Idaho's taxpayers get to pay for inmates "reassignment" surgery

By the way, this scum bag was convicted of sexual assault of a child.
Which to me is the reason why nothing the guy wants should ever be given to him. If he is going to have his way with kids, what makes the authority people think that nothing would happen to the other inmates if he were to eventually be placed in lady prison?

God bless you always!!!

What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery. The state says it will appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Inmate Adree Edmo has been living as a woman for years, but has been housed in a men's prison, CBS Idaho affiliate KBOI reports. Deborah Ferguson, an attorneyrepresenting Edmo, said in January her client was at risk of self-harm if the surgery was postponed.

Edmo, 31, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. Ferguson argued that the state's refusal to provide the surgery was unconstitutional.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules
Did you examine the details of the case or are you reacting to the headline?

Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question
What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery. The state says it will appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Inmate Adree Edmo has been living as a woman for years, but has been housed in a men's prison, CBS Idaho affiliate KBOI reports. Deborah Ferguson, an attorneyrepresenting Edmo, said in January her client was at risk of self-harm if the surgery was postponed.

Edmo, 31, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. Ferguson argued that the state's refusal to provide the surgery was unconstitutional.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

2 other circuits have ruled differently, the Idaho governor said he will appeal to the supremes and the 9th circus will get bitched slapped again. I'd say they should go half way and just castrate the little boy diddling SOB.

What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery. The state says it will appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Inmate Adree Edmo has been living as a woman for years, but has been housed in a men's prison, CBS Idaho affiliate KBOI reports. Deborah Ferguson, an attorneyrepresenting Edmo, said in January her client was at risk of self-harm if the surgery was postponed.

Edmo, 31, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. Ferguson argued that the state's refusal to provide the surgery was unconstitutional.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules
Did you examine the details of the case or are you reacting to the headline?

Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery. The state says it will appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Inmate Adree Edmo has been living as a woman for years, but has been housed in a men's prison, CBS Idaho affiliate KBOI reports. Deborah Ferguson, an attorneyrepresenting Edmo, said in January her client was at risk of self-harm if the surgery was postponed.

Edmo, 31, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. Ferguson argued that the state's refusal to provide the surgery was unconstitutional.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules
Did you examine the details of the case or are you reacting to the headline?

Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?
The guy is obviously having an identity crisis, what if the surgery doesn't help his disorder? many times surgery does not fix the underlying issues.
What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules
Did you examine the details of the case or are you reacting to the headline?

Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Did you examine the details of the case or are you reacting to the headline?

Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?
Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?
So you saying prison guards are raping the inmates?
What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery. The state says it will appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Inmate Adree Edmo has been living as a woman for years, but has been housed in a men's prison, CBS Idaho affiliate KBOI reports. Deborah Ferguson, an attorneyrepresenting Edmo, said in January her client was at risk of self-harm if the surgery was postponed.

Edmo, 31, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. Ferguson argued that the state's refusal to provide the surgery was unconstitutional.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

What’s the difference between “reassignment surgery” and castration?
I actually wouldn’t have a problem with convicted rapists and pedophiles being castrated.
Last edited:
Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?

Your point ?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?

This is a pretty good article and it seems based on solid logic. It is not necessary surgery, it is aspirational surgery, just like cosmetic surgery. So it bring no real benefit to the patient, other than to feel good about themselves.

The Gender Reassignment Controversy
Aspirational Surgery

Why do people who are born as males want to be women? Why do females want to be men? There seems to be no easy biological explanation for the transgender phenomenon (2).

Transgender people commonly report a lifelong sense that they feel different from their biological category and express satisfaction after surgery (now called gender affirmation) that permits them to be who they really are.

The motivation for surgical change is thus aspirational rather than medical, as is true of most cosmetic surgery also. Following surgery, patients report lower gender dysphoria and improved sexual relationships (3).

All surgeries have potential costs however. According to a Swedish study of 324 patients (3, 41 percent of whom were born female) surgery was associated with “considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.”
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?
So you saying prison guards are raping the inmates?
Where do you think I said that?
What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?
So you saying prison guards are raping the inmates?
Where do you think I said that?
How else could inmates get pregnant?
I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?

I didn’t make a point, I asked a question

What is your point, in asking this, of course I've examined the story.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?

This is a pretty good article and it seems based on solid logic. It is not necessary surgery, it is aspirational surgery, just like cosmetic surgery. So it bring no real benefit to the patient, other than to feel good about themselves.

The Gender Reassignment Controversy
Aspirational Surgery

Why do people who are born as males want to be women? Why do females want to be men? There seems to be no easy biological explanation for the transgender phenomenon (2).

