? The native american genocide? I could go on.
These children die, mainly, because of capitalism. Don't see right tards caring about that.

Oh really?

The lies commies tell....
They lack access to food when the world has a massive food surplus, 30-50% of food never reaches human hands thanks to capitalist distribution methods and the massive waste to produce profit. Basic medicine isn't available because it isn't profitable for the capitalists to bother.
"You Communists slaughtered about 200"...

Are you all there? What the hell are you talking about. You are saying someone here in the U.S. somehow participated in some genocide on the other side of the world? WTF are you talking about.

If you had an IQ above 50, this would be some much easier.

The various communist regimes in the 20th century slaughtered about 200 million people.

Watching the new breed of American Communists, with your hostility toward human life - one understands clearly how that happened.

I'm pointing out that your fellow Bolshevik has expressed direct contempt for human life - which appears a common feature for you of the extreme left.
200 million people? What the hell are you talking about? That's historical revisionism and literal stupidity at its finest. How are you calculating that when people who take the highest estimates only reach 100 million? Direct contempt for human life? I support a women's right to do what she wants with her body, you might not.
Ahhh, so you don't rely on evidence or reality or proof.


Are you under the influence of inhalants as we speak?

You just have wiring in your head that connects any various group of things that your anger center sees as your enemy and then you emote yourself into a stupor.

Yeah, the 'Bolsheviks' are coming. LOL WTF man. WTF century do you live in. You need to turn off the radio and go out the front door more than once a year.

I grasp that you are barely sentient, but the democratic party has moved radically left and is openly advocating socialism (Sanders) and a command economy (Obama, Clinton)
Ahhh, so you don't rely on evidence or reality or proof.{/quote]


Are you under the influence of inhalants as we speak?

You just have wiring in your head that connects any various group of things that your anger center sees as your enemy and then you emote yourself into a stupor.

Yeah, the 'Bolsheviks' are coming. LOL WTF man. WTF century do you live in. You need to turn off the radio and go out the front door more than once a year.

I grasp that you are barely sentient, but the democratic party has moved radically left and is openly advocating socialism (Sanders) and a command economy (Obama, Clinton)
WHAT THE FUCK. The democratic party has been moving right for decades, Sanders is a moderate social democrat, which exist in every other country, he is hardly a "socialist." Actually, he's not a socialist at all, he is not advocating worker ownership, shame on you for being so stupid. Obama/clinton are right wing stooges, it's why capitalists are backing/backed them.
It's not a foolish claim about fetuses, it's a factual reality.


The mental acuity of the unborn is far from understood. Research shows that it develops faster than most people understand - of course Ghouls seek to dehumanize and pretend that brain activity starts only after birth - the magic vagina theory that life is imbued by passing through the vaginal canal.

A primitive and ignorant belief - no surprise that you subscribe to it.

Communists slaughtered 200 million people? You have nothing to back this up, it's idiotic fear mongering at it's finest, even the over estimated black book only gets 100 million, are you counting deaths by brave soviet soldiers in ww2 against the fascists? Uncontrollable deaths from disease and weather? Oh, you need to realize pol pot was simply an agrarian populist, not a communist, since the US backed him against vietnam, LOL. Idiot.

I understand that you need to distract from facts. So if I were to agree that you only murdered 100 million - would that suddenly make you humanitarians?

You attack numbers in hopes of distracting from reality, in order to blow smoke. Want to use your number of 100 million? Fine - you're still the most evil movement in human history - by a huge margin.

It is true, you gave me a horribly designed website full of factual errors and literal stupidity that no one bothers to reference apart from your own stupid ass, you have no interest in a comparative analysis because you know capitalism, using the moronic standards to judge deaths by "communism" would have a death toll higher then you can possibly imagine. Death camps of the capitalists? Oh, sure, a simple look at history. Nazi germany, pinochet, the slaugher of indonesian communists, the numerous US backed horrid oppressive states that did unspeakable things (sri lanka?) You don't have to specifically refer to death camps either, what about the war in vietnam? The native american genocide? I could go on.


The University of Hawaii study on Democide, the authoritative source for states on such activity.

I get it, your handbook says attack the source, but this one is a bit difficult to attack...
It's not a foolish claim about fetuses, it's a factual reality.


The mental acuity of the unborn is far from understood. Research shows that it develops faster than most people understand - of course Ghouls seek to dehumanize and pretend that brain activity starts only after birth - the magic vagina theory that life is imbued by passing through the vaginal canal.

A primitive and ignorant belief - no surprise that you subscribe to it.

Communists slaughtered 200 million people? You have nothing to back this up, it's idiotic fear mongering at it's finest, even the over estimated black book only gets 100 million, are you counting deaths by brave soviet soldiers in ww2 against the fascists? Uncontrollable deaths from disease and weather? Oh, you need to realize pol pot was simply an agrarian populist, not a communist, since the US backed him against vietnam, LOL. Idiot.

I understand that you need to distract from facts. So if I were to agree that you only murdered 100 million - would that suddenly make you humanitarians?

