Ideal Debate Moderators – For Both Parties


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Rush Limbaugh. Mark Levin. Sean Hannity.

Why not? ;)

This is a terrific idea. Why not let conservatives with enormous audiences moderate a debate about conservative politics?

Their presence would surely bring additional viewers, along with a tremendous amount of media synergy. Any network marketing department worth its salt – including mainstream media networks – should salivate at the thought of people like ... Levin, Limbaugh, [and] Hannity ... talking up a debate for days beforehand on their popular radio and television shows.

John Hayward has a great point. What's your take? Read story @ Doug Ross @ Journal: I’M SICK OF THIS S***: Time for Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to Moderate a GOP Debate
Nobody's stopping them. I'm sure everyone would love it, except the candidates themselves.
Sure thing! Hillary and Bernie would expose them for the idiots they are.
Rush Limbaugh. Mark Levin. Sean Hannity.

Why not? ;)

This is a terrific idea. Why not let conservatives with enormous audiences moderate a debate about conservative politics?

Their presence would surely bring additional viewers, along with a tremendous amount of media synergy. Any network marketing department worth its salt – including mainstream media networks – should salivate at the thought of people like ... Levin, Limbaugh, [and] Hannity ... talking up a debate for days beforehand on their popular radio and television shows.

John Hayward has a great point. What's your take? Read story @ Doug Ross @ Journal: I’M SICK OF THIS S***: Time for Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to Moderate a GOP Debate
I would love that. Those 3 staring those candidates down and daring them to say something reasonable so they can label them RINO's? It would be a battle over who can use the most extreme rehtoric. That would be the best episode yet!
Rush Limbaugh. Mark Levin. Sean Hannity.

Why not? ;)

This is a terrific idea. Why not let conservatives with enormous audiences moderate a debate about conservative politics?

Their presence would surely bring additional viewers, along with a tremendous amount of media synergy. Any network marketing department worth its salt – including mainstream media networks – should salivate at the thought of people like ... Levin, Limbaugh, [and] Hannity ... talking up a debate for days beforehand on their popular radio and television shows.

John Hayward has a great point. What's your take? Read story @ Doug Ross @ Journal: I’M SICK OF THIS S***: Time for Mark Levin, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity to Moderate a GOP Debate

This is a pipe dream, a political fantasy, albeit a good one. Hillary is going to avoid debating anyone if she can, and every leftist on here is going to support her decision.

The political truth is...................if your party WAS elected LAST time, you do not want the opposing parties ideas to see the light of day to convince anyone. 3 debates turn into 2, but best case scenario 1, and your candidate gets sick so can NOT attend the 1 that is agreed to.

Look at it this way.........when Obama and Romney had their debates, who was lying more, Obama or Romney? Now, if it was proven BEFORE the election who was lying to the American people's faces, do you think the election outcome would have been different?

(the left is saying no way, and the right is saying, hell yes)

This is exactly why Hilly and her e-mails matter, along with Benghazi. The political truth is; what is going to happen 1st? Will they clear or convict her, or will they get to the election without a final decision?!?!?! It just goes round-and -round, and both sides want to wear you out.

How did this all happen? Because TRUTH doesn't matter anymore. All from either side, would rather elect a CROOK in their party, then an honest person in the other. Most will DEFEND a crook from their party who is indicted, then push to have them replaced by someone who may be honest from the other side.

It is sad, it really is. Washington has created GROUPIES, and just like rock star groupies, they will give up anything/everything to stay close to; and support these clowns of BOTH parties, regardless if they are WRONG or correct.

Washington IS the problem, and we need to reign ALL of them in!.
This is a pipe dream, a political fantasy, albeit a good one. Hillary is going to avoid debating anyone if she can, and every leftist on here is going to support her decision.
Try and keep up. This thread is about conservative journalists questioning conservative candidates, NOT Hillary!!! :eusa_doh:
This is a pipe dream, a political fantasy, albeit a good one. Hillary is going to avoid debating anyone if she can, and every leftist on here is going to support her decision.
Try and keep up. This thread is about conservative journalists questioning conservative candidates, NOT Hillary!!! :eusa_doh:

I suggested they moderate debates from BOTH parties!
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I'd love to see the GOP candidates and Dem candidates in a debate moderated by the fat druggie or the whiny-nasal-voiced "Great One".

It would lead to a Dem landslide.

Do it.
You want a suggestion for a debate moderator who won't mug for the camera?

Michael Smerconish
Sure thing! Hillary and Bernie would expose them for the idiots they are.

They'd have to find a brain between them to even attempt that! Perhaps with Joe "The World's Dumbest Politian and woman abuse" Biden?


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