Transgender people commonly report a lifelong sense that they feel different from their biological category and express satisfaction after surgery (now called gender affirmation) that permits them to be who they really are.

The motivation for surgical change is thus aspirational rather than medical, as is true of most cosmetic surgery also. Following surgery, patients report lower gender dysphoria and improved sexual relationships (3).

All surgeries have potential costs however. According to a Swedish study of 324 patients (3, 41 percent of whom were born female) surgery was associated with “considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population.”
There is a diagnosable condition called gender dysphoria as you just referenced. So I guess the question becomes about what the best treatment is and if surgery for certain cases is the best possible testament. Should bipolar people get meds for their condition? Should somebody who is scared of the dark and gets panic attacks get a night light?

I personally probably wouldn't support gender reassignment surgery for inmates but I also have much to learn about this situation and the arguments used to rationalize it.
There is a diagnosable condition called gender dysphoria as you just referenced. So I guess the question becomes about what the best treatment is and if surgery for certain cases is the best possible testament. Should bipolar people get meds for their condition? Should somebody who is scared of the dark and gets panic attacks get a night light?

I personally probably wouldn't support gender reassignment surgery for inmates but I also have much to learn about this situation and the arguments used to rationalize it.

Just because some quack thinks its psychiatrically beneficial to give Sex Change operation doesn't mean that it is. Remember the psychiatric community thought so much of Lobotomies, that doctors were awarded the Nobel prize for the new surgery.
I was asking because it is not an “of course” situation. Many people on this board react to headlines without any detailed knowledge of the situation. Since you know the details then what constitutional reasoning did you understand the judge to use for his ruling and what about that ruling do you disagree with?

I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?
So you saying prison guards are raping the inmates?
Where do you think I said that?
How else could inmates get pregnant?
Conjugal visits. What’s with the tangent? This has nothing to do with my point
There is a diagnosable condition called gender dysphoria as you just referenced. So I guess the question becomes about what the best treatment is and if surgery for certain cases is the best possible testament. Should bipolar people get meds for their condition? Should somebody who is scared of the dark and gets panic attacks get a night light?

I personally probably wouldn't support gender reassignment surgery for inmates but I also have much to learn about this situation and the arguments used to rationalize it.

Just because some quack thinks its psychiatrically beneficial to give Sex Change operation doesn't mean that it is. Remember the psychiatric community thought so much of Lobotomies, that doctors were awarded the Nobel prize for the new surgery.
So what’s your point? Ignore the medical community?
There is a diagnosable condition called gender dysphoria as you just referenced. So I guess the question becomes about what the best treatment is and if surgery for certain cases is the best possible testament. Should bipolar people get meds for their condition? Should somebody who is scared of the dark and gets panic attacks get a night light?

I personally probably wouldn't support gender reassignment surgery for inmates but I also have much to learn about this situation and the arguments used to rationalize it.

Just because some quack thinks its psychiatrically beneficial to give Sex Change operation doesn't mean that it is. Remember the psychiatric community thought so much of Lobotomies, that doctors were awarded the Nobel prize for the new surgery.
So what’s your point? Ignore the medical community?

When they are obviously goofy, yes, exactly.

They should be ignored.

Sex change operations aren't effective in making homosexuals feel better about themselves at all.
I disagree taxpayers should ever have to foot the bill for someone who has decided they want to swap genders.
Should they foot the bill for somebody who gets pregnant while incarcerated? How about somebody who breaks their nose or gets a tooth ache or needs antidepressants . Where do you draw the line?
So you saying prison guards are raping the inmates?
Where do you think I said that?
How else could inmates get pregnant?
Conjugal visits. What’s with the tangent? This has nothing to do with my point

I don't remember those with my wife..
Last edited:
What absolute bullshit.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules

A federal appeals court has ruled that the state of Idaho must pay for a transgender inmate's sex reassignment surgery. The state says it will appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Inmate Adree Edmo has been living as a woman for years, but has been housed in a men's prison, CBS Idaho affiliate KBOI reports. Deborah Ferguson, an attorneyrepresenting Edmo, said in January her client was at risk of self-harm if the surgery was postponed.

Edmo, 31, was diagnosed with gender dysmorphia in 2012. Ferguson argued that the state's refusal to provide the surgery was unconstitutional.

Idaho must pay for transgender inmate's surgery, court rules


No amount of surgery will reduce the size of their bigger masculine bones.... big hands ... big feet....legs .........they are still men they will always be.

Who are they trying to fool. Sad.


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