You attack numbers in hopes of distracting from reality, in order to blow smoke. Want to use your number of 100 million? Fine - you're still the most evil movement in human history - by a huge margin.

It is true, you gave me a horribly designed website full of factual errors and literal stupidity that no one bothers to reference apart from your own stupid ass, you have no interest in a comparative analysis because you know capitalism, using the moronic standards to judge deaths by "communism" would have a death toll higher then you can possibly imagine. Death camps of the capitalists? Oh, sure, a simple look at history. Nazi germany, pinochet, the slaugher of indonesian communists, the numerous US backed horrid oppressive states that did unspeakable things (sri lanka?) You don't have to specifically refer to death camps either, what about the war in vietnam? The native american genocide? I could go on.


The University of Hawaii study on Democide, the authoritative source for states on such activity.

I get it, your handbook says attack the source, but this one is a bit difficult to attack...
It is well understood, and regardless, women will get abortions whenever they choose, you can do nothing to stop it, get over it, idiot.
Distract from facts? Do you want to sit down and evaluate every single self described socialist state and the conditions present at the time? (It's not 100 million either, that book just takes the highest estimates, was written before new data came out, and relies on factual inaccuracies.) Evil movement in human history? Seriously? What the hell are you talking about? Yes, the study on democide that hardly anyone looks to apart from "libertarian" radicals like yourself who believe women shouldn't have the right to get an abortion.
They lack access to food when the world has a massive food surplus, 30-50% of food never reaches human hands thanks to capitalist distribution methods and the massive waste to produce profit. Basic medicine isn't available because it isn't profitable for the capitalists to bother.

30-50% of food never reaches human hands because of capitalists?


The fucking lies communists tell.

First off, there is no "world food supply" that the greedy capitalists are taking more than their fair share of. The USA has a surplus of food precisely because we are capitalist, and produce vast quantities, Socialist shit holes starve because they fail to produce food, and the corrupt scumbags in charge steal the relief supplies sent to them. None of which has to do with "capitalists."

Dude, you are truly fucking amazing - you are like the drunk blaming his hangover on the teatotaler for not drinking enough to keep him from overindulging.
They lack access to food when the world has a massive food surplus, 30-50% of food never reaches human hands thanks to capitalist distribution methods and the massive waste to produce profit. Basic medicine isn't available because it isn't profitable for the capitalists to bother.

30-50% of food never reaches human hands because of capitalists?


The fucking lies communists tell.

First off, there is no "world food supply" that the greedy capitalists are taking more than their fair share of. The USA has a surplus of food precisely because we are capitalist, and produce vast quantities, Socialist shit holes starve because they fail to produce food, and the corrupt scumbags in charge steal the relief supplies sent to them. None of which has to do with "capitalists."

Dude, you are truly fucking amazing - you are like the drunk blaming his hangover on the teatotaler for not drinking enough to keep him from overindulging.
Sorry that facts hurt you.
Global food - Waste not want not Institution of Mechanical Engineers
I know there is no world food supply, but you're a fucking moron to deny that capitalists are withholding food from starving people for their own profits. Yes, the US has a surplus of food due to being an imperialist giant that mercilessly relies on exploiting laborers in other countries, like most of the first world. Socialist shit holes starve? What the fuck are you talking about? Want to talk about venezuela, which reduced extreme poverty tremendously, virtually eliminated malnourishment, etc, etc.. Yes, they have problems, and aren't perfect, but it's better then what it was under capitalism. Cuba? A little island that has suffered an embargo, the collapse of the soviet union, yet, they make sure no one goes hungry and everyone gets housing, they aren't perfect, but at least I'm an honest person. It's funny how starvation occurs in countries most mercilessly affected by capitalist exploitation, no?
It is well understood, and regardless, women will get abortions whenever they choose, you can do nothing to stop it, get over it, idiot.
Distract from facts? Do you want to sit down and evaluate every single self described socialist state and the conditions present at the time? (It's not 100 million either, that book just takes the highest estimates, was written before new data came out, and relies on factual inaccuracies.) Evil movement in human history? Seriously? What the hell are you talking about? Yes, the study on democide that hardly anyone looks to apart from "libertarian" radicals like yourself who believe women shouldn't have the right to get an abortion.

You're right that is is about 200 million, not 100 - but you were trying to blow smoke by quibbling, so I pointed out that even using your deflated claim - y'all are still some evil fucks.

Oh, and I have said very little on my view of abortion. I just point out that your claim that humans are not sentient says a lot about you.

I mean seriously, y'all are some truly evil fucks. You know this. Death and misery are what you seek to bring to mankind.
It is well understood, and regardless, women will get abortions whenever they choose, you can do nothing to stop it, get over it, idiot.
Distract from facts? Do you want to sit down and evaluate every single self described socialist state and the conditions present at the time? (It's not 100 million either, that book just takes the highest estimates, was written before new data came out, and relies on factual inaccuracies.) Evil movement in human history? Seriously? What the hell are you talking about? Yes, the study on democide that hardly anyone looks to apart from "libertarian" radicals like yourself who believe women shouldn't have the right to get an abortion.

You're right that is is about 200 million, not 100 - but you were trying to blow smoke by quibbling, so I pointed out that even using your deflated claim - y'all are still some evil fucks.

Oh, and I have said very little on my view of abortion. I just point out that your claim that humans are not sentient says a lot about you.

I mean seriously, y'all are some truly evil fucks. You know this. Death and misery are what you seek to bring to mankind.
Historians are laughing at you, you should talk to one sometime, it's no where near 200 million, not even 100 million. Death and misery are what I seek? Yes, I plan to unleash my army of muslim liberals on the morally perfect right wing christians in kansas where I will force them to smoke pot and have abortions. Get the fuck out of here.
Sorry that facts hurt you.
Global food - Waste not want not Institution of Mechanical Engineers
I know there is no world food supply, but you're a fucking moron to deny that capitalists are withholding food from starving people for their own profits. Yes, the US has a surplus of food due to being an imperialist giant that mercilessly relies on exploiting laborers in other countries, like most of the first world. Socialist shit holes starve? What the fuck are you talking about? Want to talk about venezuela, which reduced extreme poverty tremendously, virtually eliminated malnourishment, etc, etc.. Yes, they have problems, and aren't perfect, but it's better then what it was under capitalism. Cuba? A little island that has suffered an embargo, the collapse of the soviet union, yet, they make sure no one goes hungry and everyone gets housing, they aren't perfect, but at least I'm an honest person. It's funny how starvation occurs in countries most mercilessly affected by capitalist exploitation, no?

Yes, it's the mean ol' capitalists fault that you didn't get up on because they didn't come over and get you out of bed.


You're a clown. You have descended into laughable absurdity.

Yeah, Venezuela is a fucking paradise.


{Most worrying for Venezuelans are food shortages. Standing in line for hours to buy basic subsidised goods such as milk, soap and diapers has become an exhausting reality of everyday life, but tensions have grown since stocks are running lower than usual after the holidays and police began enforcing a policy that limits patrons to two shopping days a week at government-run supermarkets. In three states, authorities have banned overnight queues.}

You know a great many things, unfortunately virtually none of it is true.
Historians are laughing at you, you should talk to one sometime, it's no where near 200 million, not even 100 million. Death and misery are what I seek? Yes, I plan to unleash my army of muslim liberals on the morally perfect right wing christians in kansas where I will force them to smoke pot and have abortions. Get the fuck out of here.

Since death and misery are the only return to the investment in socialism - I'd say yep, that's what you seek.
Sorry that facts hurt you.
Global food - Waste not want not Institution of Mechanical Engineers
I know there is no world food supply, but you're a fucking moron to deny that capitalists are withholding food from starving people for their own profits. Yes, the US has a surplus of food due to being an imperialist giant that mercilessly relies on exploiting laborers in other countries, like most of the first world. Socialist shit holes starve? What the fuck are you talking about? Want to talk about venezuela, which reduced extreme poverty tremendously, virtually eliminated malnourishment, etc, etc.. Yes, they have problems, and aren't perfect, but it's better then what it was under capitalism. Cuba? A little island that has suffered an embargo, the collapse of the soviet union, yet, they make sure no one goes hungry and everyone gets housing, they aren't perfect, but at least I'm an honest person. It's funny how starvation occurs in countries most mercilessly affected by capitalist exploitation, no?

Yes, it's the man ol' capitalists fault that you didn't get up on because they didn't come over and get you out of bed.


You're a clown. You have descended into laughable absurdity.

Yeah, Venezuela is a fucking paradise.


{Most worrying for Venezuelans are food shortages. Standing in line for hours to buy basic subsidised goods such as milk, soap and diapers has become an exhausting reality of everyday life, but tensions have grown since stocks are running lower than usual after the holidays and police began enforcing a policy that limits patrons to two shopping days a week at government-run supermarkets. In three states, authorities have banned overnight queues.}

You know a great many things, unfortunately virtually none of it is true.
What the hell does the first sentence have to do with the actual reality of starvation due to failed distribution methods? I have descended into absurdity? Venezuela is no paradise, but there's a reason the "socialists" are in power, the people support them, because it's still better then having no food at all.
Historians are laughing at you, you should talk to one sometime, it's no where near 200 million, not even 100 million. Death and misery are what I seek? Yes, I plan to unleash my army of muslim liberals on the morally perfect right wing christians in kansas where I will force them to smoke pot and have abortions. Get the fuck out of here.

Since death and misery are the only return to the investment in socialism - I'd say yep, that's what you seek.
Only return in investment? What self proclaimed "socialist state" do you want to examine?
Only return in investment? What self proclaimed "socialist state" do you want to examine?

The USSR, China under Mao, Vietnam under Ho, Cambodia under Pot, no matter...

You know a great deal, unfortunately none of it happens to be true.

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